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Posts posted by neeve272

  1. I'm in the same position, when I went in December we got to Brixton at about quarter to six and we were pretty near the front and we even went up to the loos and put our bags in the cloakroom.


    You can see pretty well in Brixton even if you're watching from the back, the floor's sloping so you don't just see the back of people's heads so it's fine really.


    I've been annoying everyone today by saying 'three weeks!!!' over and over and over, haha. I'm surprised I'm still alive.


    great thanks so much it's good to hear that :punk:

    I completely know what u mean, I'm waaaaaay too excited about this!! Glad I'm not alone hahahahahaha :naughty:

  2. It's never that hard to miss MFCers. I've never had much trouble. As long as you recognise one or two, just look for the mob surrounding them or the groups that keep walking down the queue, sit with them for a bit then wander back off.


    Or just look for the crazy people.


    hehehe cool! :punk:

  3. me too.. we will have a blast... entertain each other.. hope the weather is not too rainy (crossing fingers!)





    ahhhh! couldn't order these.. wastoo confusing for me to order them over seas (was worried about shipment timelines.. how will we recognize each other (very few of us have their real pics in their avatar)


    hmm yeah annoying.... i guess if the MFCers who aren't wearing flashing hearts just go up to those who are wearing hearts and say hey! :wink2:

  4. teehee well... Mika is my Nick Carter replacement at the moment :P ... since the boys are slacking and they keep pushin the album further back (yes they are recording as hard as that is to believe)


    hahaha that's so funny, i just saw this post now.... I'm wondering if your Nick obsession has revived itself? I've been infatuated with Nick for waaaaay toooooo many yrs now, lol. I love Unbreakable, but for the first time since my BSB obsession began, they're being rivalled....by the amazing marvel that is Mika.... I can't get enough of him

  5. well, it was all right last time. i arrived about that time and I was standing as # 37, or smt along that line. 30th-ish position though :wink2:


    oh no now I'm freaking out.... I'm going with two friends who aren't big fans so there's no way I'll be able to make them queue.... And I really want to get a good view! Does anyone know if the venue (I'm talkin about Brixton, 28th) is very big? I want to be able to see!!!!!!!


  6. I can't convince anyone that Mika is hot. But that's okay. I'll keep him all to myself. :naughty:


    really? that's weird... two of my friends, i got them to watch some of his live performances, and neither of them are fans, but the first thing they both said is, "he's really handsome"... and one of them is a straight guy!!!

    I think he has the most beautiful eyes.. *sigh*


    MIKA, if you're reading this, I'm free after the Brixton gig on the 28th... hehe :mf_lustslow: *swoon* Do u like Irish girls? :wink2:

  7. hi guys nad gals


    i have six mfc hearts free to the first six peeps who pm me !!! xxxxx



    p.s i will be bringing some to brixton the the 28th as well xxxx


    hey! that's really sweet of u :thumb_yello: but I just ordered mine last night anyway :naughty: il be at the Brixton gig on the 28th too, I'm sooooo excited!! Hope to see u there! :punk:

  8. Ola !!!

    Seja bem vinda

    E pena nao morar en Paris eu como sou nul en ingles ja tinha uma aluna (eu acho ke e assim ke se diz )ainda bem ke o Mika fala frances mas bom quando falo com os musicos do Mika tenho ke pedir a alguém para traduzir o Miky comprende un bocado e a Cherisse tambem e o Martin ja sabe dizer "bonjour" lol mas se eu soubesse falar ingles era mehor para mim mas penso ke un dia vou comecar a aprendrer un bocado

    Eu nao vejo kem sao os Backstreet Boys mas desejote un bom concerto



    obrigada :) de onde e voce? alguma vez tenha encontrado a Mika? (mi portugues... :thumbdown: )

  9. Yes we'll be wearing flashing hearts. :thumb_yello: There will be dozens of MFCers near the front of the queue. There should be an MFC flag, Rose in a penguin costume, MFC badges, flashing hearts. You won't miss us!


