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Everything posted by mamacatt

  1. Yikes.. you take it easy, give yourself healing time. Have a good rest! As for my knees, I should take my own advice...
  2. Did I miss some special news in Miek's life?
  3. Good work, Wendi! At least we can keep his %ages lower, but it's a b**tch trying to catch up with numbers of votes, isn't it?
  4. Hello Leona! How goes the healing, sweetie?
  5. GREETINGS, OLDLINGS!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROBI!!! Hi Silver! I believe that is our Alice at work - she keeps the laggers pretty much in line with each other, but by voting for them, it takes %age away from GB. She's a smart cookie, that one! Hello Wendi! It's been bitter cold here at night - hope it warms up soon. Weealx, you old softie, you! Good day/good afternoon/good evening to you, Happi! Hey Laurel - glad it was a good day for you. Hope your mama survives the washing machine fiasco ok.
  6. We have all been sucked into the Mika=vortex...real life passes by while we powervote and do other important shtuff on MFC! Good work, DarkLight, and keep hoping for special Mr.M. healing treatments for our strained body parts. LOL!
  7. heya DarkLight - great to powervote with you!!! My eyes are closing and I am falling asleep at the wheel... so goodnight, my dear! See you later.
  8. Yes, I did see that, but still, somehow I see beaver when i look at it.
  9. Keep up the good fight, Ladies... must attend to RL for now. See you later! Patty xx
  10. Ashley, we vote as long as the poll is open! Now you're talking!!!
  11. Catch you later, Silver...hope it's not raining where you are.
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