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Hi Mika

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Posts posted by Hi Mika

  1. I'm feeling better than I was last night and I'm glad people have been writing. It's really helped! I know there are so many times when something like grief and sadness are on your mind, and it's somehow harder than anything else to share with your peers. For me, and the way I was raised, I'm very private with my emotions and I don't enjoy feeling vulnerable in front of people. Because of this, I'm so glad to be able to have this, to be able to help myself and others to understand such overwhelming emotion with the safety of some sort of barrier.


    I guess I think about him, Gizmo, my dog, and he reminds me of the fragility of life. He reminds me that everything I have and everything I do is only worth what I make of it. It's almost been one year since he passed, and I guess being at school away from home helped some, but so often I am just overloaded and I just shut down in response. I think about him so much, about his smile and his little snaggle tooth, the smell of his fur, the way he used to burrow under the covers, the warmth of his body against mine, the excitement and welcome he gave whenever I came home from school. And I guess I never thought that enthusiasm and warmth would ever go cold, and I never thought that I could love something so much, and suddenly not have it around anymore. I felt nothing but guilt after he died. We got two new puppies and I love them, but it took me so long before I could let them wear his clothing, or let them play with his toys, and most of the time I'm okay, but sometimes I remember and I feel so guilty for loving them...


    I guess I'm trying to be as eloquent as I can but I'm letting my emotions get the best of me. I think it's probably fair for me to say that I'm afraid of love in many forms. I'm so afraid of loss that I tend to avoid love, but because I avoid it so much, I want it so desperately. I am so ambivalent... I'm sorry I've started to rant... but I just want to thank everyone for being, and I say how much I appreciate you all.


    There are many emotions when a person grieves. You loved your dog though and remembering your dog with the happy memories you have and sharing them with your new puppies, your adding love and dogs can only love in return. Don't be afraid..

  2. I think the 2nd album will in fact not be an album..


    There will be an entire track with no words, left only to the imagination of adoring fans, critics and wanabe lovers to fill in the blanks..




    Toy theatres will fall from the sky at half point..


    There will be a scratch and sniff section.. brilliant I know..




    Mika, YOU OWE ME! :biggrin2::wink2:

  3. I feel I need to travel to Ireland because I know that my great great grandparents came from there and I'd like to go and see if i fit. Then I'm a afraid that when I do get there and look up family they might not like me. errg.

  4. Strange...I can log in!


    I'm annoyed when there are so much things to be done... but I'm still just sitting in front of my computer doing nothing!:mf_rosetinted:


    I love love love that middle picture of Mika with the no no no finger and look on his face... If he has a problem with being stuck in the middle, this is one of those times that clearly fits him!

  5. i don't know about other people but i just read those "stuck in the midle" lyrics and i was wondering about them whole day. and now i decided to tell you what i have wondered :D

    first- i really like those lyrics. :D

    second - they let me wondering about my whole life and all the growing up thing. you know there is that text " Looking at life from the perspective of a boy

    Who's learned to love you but has also learned to grow." and i just thought about this part of it and it think it is so beautiful and means a lot. do you understand what i'm taking about ? it makes me to feel a bit strange, this part of a song came so emotional when i finally read the lyrics, before i just didint hear it but NOW. i cant stop wondering, about life and all my familly.

    it sounds like a song for MIKA's mother don't you think so ? all those words i think it is :)

    so what do you all think about it ?:naughty::punk:


    That depends. Are you Mika in disguise. If you are then I won't tell you what I think it means. ha ha.

  6. If Mika was in Jail. I'd laugh and think about maybe getting him out.


    Mika Loves.


    I hate it when Mika runs like a coward. Stands there looking like a dork. Doesn't really do his own thing. The list is endless.:naughty:

  7. i think too many people find themselves asking the meaning of life and taking these emotional/spiritual journeys to "find themselves" but that's what life's about... finding yourself. It's not going to happen... so people should really stop. Most people aim to find happiness in life, which for many reasons, in its purest form, manifests itself in love. But what is it about love that is so enticing? so powerful?... love draws passions within each of us that we may not even realize we are capable of. It's just something about unconditional, untimely love and acceptance that makes us go to great lengths to reach for it. But honestly, there really are so many people and things in this world... and if we took a little time to love each day a little more we'd all be one step closer to finding ourselves a pure and elated happiness. True love is hard to find, but if we didn't rush so much we'd have many more successful marriages and relationships. Maybe there is someone out there for each and every one of us, but if we preoccupy ourselves with physical attractions and material objects we may let that person slip without ever knowing. I think i've found with time, that it's so much easier to love and be attracted to someone physically when you love them psychologically. We all really need to love today, and it's easier than it sounds... it just takes a little bit of love.


    or.... STOP in the Name of Love...


    Actually Life is full of emotions and experiences and we choose accourding to our awarness and wants and needs.

  8. This is how I see it:


    There are billions of people in the world and let's just assume only one is your soul mate. The chances of you meeting them is obviously extremely rare because it is basically impossible to get to know everyone in the world. Therefore I think people simply settle for whoever comes closest to being their soul mate, but I don't know if you can ever be really sure who your soul mate is. You'd have to line up every person in the world and talk to them for about 5 minutes each to determine that.


    That's why I think many relationships fail, because no one's ever truely happy.




    does that make sense?:blink:


    I still believe in soul mates, why not?:naughty:



    For me, I just believe that the theory of a soul mate is in fact true because I know I have them. That could just as well be called a connection or anything fancy.


    Love is soul ish.


    Faith is bit supernatural ish as well.

  9. I can explain myself more...because I think people assume that I'm just "a poet" and therefore a romantic...which makes me a dreamer a.k.a unrealistic...




    Ever since I was a little girl, I watched my sisters and observed their mistakes with boys. They are both alot older than me, and have had their share of boyfriends.

    I never had anyone...


    I still, don't have a boyfriend (never have had one) and people find it strange because I'm boy crazy on the inside.

    I've gone through tough times...LOST FAITH and alot of things...


    BUT ONE THING ALWAYS REMAINED WITHIN MY HEART: The thought of someday falling in love. It seems like such a wonderful thing, to have someone in that way. So when bad times come and I feel like breaking down I always remind myself that the best is yet to come...besides my future career and success, I'm most looking forward to finding HIM.


    I truly believe that he exists at this very moment, is hearing the same news... seeing the same moon and subconsciously is living to see me. Just like I'm doing for him.


    IT is all about FAITH. LOVE is the one thing that I am amazingly passionate about. Alot of people, I've noticed those who have been in a few failed relationships are so quick to just say "well, you're young...live your life...LOVE SUCKS."


    I think if I ever get hurt in that way...by love...I'll embrace the struggle and still believe what I believe.



    Lots of people sure say LOVE SUCKS don't they!


    You seem very sensitive and smart to me!


    Mika has taught me quite alot about love again and for that I'm thankful.

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