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Posts posted by neeve272

  1. You're so supportive, Neeve. :) Thank you.


    I think faith makes a lot of things easier. I don't know how people can believe in nothing. It just seems very depressing and pointless. Maybe that's just me. My friend Lily's a semi-atheist and the way she looks at life makes me sad sometimes.


    Oh my gosh! I LOVE THAT SONG LIKE CRAZY! That and

    . I wish demos like this had been released. They randomly start playing on my iPod when I'm in bed a night, and I can't help but wonder what else I'm missing. It's awesome.


    Siigggh. I love this song. It makes me smile hugely. You know what I wonder though? Since Michael said he writes about a hundred songs for each CD.. and probably got to recording a fair number of those.. and if he had some songs he worked on after Invincible.. would they release those? I hope they do. Here's an article with a few more details.


    Thanks for the link. :)


    awwwwwh you're welcome, I'm touched :blush-anim-cl: It really helps me to be able to talk about him non-stop here :teehee: So thank you too!!


    A lot of my friends are atheists, which I completely respect, but I know for me, I couldn't NOT believe in something after this life. Souls are too precious just to disappear. And the idea of there being no God....for me, that simply doesn't work, it doesn't make sense through what I've personally experiences, etc....


    Ooh this is a cool song! hadn't heard it!

    Heehee, I'm glad you like If You Don't Love Me...I can't stop listening to it!


    Thanks for the article - I actually read that earlier on today, and I was thinking the same thing....I HOPE they release some of this stuff... it'd be like MJ coming back, but he wouldn't get hurt by anyone this time. If that doesn't sound weird.....

    I saw an interview where he said Smooth Crminal ALMOST didn't make it onto the album...which to me, says a lot about the standard of these hidden songs! :shocked::biggrin2:


    Okay, it's 1.45am here so I'm off to bed......g'night! Talk soon!

  2. Mmhm. Having faith is such a huge factor. I've never doubted my beliefs, it's just frustrating having to wait to find out. I'm too impatient for my own good. LOL.


    "Be God's Glow" sounds.. just fantastic, really. I support you fully. :thumb_yello:


    Those are good suggestions, thanks! I'll be on the lookout.


    Most def. I've decided I want to be him from Beat It or Mika from Big Girls for Halloween. :) Then I'll shop like crazy to fill my closet with 80's stuff. I wish I could walk around with the crazy big hair they had back in the day. But it's too much of any effort to blow dry it like that..


    I'm getting off topic...


    Yes, I know exactly what you mean. But things like this tragedy make it so hard to understand....why such a beautiful person had to be torn away from the world, from his kids.... However, at the same time I feel I couldn't get through these things without my faith.


    Awwh thanks :blush-anim-cl: I now need to figure out how to put it into the locket - write it or print it? lol.


    You know, I was just thinking that it'd be cooooool to dress up as him for something like that! Good idea to plan it early :wink2:


    This is an unreleased song I just came across, and I love it!

    Although my brother just told me he thinks it's the worst MJ song ever.....so maybe not everyone will like it, but I think it's a real feel good song!


    Oh, I also just read this article http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/07/16/michael-jackson-dodged-beatings-dad-joe-tried-to-dish-out-by-dancing-115875-21525289/ I normally avoid tabloids but it's an interview with Tito, talking about Michael's talent and pain... he says some wonderful things, e.g.:


    “I feel Michael is free from all the evil he had to encounter because he did not deserve what people did to him.


    “That was Michael’s pain, it was more than just a back pain or him burning his hair.


    “It was the pain of him giving his whole heart, his whole creative self, trying to help people, giving good music. And he just could not understand why people were trying to beat him up for no reason at all.


    It's worth a read. :wink2:


    And nah, I don't think we're off topic....we're celebrating his life, right?!

  3. I wish there was someone who could answer all my questions about the afterlife. I spend so much time wondering. :naughty:


    That sounds lovely! Is there any particular picture/lyric that's your favourite? I'd stick that in there. But how big is it?

    I was thinking about getting a charm of some sort to add onto my necklace. But I can't decide what exactly..


    Arrrrgh. I want his whole wardrobe. The man had serious style. Just another reason to start slumming it at McDonald's. :aah:


    Yep, I know what you mean...but I think a central thing about belief is the not knowing, and thinking about it and wondering and trusting anyway... for me at least! But I know what you mean, all the questions.....


