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Posts posted by Satya82

  1. Everything is just perfect in this screencap! His hair, his smile, his clothes! :wub2:(oh yeah your music is awesome too Mika, of course.. :mf_rosetinted: )


    I completely agree. Gorgeous screencap! Makes me want to grab my DVD and watch it all over again. :wub2:

  2. yay i saw it, actually my sisters saw it and yelled 'hey laura, mika's on TV" so they rewound it for me, but i only got to see the end:boxed:oh well, at least it's more mika publicity!:punk:


    Exactly! :punk:


    Another Jon and Kate Plus 8 fan here. The kids are sooo cute, and I love how OCD the mom is. :naughty:

  3. My story isn't the same, but in some ways it is. Mine had become too big because of all the granulomas that were left in it by the sarcoidosis. It caused so much pain that I've been living on morphine for over two years, but the immunologist were too afraid to do a splenectomie. But it became so big that the risk of a rupture was so high that they HAD to remove it. After they removed it, it turned out that I had the biggest spleen in the Netherlands:thumb_yello: The operation went along with complications, but it was at the end of 2006 and now it's okay for as far as it can be. My hemoglobin is still too low, nowadays it's 5,4. When it gets lower I'll get another transfusion... For the 4th time... They're afraid I've got some internal bleedings but I don't want all those nasty examinations again if it's not strictly possible. So I'm trying to get my hb higher by taking ferro. Hope it'll help....


    Oh my goodness, your hemoglobin is 5.4?? Mine was down to 7 at the lowest, and my hematologist was freaking out. I can't imagine 5.4. You must be so tired.


    But yeah, my spleen was huge, too. I have pictures of them removing it during surgery. So gross. :thumb_yello::naughty:


    Hang in there. I'm thinking of you, and hope to hear some positive news soon!

  4. A great, another spleenless one!! And, do you miss it? I'm not, it caused so much pain.... But now I've got infections that gets more worse everytime, so we had to conclude it did work.... And in that way I miss him :tears::bleh:


    LOL, I kind of miss it, but it was causing a lot of problems. It was enlarged and then I got mono when I was in London, so it got even more enlarged (gross) and the doctors were afraid it would rupture so I was put on steroids...then a couple years later I got food poisoning in Mexico and my hemoglobin dropped and I almost needed a blood transfusion. :thumbdown: So that's when I decided to get my spleen removed. And that caused other problems, because the surgeon accidentally cut my pancreas during surgery. That took about 2 years to heal and then I had my gall bladder out! :bleh:


    I do wish I were "complete," though. With all my organs and everything. I feel sort of ultra-fragile without my spleen. And having your gall bladder out changes the way you eat. At least it did for me.

  5. i'm not single but i've never noticed this thread before.


    i'm married for almost 5 years and we are together for 12 years (i was 14 when it started)


    That's amazing! My mom was 15 when she met my dad, and they're still married after 35 years. :wub2:


    Me? I'm single, and seem to find something wrong with every guy I date. (I think because of all the jerks I've dated.) :blink: But at the same time, I really want to fall in love and live happily ever after! It's such a problem. :bleh:

  6. My spleen is been removed, it became too big and the risk of a rupture was too high. If that had happened I would have bleed to death.


    Oh, Anouk, I didn't know all of this was going on! I know how much health issues suck. I have a hereditary blood disorder, and because of that I've had my spleen removed too, and my gall bladder. Fun, fun times I can tell you. :bleh: I hope the doctors can figure out how to stabilize everything that's going on with you, and clear up the infections so you can go home soon!

  7. hmmm that's true, his voice is undeniably adorable:wub2:


    Oh, you must sit through the DVD! It'll get you so excited to see him in concert. (Which you will! Don't give up! And it will feel like this: :serenade: )


    When I bought the DVD, I admit I sat down with my sister and we watched everything. And then we watched it all again! :punk:


    Very true my friend, very true.


