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Posts posted by Satya82

  1. That's a bit weird, lol. Although maybe not...that's kind of like eating french fries and a vanilla shake at the same time. :wink2:


    I've never tried that. I imagine it must be like eating french fries and a milkshake. Something else I've never tried.


    We were thinking the same thing...whooo....:shocked::naughty:

  2. Hey Anouk!


    Well, I'm 25 so I understand where you're coming from age-wise. I was in my early 20s when I had all of the surgeries and everything, and that was hard. To not have enough energy to get through the day at age 20? That sucks. I couldn't even make it up a flight of stairs. Now I'm doing better, and have recovered from the surgeries but I sort of feel like I've lost those years I wasn't feeling well, and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life. My friends are (mostly) settled into "real" jobs, getting married, thinking about kids...and I'm still living with my parents and trying to find a better-paying job. It's...weird. :blink:


    I'm glad you're home and were able to go out and have some fun! And I think it's definitely a good idea to get the wheelchair. I know it's not fun to think of being 26 and in a wheelchair, but it'll help you enjoy life more--and see Mika in concert! :punk:


    Take it easy--stay out of the hospital! :wink2:--and I hope eating becomes easier for you. Eat what you can, and keep taking those Nutridrinks (or whatever they are).


    I'm thinking of you! :wub2:

  3. you know you're a mika fan when..

    where ever you're somewhere boring you think now 'what would mika do' to cheer up this place.


    of course i'm way to shy to do stuff like mika,:blush-anim-cl: but i'm slowly building up my confidence:naughty:




    OMG, I do that, too! You know you're a Mike fan when you think to yourself "What would Mika do?" and it helps you make decisions!

  4. I had for lunch lasagna!(or however you write it!)It was basically pointlessly delicious! hehehe


    Oh, I love lasagna! I don't eat beef though, so I make veggie lasagna. It's SOOO good.


    I loooooove eating french fries and vanilla ice cream... mmmmmmmmmm sooo goood!


    That's a bit weird, lol. Although maybe not...that's kind of like eating french fries and a vanilla shake at the same time. :wink2:

  5. OMG, I love that pic of Mika and the two little girls. :wub2:


    me toooooooooooooo! I agreee with everything!!


    OOOO and by the way Mika FFL is and excellent name for a group... we should make one you know! I can help gather people!!:wink2:


    Haha, maybe we should start a thread! People need something positive to post about.


    Oooh, I love the FFL idea. There seem to be a lot of people leaving MFC at the moment, saying "Well, I'm kinda over Mika now", despite what their user name might proclaim. I don't see me leaving here, ever. I don't see me being over Mika for a very long time. I may become less active in future, but I'll still be here.


    Yeah, I don't see myself leaving. Posting less, maybe, but not leaving. I'm still a huge Ewan McGregor fan, but I post more on the MFC than I do on the Ewan Sisterhood (the equivalent of the MFC for Ewan fans). Doesn't mean I don't love Ewan, but I like coming here better now. Things change. :wink2:


    I think a lot of people are upset about the Luke issue, because it doesn't sound like it was handled professionally, and some people are worried Mika may be a part of that.


    Regardless, he is human, and it's possible he made a mistake. I won't leave the MFC or stop listening to his music because of this. We don't even know what happened.


    Sooo...yes, us FFLs need to stick together. I'll start a thread if you want, but I don't know what I'd say, or what we'd post about. It might get pretty monotonous. "I'm an FFL!" "Me too!" :naughty:

  6. Then I'm going to Starbucks this week.


    I highly recommend it. :naughty: It's hard to find really good chai, but out of all the coffee shops near me, Starbucks has the best chai. I work in a bookstore with an attached cafe, and there's also Biggby's coffee in my area (do you know that one?) and their chai tea isn't as good. It's...too sweet, and heavy and kind of gross. The Starbucks chai is lighter and you can really taste the tea.