    The locket I got would definitely fit a small pic...but I think I'd prefer lyrics... either something from You Are Not Alone, or the line from Heal the World: Be God's Glow.....I really like that :blush-anim-cl:

    Hmmm a charm.....maybe you could get one of a glove? Or a shoe, or sunglasses?!


    yeah....sooo stylish!!! Mike can inspire you through McD's :naughty:

  4. Hey all :bye:

    haven't been here in a while.....my bad...


    enjoy my videos from T in the park..



    I'm Yours:


    Anything you want:


    make it mine:


    all night long:




    it was a cool gig... he has a fantastic positive energy... it was so good that it felt like he sang for only 10 minutes...

    enjoy your gigs when u get to see him soon... I definitely do not recommend seeing him in a festival environment because the crowd was more into screaming than listening (at least the 3 teenage girls standing next to me)...


    Thanks for sharing Racha, great vids....you're right, his performances are effortless :wub2: Glad you had fun!

  5. Well thanks. :)


    You're not the only one, no worries. I think it's just because there's always seemed to be deaths and stuff in my family I've sorted of accepted the whole 'moving on' part. But just because they're gone, it doesn't mean that you have to let go of them forever, right? They're still around. You'll see them again eventually. (If you believe in that.)


    But really, don't feel obligated to rush into anything if you're not up to it. Take as much time as you need. For sure. :thumb_yello:


    I'm thinking about getting some MJ posters/magazine thingies. I really have no space in my bedroom for that.. but goshdarn, I'll MAKE SPACE. :naughty: I think it'd be so inspiring to look up every day and see a little piece of MJ in my world.


    I also REALLY want the Beat It jacket. I've wanted it forever.. Let me know if you guys see anything!


    Thanks, yeah, I guess at some point I will feel ready to move on..... :wink2: I do believe there is a life after this one too....:thumb_yello:


    I know what you mean about having something of MJ every day.... I just bought a silver locket just for that reason! I'm trying to decide if I'll put a pic of him or some lyrics in it..... :blush-anim-cl:


    I know there's new merchandise released...let me look for the link ;)

    EDIT: here's a jacket http://abcnews.go.com/Business/MichaelJackson/popup?id=8044931&contentIndex=1&page=14&start=false

    but I don't know if this stuff is on sale yet.....

  6. It's good to be strange. :)


    Sometimes I feel like that. But other times I need some other music to.. sort of bring some freshness in. There's SO much of Michael's music I haven't heard, and that's waiting on my iPod to be listened to,but it just makes me sad sometimes. So I need other artists to kick things up and make me feel better. While no one comes close to being anything like him, you can't blame them. He's a genius. So I just have to take them for what they are. Ya know?


    And that Bashir's a twat. But at least now he's had to eat his words, and paying for his previous meanness.


    The part I bolded...that's a really good way of looking at it - I hadn't considered it from that angle! But right now I don't want to listen to anything else. Mainly because nothing compares to him, but I guess maybe at some level I also feel that if I start listening to other artists again, I'll have to start moving on and letting go....and I just don't want to.

    Am I the only one?!


    And you're right about Bashir. Nuff said!


    Night all xxx

  7. Hey ladies! How are ye?



    I've been having serious internet problems lately :thumbdown :hair

    That's mainly why I'm not here.

    Hope you're all well anyway.


    (We have to meet up sooooon!):winksmiley02 I love smilies :roll1:


    awwh I hope your internet starts behaving :mad:


    I know, we need to plan this ---- ideas anyone?


    Dia dhuit mo chairde! :huglove:


    Hope you're all well :)


    Niamh, I got another reply from Ray Foley tonight on twitter! :aah:


    hehe I just checked it out - niiice! :wink2:



    I'm addicted to this song at the moment...... nice montage vid too!



  8. have you see the all program?



    good for him fans can't post comment....:


    Thanks for this...it just infuriates me that the whole world watched the Martin Bashir version, but this part wasn't publicised half as much :sad:


    But I guess, people will always see what they want to see.

    I have to say, I know quite a few people who didn't believe MJ, but after watching the memorial service they saw a completely different side of him...I think it was beautifully arranged and focused on MJ as a person.

  9. He is, he is. :) Will You Be There is too hard for me to listen to. I start crying like a baby, especially during the spoken part. He sounds too heartbroken. I just want to hug him. :crybaby:


    Sometimes I'll be sitting around and have this mental image/feeling that I'm hugging him. It's weird, because it feels like it's actually happening, except when I open my eyes, no one's there and I haven't moved. I'm strange.. LOL.


