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Everything posted by anca

  1. in that picture he's very sweet * singing "ooo what preety man"*
  2. a dutch with dark hair and eyes?
  3. anca


    thank you.. hey, Keely..aren't you gonna to say thanks for this warm welcome?
  4. it's very common this type of eye...at least where I live it is
  5. I like Mika's eyes..they are big and he has long eye-lashes, about the colour I know it very well..his eyes are like mine (Only that I like better his)
  6. yes..I like her too...I think she looks a little bit like Mika...and me (maybe she's our daughter and I didn't knew)
  7. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that fall in love with that picture
  8. pai daca vad si vecinii nu-i problema..numai ca ii pui sa platesca
  9. I know that interview..he's so shy there..I love shy guys they're sweeter than the others
  10. nu nu..garajul e prea mic..daca ma invitati si pe mine...am o locatie mai buna. Am o curte maaaare
  11. here's one of my favorites...."daddy Mika"..they are both so sweet
  12. You said it very nice "weird"..but I prefer to say that they are ugly
  13. hi, I'm new around here and I want to ask you a question. Is this a thread where everybody posts pictures with Mika:wink2: ?
  14. I never understood why people try to imitate other people. The begining of the song..it really sounds like Mika..and about the singers... they tried to dress and dance like him...well..they have nice voices but I prefer Mika's
  15. aaa...pai nu...cum in Romania nu a venit... iar in afara nu am reusit sa ajung cand trebuia...sper sa aibe si el concerte prin zona..ca pana la Londra...he he...drum lung
  16. anca


    I know that 'll love it here and that this will become me second home..Mika forums are very addictive (I'm on mikasounds too)
  17. anca


    Hello. I'm Anca and I'm also new here. I'm from Romania and...I LIKE MIKA
  18. Hello girls. Pana acum nu am prea stat pe acest forum..mai mult pe mikasounds dar daca am auzit ca aici e un thread in romana..am zis hai sa ma inregistrez si eu. Deocamdata nu pot sa spun ca-mi place mai mult aici acolo sunt inregistrata de vreo..5 luni si imi place, sunt dragutze fetele. si..forumul asta e cam incurcat pt mine sau inca nu mi-am bagat nasu' de ajuns intrebare existentiala: ati fost la vreun concert mika?
  19. Hello there. Eu sunt Anca, sunt din Constanta si de cateva zile mi-am facut cont pe acest forum. Sunt inregistrata si pe forumul mikasounds Ce pot sa zic..IMI PLACE MIKA
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