    My friend Jayson tells me I shouldn't go to Starbucks because he doesn't like their business practices, but when I want a chai...I'm going to go. Plus I have a friend who works at Starbucks, so it's a good excuse to run over there during work and say hi to him! :wink2:

  7. This isn't really a "You know you're a Mika fan when" crazy moment, but a couple of days ago I had a "Mika saves the day" moment. I was driving to an interview for a job I applied for, and got stopped by the LONGEST and SLOWEST train ever. I was starting to freak out because I didn't want to be late, and of course I was playing Mika. I focus on the song that's playing and Mika belts out "RELAX, TAKE IT EEEAAASY!" And I was like, "Whoa, perfect timing." :shocked: I calmed down, the effing train finally passed, and I just barely made it to the interview in time. :thumb_yello:


    So maybe I could say "You know you're a Mika fan when...Mika's music can save the day!"


    Cheesy...but true. :naughty:


    Edit: Whoa, I just hit 800 posts. I've been in the 700s for awhile, lol.

  8. Mika's Smile Fan Club. MSFC!


    Hello! I don't know if there's a thread about this....so I tought making one. The purpose of this is that I sooo love his smile!!! he has a great white wide smile and I love it....so I tought we should make a fan club of it!


    Hope you like it! and post the pics that you like about his smile!!!









    #6-Haley & Megan Meyer









    #15-I've been `Mikafied`







    Ceci, I would LOVE to be a member of the smile fanclub! I think a person's smile is their best feature. And when a guy has a genuine, gorgeous smile I'm hooked! And yes...I'm a definite Mika FFL (Fan For Life). :wink2:


    So yes, I would love to be an official member. :thumb_yello:

  9. mmm, i LOVE chai tea!

    i have a variety of flavors; vanilla, caramel, chocolate & honey..:thumb_yello:


    OMG, I had no idea there were so many flavors of chai! I sometimes put honey in mine, so I can imagine that but caramel and chocolate chai? Whoa. :punk:


    I've heard of those muffin pans. I want one but can't seem to find one...keep looking I tell myself hahaha


    Mmmm...scones are delicious. And I've never had hot chai latte but it sounds nice.


    Oooh, you should try a chai sometime! They are sooo good. Starbucks makes a really good chai. :wink2:

  10. When eating a muffin (which I am now funny enough) am I the only one who like the muffin top only?!? I don't really like the stump. I mean it is delicious but not my favourite part:naughty:


    :roftl: My friend Sue is exactly the same way! She'll buy a muffin at work, eat the top, and ask if I want the rest. I like the whole muffin, so I happily eat what's left. :bleh:


    You know, you can actually buy muffin pans that only make the top! I think we have some stashed away somewhere. They're called mufflettes or something like that.


    And right now, I am really in the mood for a scone. A ginger scone to be precise. I love them so much. Especially paired with a hot chai latte. :wub2:

  11. I believe in staying positive too. I really believe that is one of the most important things I do.


    Arrgghhh That's incredible!! I never thought it possible! I must bow to your awesome spleen growing skills


    OH!! watch this. I crack up laughing every time I watch it! Make sure you have the sound turned on!


    I sing too! Some days pretty good - other days hahahahaaa!!!

    I love that you hum!! It makes me think of monks doing their mantras..

    om mani padme hum..

    And you take care too.


    Hey Kelzy! LOL, thank you for the YouTube link. That was hilarious (and a little gross). :bleh: And I'm very honored that you're impressed with my spleen-growing skills. You're the first person to say so. :naughty: Staying positive is REALLY important. And singing helps me stay positive. Mika helps me stay positive. Funny you mentioned humming reminded you of monks. I take yoga classes (and went through a teacher training program) and we chant. It's a lot like music for me, very relaxing.


    I am quite happy now. My best friend came along to see me, just like yesterday.


    One of the nurses asked the hospital radio to play Sometimes you can't make it on your own, for me. She knew I loved U2 and she knew how much it would meant to me. When listening that song, all my pain and worries came out. I can't remember crying so hard and intense before, Bono's pain became my pain. At least so it felt to me.... I can't even describe how important U2 still is for me.


    So glad you could spend some time with your friend, Anouk! That's an amazing story about U2 and how much their music means to you. I'm a HUGE U2 fan, and seeing them in concert was so magical. The way the audience was so tuned in to everything Bono said, and the way we all sang every lyric--sometimes Bono let only the audience sing--and it gave me goosebumps. Music is so powerful. It can bring people together, help you deal with pain, and be a comfort. I know U2's music has been that way for me, and Hanson's. Music has helped me through a lot of crazy times, including my health issues. It's an escape as well, time for you to just let the words and music carry you away, and not think about anything else. And of course through Mika's music, we all found the MFC! :wub2:


    When I was sick with pneumonia, all I wanted was to listen to Bon Jovi. They're the band that pulled me through countless times.. (But, I love U2 just as much now. Bono is amazing.)

