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Posts posted by sarah90

  1. I think they should make his hair blow in the wind in every scene he's in :wub2: That would be AWESOME!! It would show Edward speaking and he would look normal and then it would show Jasper BAM!!!! Hair blowing in the wind and GORGEOUS! :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:



    no no no no no... jasper must have flat hair.. not puffy hair!!:mad3: I hate his mushroom haircut!!


    Ooooh, by the way, people, have you seen 'Crazy Day' on YouTube? It's basically this short comedy that Vitas acted in, and even though it's obviously in Russian and has no subtitles, it's pretty damn funny XD

    The video is



    haha.. he's cute with his pink hat and yellow shirt!!:naughty:

  3. in case you didn't read it... that's stephenie's comment that goes with the pictures..


    Hey guys, I thought you might enjoy a couple of pictures from my weekend on the set of Twilight the movie. It was an amazing time; I had the chance to visit some of the film sites (Oregon is gorgeous!), go through the story boards (if just scanning through the sketches is so exciting, I can only imagine how much more thrilling the live action will be), watch some brief videos of stunt work (ouch! but so cool), and even catch a little bit of a vampire baseball game (look out—James is a ringer). My favorite part was dinner with some of the cast and crew. You don't know surreal until you sit down at a table with people out of your imagination. It was more than a little bit disturbing how pretty everyone was, and who knew movie stars were so nice? Anyway, if you ever get a chance to visit the set of a movie based on a book you wrote, I definitely recommend that you go for it.



  4. omg. ok. apparently stephanie meyer spent the weekend on the set!









    AHHHHH!!! he looks like a vampire (and a hot peice) !!!! and she looks like bella! i'm so happy with the casting!







    where's megan???? megan! jasper looks like a girl in that pic!!!! hahha! i'm kidding......kind of.



    soooo coooooll!! thanks for posting these pictures!!! and japer looks sooo much better in this picture than in the official.. with his hair down and everything!! argg.. cant wait till decemberr!!!!

  5. Wow, I didn't realize they suspended the accounts :(


    But to be honest, I'm not surprised, just surprised it took so long.

    Really, we get away with an awful lot here, in terms of violating

    copyright. I do worry (yes, I'm a worrywart, I know) sometimes that

    some big corporation (BBC, Universal, Getty Images, etc.) is

    going to come down hard on us here at the MFC for violating

    their copyrights, too... :(


    I'm sure that both bab and Christine still have all the videos they uploaded,

    though... Please! :shocked:




    whats the worst that can happen?? they close the forum:tears: :crybaby: *dies*

  6. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but

  7. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because

  8. To be honest, I don't think Mika would really mind if some of us are fans of Vitas as well as of him... :boxed: Mika is not the centre of the universe after all LOL! And just because we happen to like Vitas' music a lot doesn't mean that we're saying, "Move over Mika, we like this guy better than you!" :naughty: We still love Mika, honest! ^_^


    exactly... it would be kind of boring to like only one artist or only one kind of music..

  9. I did not read, that here is written about Vitas.... (((((((((((((

    But he in soles it is not necessary to ours MIKA!!!!!

    He from Russia... Yes. But he does not have voice!!!! It can pull only one note, squeal... In the rest him the voice is similar to whisper. He does not get in notes. When I him heard, several years ago, on the TV showed festival " Slavic market ", I have not burned down nearly with shame! So awfully to whisper!!! And only squeal which goes right to it. But he cannot sing in such sonority! For it it is impossible. He cannot can sing never, as our darling MIKA!!! Never! At him there are no such voice data. Except for " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! ", he will not sing anything a high voice. And it can almost everyone. And in Russia, at us many comedians him imitate (as well as other actors), but the voice at them is much stronger, than at Vitas. Our actors almost sing everyone under a soundtrack, and this among them. To worry it is not meaningful. We MIKA is unique. MIKA UNIQUE!!!!

    It is not necessary to litter MFC.



    so... I understand Vitas is not really appreciated in russia?

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