    And the giggle isn't that bad either, right? hehe


    Awww, your vid is from the Kool Haus! My one and only Mika concert (so far)! He was amazing. That was seriously the best show ever. I was on cloud 9...10! (Is there a cloud 10?) :naughty:

  8. I only found out about a week ago who your sister is. I know you both, knew you were both from Michigan, knew that you went to some gigs together, but just thought you were friends. Once I worked out who it was, then the whole story about her getting a pic with Mika for her sister after she was a LG (gosh just realised it's the same initials as her forum name! Destiny!) and then you having a pic with Mika after a gig where he didn't take pics with people all began to fall into place!:doh:


    Awww, yeah we are related. (Although she won't always admit to that, lol.) And yes, I am a lucky duck (er...chicken?) that she asked Mika if he'd meet her sister. And sweet man that he is, he took a picture with me even though he originally said no. I felt slightly guilty about that, but I love my picture oh-so-much, and I think he knew how much it would mean to me. I wish I could thank him again for being so generous.


    And I suppose I'm grateful to my sister. :bleh: (Alright, I admit it. I wub her, lol.)

  9. Just a few more jeans pics...:wub2:




    Hellooo skinny jeans!



    Always love seeing this one...classic shot... :mf_lustslow:



    One of my favorite, favorite Mika outfits. The jeans are amazing, and I think I love it so much because I have the same shoes and they're my fav pair! :naughty:


  10. mika588bs91.jpg


    This one has got to be one of my all-time favorites. *stares* :blush-anim-cl:


    Thank you, Kary!


    And I also love our boy in jeans. I'm usually not a fan of ripped jeans, but Mika makes anything look amazing. Just look at him! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:



  11. Oh snap! didn't see that lol


    It is great, I think it's an important issue to mika:blush-anim-cl:


    The mods can close my humble thread :naughty:


    It's OK--there are a lot of threads in this forum! :naughty:


    And yeah, I love, love that Mika's song is supporting a green network. He had to approve it, so obviously he's all for being earth-friendly. Since I am too, I think it's just one more reason to love him. :wub2: (Will the reasons ever end, lol?)

  12. I just imagine him motioning his finger as in "come here" haha


    I don't know if I have that saved to my computer yet (probably--a few times:roftl: ) but I saved it again. He looks amazing! :mf_lustslow:


    Oh, I wonder how many times I've saved my favorite pictures under different names? :naughty:

  13. God save the squirrels!! (?) hahha


    Just as a crazy side note: 'Squirrel' is one of the funniest words ever. I love it. :naughty: And a few years ago I read in the news that rabid squirrels were chasing people around in some part of England, and one had actually jumped on a woman! She was quoted as saying "I'll never trust squirrels again!" :roftl: I thought that was so funny it became my favorite quote for weeks. :mf_rosetinted:

  14. This forum has become something amazing... but not just because of Mika or the mods... it's because of the individuals who contribute here.


    I noticed in the chatroom last night, there were girls from all over, and

    they were marveling at how they could be talking to someone from

    somewhere else -- anywhere else -- in the world, and still find things

    in common with them, and have an enjoyable time talking with them.

    How cool is that? I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- there is

    a certain "We are the World" aspect to this place, and I wish the rest

    of the world could take a lesson from how we all get along (most of

    the time :naughty: ) and resolve differences and band together to

    get things done.


    Awww, well said, Deb!


    This definitely is a unique forum. People seem to care, which I find unbelievable sometimes, because I've been on forums were people don't even read what anyone else says. They just care about their post count, and spamming the forums.


    MFC is different, and I love that. I wish I could post more, and get to know everyone more, but...*sigh*...darn real life. Still, I'm glad to be a member of the MFC. :naughty:

  15. Smart people know who Mika is. :wink2: I've informed everyone I know, and I get a lot of "He's gay" comments, too, but I also work with a lot of people who are fans. When I discovered his music at the end of the last year, some of my friends were like, "Um...where were you six months ago when we played his CD all the time?" (I work in a bookstore that also sells CDs. Apparently they played Mika a lot in the spring/summer, and I was just...oblivious.) :blink:


    I think American fans should enjoy it while we can! One day we might be nostalgic for the days when Mika was not playing stadium shows!


    I totally agree. Stadium shows would be seriously depressing. No intimacy, and no meeting Mika before/after shows at all.

  16. I like the idea of a new enhanced MFC, but at the same time I don't.

    I love it the way it is now :wub2:

    I wouldn't like too many new gadgets or thinga ma bobbers...