    Once, whilst under anesthetic, I sang Bon Jovi songs

    I think the wheelchair is a wonderful idea. It should always be about Quality of Life. You could make it fun and exciting. Paint it and decorate it.


    Awww, Bon Jovi was one of the first CDs I ever bought. "Whoa-ah, we're halfway there, WHOA-AH livin' on a prayer!" Ha, love it! :punk: And you sang their songs while under anesthesia? That's dedication! :thumb_yello: I love that we each have our musicians and bands that have been there for us. And now we all have Mika. :mf_lustslow: I can't imagine a world without music.


    And I agree with Kelzy, Anouk. If you need a wheelchair and it'll help you get around and be able to do more, than by all means do it. I know it's not ideal, especially when you're younger (how old are you by the way?) but it'll help you keep your energy up.

  12. These are awesome! I wish my choir could have sung Mika when I was in high school, but unfortunately I graduated 6 years before LiCM existed. :bleh:



    brilliant! thanks for sharing this! i found another similar one,but this is a choir version:


    I'm so gonna suggest happy ending to my school choir! :thumb_yello:


    I think this one is my favorite. They did such an amazing job with the harmonies and the lead singer has a really strong voice.

  13. And I'm always looking at the bright side of life, that helps too, but you all make that easier for me:thumb_yello:


    You do seem incredibly upbeat considering everything you're going through. I had a hard time staying positive when I was going through all the issues that led up to my splenectomy. Keep it up, though! Staying positive will help your body work more efficiently.


    It can be that there is growing a new spleen (difficult story but to be short: when some 'spleencells' stay behind after the splenectomie those cells can grow out to a new spleen.


    Oh yeah...besides my enlarged spleen, they also removed THREE accessory spleens. Little baby ones. :naughty: I was rather appalled that I had four to begin with, but apparently it's not uncommon.


    I've been on prednisone


    Have you tried or heard of Probiotics? Could they help you?


    This may sound really strange and slightly embarrassing for me, but after my left lung collapsed on me, while I was in hospital, the way I strengthened it was through humming along to music. The nurses would giggle at me when they came in but I just went on humming..


    So sorry to hear about your trials too, Kelzy! I've also been on prednisone...I think my hematologist put me on that when he was afraid my spleen was going to rupture. It helped a lot, but I only took it for a few weeks.


    I take probiotics, too! I love them. Ever since I had my gall bladder out, I've had a lot of problems eating, and taking probiotics seems to help. (Especially since about 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract.) I have to be careful what I eat now, and a lot of things make me feel sick. But...overall I can't complain too much.


    I love that you hum, too. Music always helps me when I'm stressed out. I hum and sing a lot--mostly when no one else is around to hear! :bleh:


    Take care Anouk (and Kelzy)! Anouk, I hope you're able to get out of the hospital soon!

  14. lol I bet that's gonna help a little!! :thumb_yello:


    It will! :naughty: Although I am going to dinner with an old friend from high school this Friday. He saw me at work, and asked me out. Eeek, dates scare me. (Maybe it's not a date. Maybe he just wants to catch up. I hope so.) :bored:

  15. Great, we could share our pics then:thumb_yello: Maybe we could open a splenectomie-picture thread??:roftl:

    I am very tired, but that is also a symptom of the sarcoidosis. So it doesn't make a difference when my hb is higher....

    Don't have positive news, in fact I don't have any news at all. Only a deterioration of the pain, because I am not allowed to use the Humira right now...:thumbdown:


    Can you imagine how grossed out everyone would be if we posted pictures of our spleens? :roftl: Oh heck, I'm still grossed out by the whole thing! (I also have a picture of the drainage tube they had to stick into me when my pancreas was leaking. Now that is really gross.) :boxed:


    Well, I suppose no news is good news, right? Maybe? I'm thinking of you, hon! Take care of yourself as best as possible!

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