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Posts posted by sarah90

  1. thanks lol! it was my only "posed" picture with him. i had lucy take it lol. the pictures of us that were "unexpected" are better lol.


    i DEFINITLEY is a vampire!



    ROFL!! :roftl: :roftl:


    I found a fabulous picture for photomanipping :naughty: :




    :roftl: :roftl: hahaha.. great pics!!

  2. Cazgirl - i stole your luck! Sorry!


    Left house, bus arrived the same time as i did (usually a 30min wait)

    Bus driver let me on for free (he says he lets 1 person on who says hi and smiles, im the first that day, free ride :D)

    Got to station, train arrived the same time as i did (usually a 45min wait)

    Got on train, cute guy gave me his seat (never happens)

    Got off train at Kings Cross, found £1 on the floor (yay)

    Got to tube station, found out Victoria line was only closed over the weekend and as of 10pm - so direct tube, no changes or long walks (relief is good)

    Got tube ticket (was 50p cheaper, no idea why)

    Got to tube platform, tube arrived the same time as i did (was virtually empty)

    Got to Brixton, helped old lady off of a bus with her shopping (random)

    Arrived but stood on the other side of the road being shy (ploy was sabotaged by kata forcing my to be social)

    Met wonderful people, managed to avoid yop who was moaning about being told off for mfc bad atmosphere (hid so not to be told off for starting said topic)

    Was cold, got given hot chocolate (which we later named 'hot brown flavour drink')

    Saw mika (for thursday reference, he went in through the door at the other end/corner of the street you will be queueing in)

    Got a hug from daisy (well needed due to people nerves)

    Left due to darkness/cold/2hr criminal law lectures (didnt want to go)

    Got to tube station in rush hour (ended up being the first on the empty tube everyone just got off of)

    Got a seat when everyone was squahed up (so have seat to old lady)

    LUCK STOPS HERE - £10 says this is the same time it kicks in for everyone else!

    Stood on tube squashed, was fondled by someone, turned round to tell them off, they flashed a knife (legged it off of tube at the next stop)

    Was followed but lost in crowd (jumped on the next tube to carry on journey)

    Realised i jumped on the wrong one (headed back in the direction i came from)

    Changed to right tube (got to station)

    Tripped up half way up the stairs, fell halfway back down (missed train by 2 seconds)

    Sat waiting for train (man tackled to the floor by police infront of me)

    Got onto train (wrong train, too late)

    Ended up in St Neots, i live in Stevenage (cried)

    Paid £6.80 for ticket back to Stevenage (turns out ticket wasnt needed)

    Sat at station in the cold for 30mins (was -3 degrees, checked)

    Got back to Stevenage (went to lectures)

    Arrived late, got shouted at (cried again)

    Got laughed at for crying infront for class (made it worse)

    Composed self, got lots of work, came home (came on mfc)


    Told you i stole your luck :naughty:



    goshh.:shocked: what a day.... that's the post you had to write two times?

  3. He is Vitas, who has entered the Guinness Book of World Records because he has a vocal range that spans five octaves. that's reallly coool!!:punk:



    The performer's unusually high register has long caused some people to think that his recordings have been altered and that his lives performances are lip-synched. why don't people believe in real talent...???? when someone is tooo good.. they have to say it is lipsyncing.. goshh...


    "I'm convinced of his talent," said Blanc. He said Vitas makes it pretty obvious that he is not lip-synching by moving the microphone away and towards his mouth as he sings. yay!! show them Vitas!!


    Vitas was born on February 19, 1981 in Latvia. He composed his first song at age 6 and had completed almost 1000 by the time he was 12. [:shocked: OMGWTFBBQ?! That's insane! *bows down to the almighty Vitas*] WOW... I shall bow with you


    In fact he destroyed a bulb on a chandelier when he hit a high note, according to one report. :shocked: :shocked: i didn't know it was actually possible to break glass with your voice!!


    But what attracts listeners to Vitas is the mystery surrounding him. Vitas seldom talks about his personal life. No one knows his real name or where he lives. ...tadadammmm.. maybe he is a vampireeee..:cool:



    Pudovkin dismissed the rumours about Vitas' talent. One suggested that a female singer was providing the voice for his live shows. and again.... they don't believe...



    "All my neighbours were awakened and came onto the street. They wondered if a fire had started. hahahahahahaha..funny


    "I composed my songs when the night had nearly ended and the dawn was coming. When I perform, I'm in an isolated, lonely and high-concentrating state, so I can get in touch with every listener and communicate my energy." okkkkayyy... he really IS a vampire..


    thanks for posting.. great article..its fun to learn more stuff about my favorite vampire.. :naughty: ..okay..second favorite after edward!!

  4. Track listing for 'Mama':


    1. Звезда (Zvezda [The Star])

    2. Мама

    3. Лист осенний (List osenniy [An Autumn Leaf])

    4. Через годы (Cherez gody [Through the Years])

    5. Птицы улетели (Ptitsy uleteli [The Birds Have Flown Away])

    6. Посвящение (Posvyashchenie [Dedication])

    7. Звездная река (Zvyozdnaya reka [starry River])

    8. Боже, как я люблю (Bozhe, kak ya lyublyu [My God, How I Love!])

    9. Косички (Kosichki [Pigtails])

    10. Даже звезды покажутся письмами (Бессонница) (Dazhe zvyozdy pokazhutsya pis'mami (bessonnitsa) [Even Stars Will Look Like Letters (Insomnia)]

    11. Инопланетный друг (Inoplanetniy drug [Extraterrestrial Friend])

    12. Лист осенний (remix) (List osenniy (remix) [An Autumn Leaf (Remix)])

    13. Подожди немного (Podozhdi nemnogo [Wait For A While])


    And the second one I bought is called 'Krikom Zhuravlinym: Vozvrashchenie Domoy 2' (Crane's Cry: Return Home 2) :thumb_yello:



  5. I've already listened to 'Mama' several times over, and it's always a good sign when I become addicted to an album like this =D


    There actually isn't one track on the album that I can say I dislike. Some are better than others, but they're all good. The lyrics to some of the songs are really quite touching, like those for 'Kosichki' ('Pigtails'), which seems to be sung to a little sister, and the title track, 'Mama', is an utterly heartwrenching song that Vitas wrote for his mother after she died. Vitas' singing is lovely, though sometimes he sounds a bit off when he tries to sing high notes softly (he goes really frickin' sharp at one point during the first chorus of 'List osenniy' ['An Autumn Leaf'], which is just kind of ACK >.O; ) - however, I know how hard it actually is to do this well, so I don't think any less of him for it.


    All in all, I give it 4/5! :thumb_yello:



    thanks for the review:thumb_yello: .. just wanted to know...what is the track listing of this cd? and what is the name of the second one you bought?

  6. UPDATE:


    "Your shipment was expedited through our shipping partner facility in SOUTHERN SORT, GREAT BRITAIN on February 25, 2008 at 10:50 PM and is in transit to its final destination."

    copied straight from the USPS website!


    it's on it's way to the final destination!!


    yay!!! that's great:thumb_yello: and i'm sure he will go out to talk to people because it is his last gig on the tour..so no worries:thumb_yello:

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