    Oh that song...... :tears: yeah, he's seriously hurting when he's saying those lines.....


    Awwwh that's so sweet. I had a dream the other night that my sis and I managed to escape with him from all the media and just hang out with him and have a laugh, and he was so relieved and happy..... I guess I'm strange too!


    Seriously though, I still don't have any interest in listening to any other music... I imagine this phase will pass, but I'm honestly not convinced! EVERYTHING else, even my other fave artists, totally pale in comparison with MJ and i can't be bothered listening to them :blink:

  10. I just love staring at the cover art for Dangerous. It's lovely. Adore HIStory, of course. I like the angry tracks on it. But I really can't pick favourites... All his albums are so different. I think maybe Off the Wall is on my number one spot, though. If I really had to choose.. but just because I have an obsession with disco beats.


    HIStory is a great one too......I have to say, angry MJ is very inspiring :wub2::naughty:

    I still cry when I hear You Are Not Alone......

    man, his voice is just so perfect.

  11. Thanks for the link. That was a really nice article, and sort of contrasts with all the junk that's been floating around lately. I disagree though, that his later music wasn't as good as in the Off the Wall and Thriller days. I think it only got better, as his style changed, and he matured. It just wasn't as popular. (Maybe because of all the media stuff?) I don't know. I love it all.


    I agree with you....I love his later stuff too. I find myself mostly listening to the Dangerous album, and I've just discovered that Invincible has some cracking tracks on it too.

  12. Btw I'm watching him live in Bucharest on TV, and my mom asked if he was the one that did all the choreographies, for him and his dancers. Was he the one that did all that, or?..

    I do know he made his own but :aah:


    Ola Carlota :bye:

    I know that Thriller and Bad had choreographers, but a lot of his performances were pretty improvised.... a lot of his live stuff, he just feels the music :wub2: as far as I know! There are parts of routines that of course he had to do with dancers, like Smooth Criminal...and I know that when they were creating these dances (including Thriller) MJ had a lot of input. I saw an interview where he was talking about the Thriller dance and he said "we had to figure out a way of making zombies dance that didn't look comical or stupid, so we went into the studio to work on movements like shoulder isolations..." so yeah, he had choreographers, but he also had a lot of input.

    I saw some behind the scenes stuff from the Smooth Criminal video, and at one point in the background he's talking to three dancers and working on a move with them and you can hear him say "you have to do this move like you feel it coming from inside you" :wub2::wink2:

  13. I have no idea. I was looking for a link somewhere on that page but didn't see anything. All the comments on the article request the audio clip as well. Maybe just because it's so new? It was just posted on the 8th. I'll keep my eye out for it. :wink2:


    Yeah it sounds ot me like they'll post it when it's ready........I'll keep checking back too!


    That is a beautiful article. It makes me respect Michael that much more to know that he was so into classical. I love that. Thanks for much for sharing!


    You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it a lot too :wink2:

  14. Hey, how is everyone doing?



    I am still heartbroken about this, earth seems so boring without him walking on it...

    Its not fair.


    This is how I feel too...the world has a hole in it now that he's gone.

    :huglove: <- this is for the vigil....it' a beautiful thing to do. I know it'll be tough, but I truly hope you get what you need from it. I'd love to be able to go.


    I don't know if this has been posted already, but I found this really sweet article about MJ. It's not a super reliable source, so I can't really be sure how much of it is true, but the article seems genuine, and it's nice to hear positive things about Michael.






    thanks so much, that's beautiful. :tears:


    Interesting reading!:thumb_yello:


    Do you know if the audio recording actually is available somewhere?


    yeah I'd love to hear it too...soon hopefully!



    I found this article about his instrumental album (and himself), which I enjoyed: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/classicalmusic/2009/07/more_details_on_instrumental_a.html


    One line from a speech at the memorial has stayed with me: He gave everything he had been given. It's so true... God blessed Michael with an abundance of gifts, and Michael perfected and worked with them and gave every ounce of himself in every way, for the joy of the world. Because of this, he'll always be here. As the line in I'll Be There goes: Where there is love, I'll be there.


    Sorry for the emotions.....I'm not past it yet.