    I won't mind changes as long as the forums still work the way they do now. These forums are so easy to use, and so intuitive. Hanson.net changed the way their forums look and how you post, and it's so confusing and horrible looking that I never post there anymore. I'm here instead. :wink2:


    Either that or someone he knows noticed it was down and let him know. We didn't contact him and it seems his management hadn't informed him there was a problem.


    He just noticed we were down because he missed his nightly puruse of the MFC. :naughty:

  17. i think she's mentioned it before. plus she's already started from the end of eclipse.


    Hmmm...so Midnight Sun will be Twilight from Edward's persepective, but Jacob's book will take place after Eclipse? I can't keep up with all of her POVs. :bleh:

  18. Breaking Dawn is the last book from bella's point of view. the next book will be Midnight Sun from edwards, and i'm sure she'll make one for jacob...:thumbdown:


    i hope that clears things up.


    OOOH! I didn't know there was already a title for Edward's book. Thanks for the info! Sooo...won't we already know how the series ends by the time we get to Edward's book? Or does the Edward book continue after the Bella ones end? (And a Jacob book, too. Hmmm...)

  19. Stop it!!! DON'T talk about it!!!!

    I'm too curious to not look at what you write!

    I don't want to read it yet...


    EDIT: Nevermind... I can't resist :das:


    I'm still resisting...still trying to resist... :shocked: (However, I am buying the special edition of Eclipse on Sunday, so I may not be resisting much longer.)


    the twilight lexicon posted this discussion question:

    Stephenie says that in Breaking Dawn we find out what Alec’s gift is. And also, she says it’s potent in battle.. Many Books series’ have ended with an all inclusive "Ultimate Showdown" sort of battle, and i think that since stephenie hinted that Aro wants to take the Cullen’s down, Twilight may have that ending too.




    i think it would be crazy if his power were that when he bites a vampire in battle the vampire becomes human, and makes him/her easier to kill.


    it would be amazing if he fought edward and he became human and jacob saved edward, so then he could live.


    Wow, that would be something. I think it's going to be amazing, no matter what. But I like your theory.


    Have we established that Breaking Dawn is for sure the last book in the Twilight series? I'm still not sure about that. And what about that book Stephenie Meyer said she was writing about Edward's perspective from Twilight? Is that Breaking Dawn, or an additional book? (Because really, it can't be BD or it would be a storyline we already know.)


    Sorry for the questions, but no one's ever cleared that up for me, and I've been wondering. :wink2:

  20. 1) Life in Cartoon Motion 2 (suggested by Hevthehampster)

    2) Bloody Brilliant (suggested by Laurel)

    3) Brilliant Hurricane (suggested by lollipop_monkey)

    4) Get Love (suggested my musicfreak)

    5) Mika4life13 in cartoon motion (suggested by Mika4life13)

    6) Where Did The Last Year Go (suggested by RAK1)

    7) Chicken in casserole motion (suggested by sparkly1)

    8) Chicks Attack (suggested by greta)

    9) Storm In A Teacup (suggested by Marilyn Mastin)

    10) Mika (suggested by iadoremika)

    11) mandilambi rocks my socks (suggested by mandilami)

    12) Life in a Box of Crayons (suggested by Lady Godiva)

    13) The Little Mika That Could (suggested by Lady Godiva)

    14) Tales From the Lily Pond (suggested by Lady Godiva)

    15) Don't Call Me Darling (suggested by Lady Godiva)

    16) Life in Constant Motion (suggested by Lady Godiva)

    17) Spray on the Glitter (suggested by Lady Godiva)

    18) Motion in cartoon life (suggested by xxLollypop Girl)

    19) Especially for brew (suggested by xxLollypop Girl)

    20) This was haaaard! A sick-sacking sniggering tale would I like cuz I don't know what it means (suggested by Kalas)

    21) Flosow The Color of my Life (suggested by musicfreak)


    I actually really like Storm in a Teacup. It has a nice ring to it.


    And Life in a Box of Crayons made me think of a similar title...


    The Brightest Crayon in the Box. Because he is. :wub2:

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