    hehehehe cool!!!!! i can't wait!! I don't think il be able to queue early cos like I said, my friends are not huge fans and we're only in london for a few days (coming from ireland) so they're not gonna want to spend half a day in a queue.... but I'm sure il see ye all anyway! :naughty:

  10. hey guys, so will ppl be wearing the flashing hearts or do u guys do that anymore? if so, i might just order me a few...... if it's goin to be a way of recognising each other. cos i'm goin to the brixton concert on the 28th but i'm goin with two friends who aren't huge Mika fans, so I'd love to see some MFC-ers there!

  11. Here... in the words of the Chicken Legend Teller, carrinevie


    "Right you lot - shall explain the mystery of chicken tonight to you - being that I am the video submitted and an oldling!!!


    One friday night us olides were chatting in our thread - some of us a bit tipsy - the chat got onto the subject of "S*X" - a lot of us had never been on a forum before so didnt know we couldnt type that word in.


    So lo and behold the mods appeared and told us to change it - for some reason it became Chicken and then we weont off on the chicken nuggets chicken to night etc.. and it stuck..


    We knew that Mika sometimes reads the threads and that he knows some of us oldies - so when he started having the chicken outfit on during the gigis we thought it was rather ironic!


    Roll on a few weeks and me and my two kids are due to meet up with other MFCers for the Big Girl Video shoot. Following a discsussion with the oldies it was decisded that our pressie for Mika was to be a fluffy chicken signed from us - do you know hhow difficult to find a fluffy chicken outside of easter season!!


    So we duley went to filming and during a break I went up to Mika and gave him the pressie and explained the meaning behind the chicken - he said he had seen some our chats and thought we were mad!! we had a laugh about chicken tonight and I said could he do it to camera for us oldies.


    This joking carried on thru the day with Mika singing I feel like chicken tonight whnenever I was unable to access my camera - him with a V knowing cheeky smile - even saying ha - no camera now and singing it!!

    When I did have the camera out he woudl say "No not gonna do it now - I know you want to post in on the web!" - as if!!


    So at the end of the day when he was singing all our stuff I asked again while I was filming - and that is what you have seen - him V cheekily saying - NO No chicken tonight!!!


    For further ref - I wne to the ICA gig on Sunday night. He wore the outfit - I shouted out I fee;l like chicekn tonight - he came over and gave us that Look!!!


    Bumped into him on the way out and apologised for my out burst at which point he laughed and said "you really must stop dpoing that!" and then he said my kids were really

    cool on the video - espceially my boy Theo!!!


    So there you go - the original Chicken meaning and story - does that make me No.1 now?


    Carri x x x x x"



    Ok Ok Ok...this is a fab story!! BUT I have one qs..... you know his performance on Jools Holland of I've Got Life? (here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln508Dw1PLw ) well he clearly changes one of the lines to "Ain't got no chicken"....was that in reference to this story?????? Cos that would be fab!! :thumb_yello:

  12. I presume so but it's probably best to call one yourself. It's usually a safer option.

    There's a system in London to promote safer travel during at night where you can text the word 'home' to a number (60835) and it will pick up your location automatically and send you the numbers of the recommended 'safe' licensed taxi companies.


    great, thank u!!

  13. Little word of warning to everyone who's planning to travel back from the gig by tube and isn't staying in Brixton. The Victoria line (i.e. the only line that operates to and from Brixton) is closed for maintenance after 10pm Monday-Thursdays. (As I just found out trying to get home - grr)

    So after the concert, everyone who needs to travel back to their hotels/hostels etc. will need to either get a taxi/bus or walk to Stockwell station to get the Northern or Bakerloo lines. It's about a 20 minute walk I think.