  15. Well put. I hope that they're okay over the next few years.


    Edit; On a happier note,

    videos are hilarious. My favourite's in part 5 when he's trying to convince the kids not to throw him in the pool. :)


    Edit again; OOH. And the Salvation Army part.


    To be honest I don't feel ready to say anything right now, but THANK YOU for posting this...these videos are just what I needed.... what a beautiful soul.... they're so so so sweet.


  16. That was so so beautiful, and so difficult. I'm not going to stay on here for long tonight, but I just have a few thoughts I want to share, that are helping me through:


    The only way I can reconcile the fact that he has died is by believing that he was too good for this world. I feel blessed to have been alive to witness him as an artist and a wonderful soul. We don't have to ever let go because his spirit is forever in his music and his influence on the world. Finally, it's up to us to celebrate his legacy by changing the world to make it a better place.



  17. first time I read this my keyboard wasn't working, and than later I forgot to answer you, I'm sorry and thank you so much, It's really sweet of you :huglove: but I guess it was just bad day because right now I can't even remember what it was!:naughty::mf_rosetinted:



    well, you'll be in the States soon...so :das: and I still can't believe you choose Texas over LA:shocked:



    awwwh you're welcome, I'm glad you're feeling good now :wink2:


    Lol I know......I could've lived in the same city as Gube and all those celebs, but I think it's more important that I study what I want to study! :blush-anim-cl:


  18. Yeah, I totally agree. We have to live life with the knowing that he is not here anymore, but as he says in the article, he put his sould in his music, and performances, and we will always see him and hear him there. I do....really...listenning to him, I feel like he is telling it all to me, personally.


    Anyway....with the other thing you said, I bolded it....I just totally agree and feel like that!!! I love dancing, I'm said to be a great dancer, people always like when I'm dancing lol... but never got classes, but I will do...start it seriously, coz I love doing it, and I wanna see what I'm able to do with more practising. My voice is... let's say tolerable...so I guesss I won't be a singer.:biggrin2 But I love writing, sharing my thoughts...and I draw quiet well. I love how I improved myself as an artist...in drawing I mean. I'm really proud of it and I'm happy when some people tell me the drawings are great and they want to buy them and stuff.


    I believe that everyone should discover their talents. We are all talented and we should progress......by practising...by wanting more. I'm a perfectionist and I will never stop, as long as I can, I will try my best to show the world what I got and what I'm able to do. I want to see the happy faces. Hope that made sense.


    I enjoy talking to you guys. :thumb_yello It's great to share a bit of our wold here with each other. And great to share all I feel about Michael coz at home, if I say a sentence with MJ in it now, they always tell me to stop coz it's enough and I should get off this topic....awful, gotta shout my mouth.:sneaky2 And it's hard.:roftl


    Have a nice day guys, I'm going to Croatia late in the evening, but I hope I will have wifi connection there too, so as I get to internet I will post....can't wait. :thumb_yello :mf_rosetinted



    :thumb_yello: I know, it's really helped me to talk with ye too.

    You're right; life's not worth living without discovering and using your talents.... you should keep up the dancing!

    You're right, his soul is in his music and dance and voice.....Although he's gone :tears: he'll always be in his music for us to hear him.


    I´m not ready for tomorrow...It´s gonna be painful but relieving at the same time, if you get what i mean. I wish we didn´t have to experience this. His tour was supposed to start in a week :tears:


    And now, i´m gonna share this with you: When Bad was released, they make several versions of "I can´t stop loving you" in different languages (spanish & french only, IIRC)

    This is the spanish version "Todo mi amor eres tú" :

    (Michael´s pronunciation & accent are really good)


    hey hun!

    MJ, in Spanish??? :mf_lustslow::bow::teehee: loooove it!!!

    I know, tomorrow is going to be such an emotional day. I've my visa interview in Dublin in the morning and I'm going to rush back to watch it; it's going to be soooo emotional, but like you said, a release too. :huglove:



    At the moment I'm addicted to these two songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hqHdSpv2_E

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy4p0gzDzvc (<- and this vid is cute)

  19. Yay, we are going crazy!:boxed::roftl: At least we are not alone! :wub2:




    What, what happened? Sorry I'm a bit out of the loop... People are making like illusions with his spirit etc?... Pls someone clear this out for me..


    well, there's a CNN video of inside Neverland and it looks like a spirit moves through...........it's quite freaky....the thing that makes me wonder if it's true is that it was filmed live, and I think these things are very very difficult to create if it's being filmed live :shocked:


    http://www.ebonyjet.com/culture/music/index.aspx?id=13602&Page=1 I strongly recommend all of you this MJ interview in Ebony magazine, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Thriller. It's all about music and creation only and that's Michael's true legacy.

