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Posts posted by neeve272


    I know, that happens to me sometimes too. My post will just.. poof, disappear! You didn't happen to get a picture of that guy, did you? :naughty: I wish I could touch the hair..


    That sounds incredibly creepy.


    It wasn't creepy actually, lol. I don't have a pic but I'm sure my housemate does so I'll [ost it when I can get it off her.


    i had a dream about MJ last night :sad:

    :huglove: Hope you're ok. He's on mind mind pretty much all the time...so everytime Iwake up during the night or whatever, his image is there...


    thanks neeve,for getting me back to my senses.phew,what was i thinking,selling my MJ collection on ebay? gosh..i'm sooooo gonna regret it someday.my family just doesnt understand how much MJ meant to me since i've been a secret fan of his.i loved him since i was a toddler,and i still do to this day.


    as neeve had mentioned before,it was actually the carelessness of the doctors around him.the tabloids are making it sound like he's a junkie despite the fact that he's not.

    you're welcome! I know, people in my "real life" just don't get why I'm still upset about it...but I know it's my way of dealing with it.



    Im not ready yet to watch those videos. I dont think I will ever be.........



    That. Piñata. Is. Awesome.


    I agree. For me, its helping me a lot to listen to his songs. No matter if they are from the J5 era or whatever, I just need to listen to the funny songs. :blush-anim-cl:


    So, when is police gonna catch this guy??


    I know, sometimes I'm fine and then I get all sad again....like last night Billie Jean came on in a club and the place went wild and I was happy, but then it hit me again :tears: I don't think this will ever stop hurting.


    Hehe, I know, she did a good job, right?


    Yeah, I guess they're putting together a case or something...


    Harpreet, I know I MQ'd you here but it didn't work :blink: But yeah it was beaten, I didn't take part...but the head was still intact and this guy who was dressed up a MJ put it on, it was excellent!! :naughty: My housemate got the hair in an art shop....it's so amazing, and it feels so soft!!

  3. hehe, glad ye like it :)


    Kaeryana, NO, I wouldn't do that. Everyone deals with this in a different way. I'm immersing myself in all things MJ and it helps me. There's no way on earth I could cut myself off from that. So do what's right for you; if that means listening to him/watching him, then do that :)


    Dark Angel, well, unfortunately the tabloids (surprise surprise) are trying to make it look like he was an addict, when if you read what is supposed to have actually happened, it was the doctor's negligence in giving him so many drugs :(

  4. hey everyone! How are you all doing? I've missed ye too!

    I'm just looking at clips from the funeral....man, I thought I had gotten over most of the raw pain but this brings it back..Honestly, I don't think it was a good idea to wait so so long to bury him; it's only natural that it just brings back all the emotions, which is what I'm going through now. I hope his kids are ok. I'm glad they don't look too upset.

    Love to all

  5. Hey all!

    Haven't been online in a while so trying to catch up...

    thanks for the pics!! :biggrin2:


    I only have internet on campus right now and I forgot my camera so no pinata pics yet...but the party was AMAAAAAZING...the dj, dressed as MJ, played only MJ for the whole night....I didn't get off the dancefloor...man, I've never danced (or sweated :roftl: as much)..the atmosphere was so wonderful, it was like everyone was celebrating what Michael gave us.... and I never realised just how many crazy infectious dance songs he has! :roftl: nobody could stop dancing hahaha


    Isa, yeah I was staying with a friend until we could move into the house. So now I have to put my furniture togther.......


    Ana mi amoooooor! We miss you in here! hope you're doing ok hun.



  6. hey all!

    Can't stay long, moving house...


    Yeah those Ebony pictures seem really artificial...it's weird.


    Isa, that happened me...Moonlightchild saved me :naughty:...log in to the community and change your password. Then log into the forum with the new password and it should work :thumb_yello: It did for me anyway, I was getting so frustrated!


    Michael, happy birthday......I know you're having a huge party in heaven :wub2:



    Guys, I'll take pics of the pinata tonnight and post them when I can :wink2:



  7. Just decided to check in before I go to bed....


    Hey Niamh! How are you getting on? Thanks for your email a while back it was nice to get an update as to how you're getting on! Have you found your place to move into so? :)


    I haven't been listening to Ray Foley much lately really! Though from what I see on Twitter he seems to be touring the US so not sure if he's still doing his show at the same time!


    Aw what a shame Mika's not coming to visit :( you never know though maybe some time a bit later..


    Keep well :) x

    Thanks :)

    Yeah found a place...moving in on Sat..finally!


    Yeah I saw that on twitter...I guess he's not coming here either! lol


    Hope you're well too xxx


    Hi Niamh!

    I hope you're having fun.:biggrin2: I can't imagine how different it must be there right now, weather-wise and just in general.

    Yeah, I noticed that he isn't going south, I wonder why. Are you going to any of the shows?


    Yeah it's pretty different :naughty: Seriously, they're warning about a drought here!!

    Mika never does many dates in the US...when you compare it to the number of cities there are here! And sadly I don't think he has a huge fanbase in the wild west! I considered going to the one in New York becasue I have friends there, but I just can't afford it :(

    Have you moved to Dublin yet?


    Talk soon ladies!

  8. Another Irish person here (:



    (it's a little ironic that I'm the one to welcome you cos I haven't been here much at all in the last 2 months!) I hope you like it here..the Irish thread is gas craic! :roftl:


    EDIT: I just saw that you've been here for a while.....my bad!



    Hey ladies I'm just dropping in to say hey! How are ye? And have ye any Ray Foley news for me? :naughty: the time difference makes it hard to listen... though when I finally move into my place and have internet, I'll be able to listen in eaaaarly in the morning before going to class...that sounds good!