    Walking from Brixton to Stockwell isn't exactly the safest thing (I definitely wouldn't do it alone, even in daytime) but should be fine if we travel in groups :thumb_yello:.


    hey, thanks for that! one qs...will there be taxis near the venure after the gig?

  14. Oh mann, dein Deutsch ist echt sehr toll! Bin begeistert! :thumb_yello: das mit den Studenten hier stimmt! ;) Deswegen gibt es ja auch sogar einen extra Begriff dafür "the UL experience" :naughty:

    Aber ich gehe meistens lieber auf Hauspartys, da spart man einiges an Geld!

    (das ich dann für Mikagigs etc ausgebe...)


    Galway ist ein tolle Stadt, war im Oktober mal für einen Tag da, aber nur sehr kurz. Werde wahrscheinlich Anfang März nochmla dorthin fahren und dann nochmal in der Osterzeit..Jaja, halt immer wenn ich Beuch hab :mf_rosetinted:


    Freiburg :wub2: Oh ja, und wenn du in Hannover warst dann sprichst du ja reinstes Hochdeutsch!


    haha wirklich? das hab ich nicht gewusst! (the bit about Hannover)

    Ja, alles ist hier so teuer.... uber alles, Alkohol!! :sneaky2:

    "Mikagigs" - mein neues Lieblingswort hahaha :roftl:

  15. Ja Limerick kenne ich nur ein bisschen... ich hab gehoert, dass die Studenten dort die 'craziest' sind....hahahahaha (ich meine, mit dem Trinken usw.) ich komme aus Galway....wenn du hier kommen willst, kann ich dir ein Tour geben! Ja ich hasse das irisches Wetter.....ist so deprimiert, nee? Deshalb reise ich oft! Vor Weihnachten hab ich 3 Monaten in Costa Rica verbracht - war so toll! Ich liebe auch Deutschland.... ich war zweimal in Hanover (ich war in Wolfsburg - Autostadt!) und war auch ein mal in Berlin. Letztes Jahr fuhr ich nach Freiburg, die eine schoene Stadt ist!

  16. Hallo Neeve272 :wub2: Dein Deutsch ist perfekt :thumb_yello: Wie geht es dir?



    danke :wink2: mir geht's gut, und dir? Ich war letztes Jahr zum ersten Mal in der Schweiz...hat mir gut gefallen! Ich war in Lausanne...das einzige Problem mit dieser Region: sie sprechen fast kein Deutsch, lol :naughty:




    Hallo Neeve!

    Wie geht es dir? Du liebst deutsch? Habe hier in Irland noch nicht allzu viele Deutschbegeisterte gefunden...


    Hallo! Ja, das ist wahr...ich verstehe es nicht, aber in den Schulen hier lernen die Mehrheit der Studenten Franzoesisch....... aber ich hab Deutsch gewaehlt! :naughty: Wohin in Irland bist du? Wie findest du dieses Land? :wink2:

  17. oh thats right another mika fan but with how amazing he is im sure this site will never stop growing!!!! i first heard about mika from my friend Alyssa and she heard it from he friend in Canada...the minute i listened to him i was hooked..we immediately found out when he would be in the area...watched all possible youtube videos and bought his cd...whenever he is in chicago we go and watch him!! no matter how many times i listen to him he still amazes me with his total perfection!



    "total perfection".... i like that, very appropriate!! I just joined last week but I'm addicted to this site, I'm actually on it allllll the time.... it's like I've been sucked into a bubble where all that surrounds me is MIKA hahaha it's quite nice lol

  18. Awww, welcome to the board! One of my best friends moved from Michigan (where we're both from) to Galway just last year, and she loves it! I miss her a ton, so I'm trying to figure out when and how I can visit her this year. Too bad Mika's not touring in the UK/Ireland this summer when I'm planning to travel. (At least not yet!)



    wow that's cool! yeah it'd be fab if he decided to tour around here this yr!!! :naughty: btw, i LOVE your pic!! lucky u!!! :shocked:

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