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French Deb

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Everything posted by French Deb

  1. Sara, thanks a lot for your answer I totally understand everything you write. You're right, we should have consider better these posts. As I told you, we'll check that from now on. Maybe you should have sent PM to frenchies you know like Biche who is a moderator to tell how you felt. But for the posts from the french forum you quoted, maybe you should have come to the french forum to answer to these people instead. Cause it's not fair to quote them here, they can't answer you. I really hope things like that won't happen again. Don't hesitate to PM us (Ighins, Biche...), we're MFCers too We've never met, just saw each other at the Cirque d'Hiver. Hope we'll have the occasion to talk properly one day ! Thanks again Dcdeb and Robertina for trying to sort everything.
  2. Come on Sara. This is about 2 people. Don't talk about the french forum as a globality because of some comments from a few people. You know many efforts were made by the mods of the french forum with the mods of MFC so everything could be perfectly well and we managed till the last days. Then, they don't have insulted you. They comment on what they thought. I can't believe you pay credit to some old comments like that. What is the deal to find an old thread when we try to sort all that mess all together. Ok, we should not let the name written on our forum, we'll edit from now on, like that, no names written publicly. But we can't moderate everything people think or said you know. But as I said, from now on, you won't find your name written on our forum. Of course, and we never said the contrary, you know that ! But what was a mess, is that the queuing system changed just like that, without any explainations, that's why people felt upset Good idea And I agree with Mellody too. + 1 I sent you a PM to apologize of what was said about you Sara. You didn't even answer me. I don't see what I could do more ! Yes, everyone seemed happy with the system numbers, as we MFCers are quite often the first ones to queue !
  3. Thanks Sarina, don't esitate to write your report the the report thread ! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2959763&posted=1#post2959763 Happy for you ! @ Sariflor : and no, you can't tell it's a character assassination They thought it was you, they blame on you and have written things they shouldn't have. We agree. But don't say things like that that would make the whole story wrong. Cause it was a misunderstanding Sara. This time it was.
  4. Pleassssssssssse girls, can you just post your post on the other thread : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20047&page=18 It's a big mess already.
  5. Damn it, I have to go to lunch. I'll answer to your post this evening. For my bold part, Guylaine told not to blame on the MFC. And BEFORE knowing what happened I just said that they blame on some girls on MFC and not the MFC as the entire fan club. I wanted to be clear. Then, yes, we thought it was you, MFCer who were there, who decided to reorganize the queue. But you quoted post written before all the explainations came out. Now everything is clear, no need to quote things whe were said befor we knew what happened. And yes, I maintain it's a whole misunderstanding. You can't talk about stories old of one year about what happened at the Cirque d'Hiver. And I didn't know that, what was written about you, nothing. I don't think you can blame that. We really try to make things go well between everybody, so it's not fair to say we write bad things on you on our forum Sara. (well, except for what happened the last days) So you say we do bad jobs moderating our forum right ? And I always said the MFC was official since it is. Always. I never pretended anything else. But we are a community of fans too, and many of us are MFCers you know. Stop saying "you guys say MFC is a forum like others". I think we understood that quite a while ago
  6. Robertina, who said you were involved with that ? Everybody knew you arrived late But pleaaaaase, don't be sarcastic and just try to understand how people felt at the moment with what happened because they didn't understood nothing and this french guy told them they weren't the real fans but the "fans of one day"... It's hard to hear, especially when you follow Mika since the very beginning of 2007. They felt upset They misunderstood what happened there, and didn't know it was a decision of the french guy and/or John and other people. Hope you'll hear about Mika team soon to avoid all that mess again...
  7. Ok Sushi, can you just put your post in the other thread, please, it'd be so nice this one is for reports and pics http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20047&page=18 (in French : est ce que tu peux mettre ton post dans le topic dont j'ai donné le lien, pour que celui ci soit pour les commentaires et photos du concert merci) I'll try to translate later in you want:wink2: Yessss It was the same in Bercy and Nantes ! In Nantes, we made our little dance on Blue eyes too and many people made it too, even Mika who laughed ! You think ??! I don't realize cause I'm always in front with the crazy people ! Maybe because in France we suck in English ! But people move and applause and sream a lot ! I know... I was in Nantes the day before but he didn't did it Exactly !
  8. Bon concert à tous ! Et félicitations pour ton 600e post Mumu ! @ Axie : mais de rien, je suis contente que ça se soit bien passé, contrairement à Nice. On a eu de la chance.
  9. Désolée pour le double post, mais je voulais écrire mon 1000e ! Bonne journée à vous !
  10. Thanks Enigma ! yes, it seems the line for the people waiting for autographs is really well organized in France. I'm happy about that. It was the same in Nantes ! I wish he did
  11. I haven't seen it yet... I'm quite of depressed after the end of the gigs for me, so I don't want to be nostalgic seeing it But love reading your comments, it seems this session is wonderful
  12. Oh oui, c'était génial J'ai vraiment du mal à m'en remettre ! j'ai fait un CR en anglais dans le topic de Nantes, si tu veux, je te copie/colle mon CR en français fait sur le Mikawebsite ! PS : plusieurs membres du MWS sont montés sur scène PS2 : les Fake c'est un projet de journaux humouristiques menés par plusieurs personnes du MWS pour Mika et le band
  13. Totally agree Tiibet. It worked perfectly well ! John is so kind to deal with that and was really nice to me when I organized the thing in Nantes. But it just seems there was a misunderstanding cause he thought the list was only MFCers while we did 1st arrived, 1st on the list, whether they were MFcers or not. And Judeline : agree too
  14. Bienvenue ici Aenaelle ! et les filles éclatez vous bien à Liévin !! je n'arrive pas à descendre de mon nuage de Nantes
  15. I know, some were upset. But they're grown ups and know what to do... I really wanted to know what happened because it's sad things like that turn out. There were in the past some troubles with frenchies and everything was ok lately, so I was sad to read all that story of MFCers only list and others being left away. But now we know it's from the management team, it's another story. I think they should have imposed some clear ways to do this queue system...and since the beginning.
  16. For what I'm concerned with, yes it is I started a post there to ask what happened. I never blamed on Sara.
  17. Yes, totally agree with that Tiibet It's what I did in Nantes too. But we all need this queue system and list to be clearer, like that, no problem will appear in the future. We did what we thought it was the best, without knowing if we did what they wanted us to do
  18. Thank you SOOOOO much Humphrey for your post So, it's just a huge and very huge misunderstanding ! I prefer that. Hope everything is gonna be well now ! Just for the badges thing, according to Croce and other Frenchies, it was the French manager who asked for them
  19. Thanks for explaining your mind Caz. I don't think there is a problem of jealousy here, it's not the deal and nobody blames Sara for who she is ! And like Nanou, just try to understand what happened there. I'm patient !
  20. + 1 You're totally right and everything went really good on all french gigs with everybody Thanks for your explanations Sara
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