    I'm just getting my schedule sorted, I think I'm going to be busy! But I'm excited about starting. Unfortunately Meeks is not coming to the deep south :naughty:

    How is college and all for ye?

    Lots of love


  9. Any chance you'd PM me about it too?? :flowers2:




    this's the most fantastic idea:aah:

    btw is this ur 1st time to watch Moonwalker??



    yes, i rmb that Thrill The World thing!!! so poor that i CAN'T dance though:roftl:


    No I've seen it before......Come Together is.... :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: don't you agree?! lol


    Thanks for the PM!!!


    Are you really??? Thats really cool! I did something like that last Saturday, but it was just me. I saw The Wiz, Moonwalker and most of his videos. I danced and sang to his songs, it was amazing. Have fun!



    I know! Thats really cool! Sadly, they dont do that on my city and Im not able to go to somewhere where they do so, so I will do it at home. I cant dance, seriously! But I know every MJ's moves from begining to end :teehee:


    cool! Yeah as soon as they announce the classes......hmmm


    I really want to learn the Smooth Criminal and Beat It dances!


    Why is that funny? :blink:


    I think it's a "limited time only" type deal to get everyone to scramble and watch it in that time period. Personally, I'd wait until the second week so that the theatre wouldn't be as packed. Although it is, MJ, so who knows what it's going to be like.


    You didn't know about that? I thought everyone did. Isn't it a great idea? Lelinh, my friend said she'd take me this year (since I'd get lost or kidnapped on my own). But we have yet to learn the dance. It's going to end up a mad scramble the night before, believe me. :teehee:


    oh sorry I didn't meant o offend you, just the way you said it made me laugh! It did sound like yu were getting pretty excited about it, lol. I will send pics!


    Yeah maybe....but in that case, I'd say that the two weeks would be full...


    Yeah it;s such a cool idea....yeah you should do it too! That'd be fab!


    That's so amazing! You have some cool housemates!


    As for the piñata.. I would kidnap it so it wouldn't get smashed to bits. :teehee: Or take 360 degree pictures of it and send it into one of those figurine makers. That way you can keep a little memento! I think I'm getting a little too attached to something I've never seen..



    just had to quote that line.......hahaha

    hmm...a good idea though!


    Yeah there will be a scramble to get tickets for the movie...I don't get why it's only out for 2 weeks... but I'm sure it'll be released on dvd.


    I found out yesterday that in October there's a big thing called Thrill the World here...last year like 800 people learnt the Thriller dance over a course of workshops and performed it downtown, at the same time as other cities around the world! I'm sooooo going to those workshops when they announce the dates!

  11. Hey guys! Thanks for the great pics!



    Sorry!! :blush-anim-cl: I know it's large, but you're all loving it,, :wub2:


    Right?? :teehee:


    :roftl: so true.



    oh and yes, how about the History Tour? as far as i'm concerned, there are no vcds/dvds released for this right???



    Hm........ Now you get my curious and I made a search. There is nothing officially (or I havent found). Just in case, dont buy anything, better download than buying it to someone who did so.


    No, it hasn't officially been released. Um, I'll PM you both.



    BTW my housemate and I are having an MJ-themed part on Saturday, I can't wait!!! We're going to play his music, watch Moonwalker, and she's even making the most amazing MJ piñata! Now, I'm not sure I want to hit a model of MJ (we're planning on playing Beat It when we do it :naughty:) but it really is a homage to him....but I might not partake in that! lol

  12. Aww! That sucks so badly! Perhaps you could try taking them back to the store and exchanging them? It's worth a shot, yeah?



    I think I'm doing pretty well right now. The start of the day was pretty gloomy, but then putting 'Dapper Dan' on repeat made me feel LOADS better. He sounds so happy on it! Is it true that the whole song's a freestyle? That's amazing if it is!


    Do you mean now that you have the magazine? Or because of well, everything? I've yet to obtain anything MJ, besides his music, because I'm afraid surrounding myself with it might make me sadder.


    BUT, I did finally get to watch parts of Live in Bucharest. AMAZING! I'll probably rewatch all of it tomorrow. I love all the drama and theatrics of the fast songs, I do, but I have to say the slow songs like 'Man in the Mirror' and 'Heal the World' made me feel like I was seeing the real Michael. Anyone else get that feeling?


    *swoon* I love him. :blush-anim-cl: Tehe. I'll go to sleep a happy camper tonight. (Plus I sneaked some chocolate cake into the freezer downstairs, where I'm sleeping for now. Yay!)

    I'm glad you're doing better :)

    No, not because of the magazine....it just comes and goes. Today I'm ok; I can smile about him and all that he has given us, and how much he inspires me to be a better person and make a change in the world. I just saw a show about him and they were talking about We Are the World, and it showed a clip of him saying, "I just wanted to write something that the whole world could sing" :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


    Live in Bucharest is so so so amazing isn't it?!!



    Im looking to find the Ebony magazine. As always, is impossible to find it here. Anyway, I cant afford it right now and my family seems to not like the idea of buying a few magazines for my b-day :sneaky2:


    How much is cost??? Just asking..........


    hehe, it was about $10 here. yes, I'm working in dollars now :naughty:


    Don't forget this one:wub2:



    nice choice :mf_lustslow:

  13. hey, how is everyone doing?


    That Opus book looks amazing!! Must get that!

    Today I just bought the Ebony magazine tribute special :blush-anim-cl: I still get goosebumps looking at pics of him.. I can't believe he's gone and I miss him so so much :tears:

    But in a funny way I feel closer to him, like I can talk to him when I want....


    I hope you're all doing ok


  14. Hey all :bye: I just happened to come across this and I think it might be the pic that someone (sorry I can't remember who) was looking for a while back.... MJ feeding Blanket (at least I think it's Blanket!) :wink2:




    EDIT: it was Huikings ;)

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