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Everything posted by bubuciiis

  1. to mafaa : i never said you HAVE to like them, but you can say you dont like somebody in more polite way too. they wont sound more worse if you will say fu*k, sh*t, talking about them, you can still say the same thing in more polite way. and if you learned it from mika, you could learn also to respect people. i dont think you would like if somebody would say like that about mika, or katy perry right ?
  2. 3 DAYS ? we have 9 days now, and then Christmas holiday on 22 december till january 7.
  3. ok can you just use that **** and **** a bit less. i dont care about them being commercial or not, im talking aobut music, i think its nice, and i like mtv stuff.
  4. girls you dont like JB, and SOS ? I LOVE THEM, IT USED TO BE MY FAVORITE SONG FOR A WHILE
  5. im happy you agree with me. im making a surprise for you
  6. pk i g2g again. tis thread starts to get a bit boring, all i see is "hi" and "bye". we should re-start daydreaming and stuff. i think everybody has started to talk somewhere else, even myself. i talk to sammy on AIM, and with Carlota on myspace. we should really get this thread live again, few months ago i couldnt catch up, now i dont even try cause there is nothing to read. EVEN rating is now 4 stars not five, i KNOW its not the point, but its shows something. i think the problem is that we are so many here, that we dint even know each other that well, i dont even know names of everybody. ok i g2g, but think about it please EDIT - im BACK. EDIT2 - im alone.
  7. MAFAA !!! yeah i know i havent been here for a long time how are you my love ?
  8. hi girls im updating my myspace now, i realized its boring with old pics. im updating it now. who else is on myspace ?
  9. hi girls, i havent normally been here since part 3, and WOW PART 5. its good to come here and talk about ANYTHING lol. ive been lurking for a while though, you are so funny here, i should come here more often
  10. OMG did he hurt you or something ? did he took something like cellphone, ipod or what ? if i understood right P.M a holiday for me started, a WEEK without school who else have autumn holiday ? i dont want to be alone here. please say you have it too
  11. hi girls, can you PM me youre AIM screen names ? i only have sammy's
  12. i dont understand this thread how can you put a gender to number ? can someone please explain it to me ?
  13. SAMMY! ive tried to talk to you on IM but you never answered. are you ok ? you seem very busy now...ok but please let me know youre ok cause it seems creepy cause you never answer. i talk toy myself like for 4 days now. love ya have fun in youre RL
  14. *bun bum bum falls into thread* how are u girls ? missing me/a lot/really ? :roftl::roftl: no joking, so what were you doing all day ?
  15. hi girls, i just came back from waterpark. gee it was great 4 hours, of FUN. i went to the highest tube for 1 time, and it wasnt THAT scary, so went it more 6 times oh and i went to another tube i had never been to, cause i was too scared ok it was great but im tired now, i will go to get some sleep
  16. really ? its like an excursion, we have them 2 a year, and we choose where to go this is going to be first time in waterpark with calss, but sometimes we have 2 days excursions. but you HAVE to exist some excursions right ?
  17. hello my lovely Carlota omg going to a waterpark for 4 hours tomorrow i cant wait, im going there with my class so its going to be fun.
  18. ok love i g2g now, it seems there are only 2 of us and i g2g so bye. pitty i never have time to talk to you guys, STUDIES. ok bye... love you
  19. what kind of poem ? why ? oh there are poems actual now on MFC ?
  20. hi, im going to a waterpark tomorrow its SO COOL water park, i mean i LOVE it.
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