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Everything posted by bubuciiis

  1. is somebody here reading harry potter ? i just re-read my 7 book. omg when i read HARRY POTTER time goes so fast, i read it in 3 days, usually i read thinner books longer. i love, is here anybody who loves it too ? mafaa ? carlota ? alice ? ANYBODY ? i know sammy doesnt like him so i dont need to ask.
  2. ohg yeah can you please make a siggie for me ? but not that big as yours something cute and heart warming, maybe with some dark lighting pic i dkn, i have this in my head btu i cant make it to live, but please without glitters PLEASE. i feel so bad right now telling you what to do but i just cant work with photoshop normally ! THANK YOU i g2g now
  3. really ? im going to be an amor.. you know what that is ? you know what ? im always scared to speak to born americans or britains cause im scared to make a stupid english mistake
  4. in my school we can skip but once a month they give us a paper of our grades and SKIPPED LESSONS and our parents have to sign them. thought last month in my skipped lessons place was 0. i skipped 4 sports lessons and maybe some music and some other stuff. mt class teacher sometimes forgets or doesnt want to, but it stays with 0. and even if there is some number i tell to my mom thats its for some (not existed ) time when i was sick and she forgot to write it in my school diary so teacher thought i skiped she ALWAYS believes me.
  5. girls you also have rain ? its raining for 3 days here. HOW CAN WE GO TO HALLOWEEN IF ITS RAINING ? MY COSTUME WILL BE DEAD AND IM GOING TO BE WET :shocked: i guess its raining in whole europe
  6. YES HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL COMMERCIAL. HE LOOKS LIKE AN IDIOT THERE. you skipped school ? hehe i used to do it often, now i somtimes skip the last 2 lessons cause im too tired. i skip only if there is nothing important like maths but if its like social science i skip it YES PLEASE HELP ME WiTH SIGGIE. PLEASE
  7. guys what are you for THE HALLOWEEN ? im coming from the cinema, i went to "wild child" it was great. i laughed my ass off when i heard quitea matures girl scream when she saw Zac efron on the commercial. she was like - "AWWW" (it sounded like she saw a cute puppy) its MY (lmfao) ZAC :mf_lustslow: she was like 19, she looked pretty mature and normal, but then THAT thing and i started to do the same. me and my friend laughed so hard. so i went. OMG IS THAT ZAC ? OMG BOY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ? YOU PUSSY LITLLE NAUGHTY KITTY, WHY WERE YOU HIDING FROM BIG MAMA ? she looked at me MAD.
  8. ok girls wanna know what im from Halloween ? im an amor.. something like this
  9. hi Carlota do you know already a date ? or youre mom just said something about it ? i bet you dont want. i read somewhere that usually girls go there at 18 first time. WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT ?
  10. has mika forgotten the questions ? oh now he is going to wait till there are several things to post and then will post 10 blogs in one day and after that maybe month he wont blog at all. ?
  11. it wasnt the worst thing carlota said she will go to that doctor too and we all talked about it, and carlota made so funny post that i almost fall off my chair
  12. ok i will explain. first you need windows movie maker. without it its impossible. so i wont explain further until you will say you have it.
  13. well i texted her, i wont search for that cat, cause i have no idea whre. but all i asked was a bit respect, because if youre pet kills other youre responsible. anyway, i think its because she has dog but i have cat. its the only reason. but thanks for the advice
  14. WHO can help me ? i had an argument with my friend, i was talking to my friend on phone while she was out with her dog. and she said : ""hehe my fleera (dog) caught a bird or a cat today" me: "what ? if it was a cat, where is he now ?" she: "ī dont care" Me: "it could be somones pet, you cant say "whatever" if YOURE dog killed somones else pet." she: "whatever, theyre too much anyway" me:"if it was youre dog you wouldnt say that" she: "its JUST A CAT. relax." me:"if it was my cat you wouldnt say that, where is that cat ?" she :"in some bush probably" me: "great" she:"ok, this is turning into an argument" me: "it is, bye" what should i do ? i have to with her to dance tonight. im a bit sad.
  15. WHY ? arent you eemm too young ? gee i come here after great, tasty breakfast (they really were good ) and i see what you kids are talking about no i truly love you guys, its always a surprise what subjects you find to talk about
  16. i am not fourteen, alice is 11, and some other people arent too. so i dont think its true what you wrote.
  17. ok girls its late, ig2g to sleep it was fun here again after long times love you
  18. no you didnt hurt me, well im too lazy to write now. basically its OK now, right ? so lets forget about it.
  19. usually when i try to speak deeply i get LOADS of grammar mistakes cause when words come out of my head i forget to be careful and try to put my thoughts on paper as fast as i can. latvian grammar is HARD, even for latvians. so i usually get 9 or 10 about literature and 5-6 about spelling. SILLY ME
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