    For me with his passing the world stopped for some time and it still doesn't want to spin again...


    oh wow....that's a fabulous article. It really expresses how intelligent he is/was....this word is used too much nowadays, but he's a true musical genius.


    I know what you mean; I don't think I'll ever get past this.....I think it's about learning to live with it rather than actually moving on :blink: know what I mean?


    I think I know what you aretalking about. I mean I don't feel like dying but I am thinking of what would happen afte rit really often lately. I would like to meet him too, up there one day, but he would want everyone to live. I mean I guess you've heard of the fans committing suicide...I think there are 12 already. Or actually more, but 12 are dead. It's so sad, they should have knows that Michael would never want them to die.

    I think everyone who loves him wants to meet him, but we haveto wait. Sooner or later it will happen. And think about life like....you have to fulful the duty of healing the world. You have to do many good things....you have to be like him...giving help to people in your own way.....this way you wil have a place in Heaven and you can meet him. And your passed relatives. Everyone you want to. I'M a bit freaked out about dying honestly, coz I dunno what happens after it, but I'M optimistic anyway. We have a bsiness to do here on Earth, we have to help saving the world, helping people and stuff. :wink2:



    I dunno where bud if you haven't read his 2001 speech at Oxford Union try to find it coz it's awesome.Really long and so beautiful. :wub2:


    I can understand how you guys feel; but I think for me, rather than wanting to meet him, it's important to be LIKE him, to be inspired to use my gifts to change the world. He has shown us what ONE person can do. It also inspires me to be forgiving and not to care about what other people think. :)


    I'm listening to the speech now............I never knew he did this. Thanks for sharing.......what a sincere speaker.


    whoaaaaa this is gorgeous!! I know he was working on two new albums :tears: and they mentioned he was working with Akon...

    Thanks for posting!



    I know what you mean. It's like seeing him for the last time, and not just the body or anything. It's like he's really there. I just hope he doesn't stick around too long. My sister thinks he might have some unfinished business, but I don't think it's like him to want revenge or anything. Maybe it's just a goodbye?


    yeah, he's the last person I'd think would want revenge...he was always so forgiving. I don't know.


    Right now: listenning to his songs....with eyes closed.....smiling. Such a wonderful feeling he gives me. I feel okay now. Peaceful.


    Even though my parents and some friends told me I'm going crazy with all the MJ things now, I don't care, I can't listen to anyone else's music. I dunno why, and it scares me a bit. But I feel like I need to hear his voice. Again..and again.....while mopping the floor...while on the toilet...drawing.....sitting here and surfing the net. :)


    Yay! I feel the same way.....everyone thinks I'm gone MJ crazy, but like you, I can't listen to anyone else........



  21. You're very welcome. I'm glad I could make someone smile. :) I also really love the 2nd corrected demo of Billie Jean. The drum beat is.. LOVE. Plus, it's six and half minutes of pure awesome.


    And that video! AAAAUGH. He is SO DAMN CUTE. Not to mention a crazy beatboxer. :wub2:


    Niamh, cool video! :wink2:


    That's not very nice...


    And seeing that they made me believe it was him in the video standing there....they can fool everyone.....but still that video of CNN was live....with Jermaine and Miko...I dont think they would just let someone in to play around like he was Michael Jackson.

    I know I might sould childish but it can make me believe that it was him...I mean like...not that he is alive, coz I do believe that he is not. But it was him saying a last goodbye and just curious on what's going on in his house. I don't know whether spirits can make themselves viewable or not, but it's just still weird. One minute he is there and the other he is not....


    That with of him with Oprah is just amazing. He is so talented and lovely. :wub2:


    hehe..he's so humble...for the most famous and IMO most talented person on earth, he's so incredibly sweet and humble. :wub2: He is an amazing beatboxer - I heard that the people he was rehearsing with said that with new technology, during the rehearsals they would sometimes just listen to his mic, and turn off everything else, and they were shocked at how many things he was doing with his voice!


    About the ghost thing....I still don't know what to think..........there's something comforting knowing he's around, but at the same time I think I'd prefer him to have moved on! I hope he's at peace.

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