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Pam Travers

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Posts posted by Pam Travers

  1. In this case I feel heroism and genius are intertwined. People consider him a hero because they think what he did was genius.


    Let's just agree to disagree because no matter how many arguments you use, I don't and never will think he's a musical genius.

    The fact that you do feel that way is your choice and your opinion.

    Luckily opinions differ, otherwise the world would be a boring place.


    Also, I don't think Mika is a hero by any means, nor a genius.


    no people think he was a genius because of his writing and his music and they see him as a hero because he felt like he sold his soul to the business music industry and finally killed himself in the name of his ideal...thats why people see him as a hero, werther its the truth or not.


    and im not doing any kind of proselytism, i dont care about converting people, he is dead you know, it would only be more money in the pockets of universal.


    i often think that if people were more similar it would be a better world but dont quote me on that, it has nothing to do with the previous debate, just a thought.


    and yeah, sure, i totally agree that we cant possibly agree

  2. you don't have to be a musical genius to do that.. I don't dispute their influence on young people of many generations, I do however question their hero status which I don't think they deserve.



    ok, first, are we talking about genius or heroism? those are two different things.


    and what, because you can easily play it on guitar, its not genius?lol.

    do you know that the paintings of Van Gogh are REALLY easy to reproduct?

    does it make him a non-genius?


    again the pure genius of it was the pure power of his music wit such a musical simplicity blabla but it you dont see the point im over it.


    are musical geniuses people who use dodecaphony or something?


    and to answer my own question, kurt was both, a genius and a hero unlike mika who is *only* a genius



    *a hero is someone that, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self-sacrifice – that is, heroism*

  3. btw @ the Fiberfib there was the craziest "alternative" lineup but it only happened that all the tribunes got emptied when Mika came out in the end..stop being paranoid u fool, very few love u and so u can't have many "mortal enemies" neither :rolleyes: accept some shadows...


    btw, I don't worship LICM, I'm waiting for my feelings of Mr.M. geniality to be confirmed. Don't betray my trust in ya,meeks :kaf:


    mwahah :naughty:


    no pressure! :floor:




    mika likes the idea that some people *hate him*, when those people dont even care

  4. :lmfao: I'm loving your descriptions.

    Not particularly because you love the blogs, but you seem to have had a personality transplant sometimes, but then I see you again.....


    oh , wow, thank you very much, call me retard


    ...i think that you dont like me when im being nice and fair, which is half of my personality...oh and someone here just suggested that i was passive aggressive, i dont know, but you all agree about my personality disorder, thats a start. glorious start. i could feel shocked you know.

  5. Pam, Pam I thought you were lost, but now I see the real Pam again. :naughty:



    you thought i was lost because i was *all in love* with the blogs??


    im sorry if the curly flamboyant bastard has the same taste i have, i know more than him though...i even rebelled myself when he wrote that stuff about being happy and ignorant


    i made a nice little story about the story of crack des chevaliers, i dont practize or promote ignorance oh and im a fangurl it think

  6. So Pam, what comment did you see on Mika's blog that you thought was weird?


    And what are your identities? You're not posting ASCII art as "Christine" I hope. :sneaky2:


    lmao, come on,lol, no thats not my style, and i cant tell you all my identities because i dont remember them all myself, i change everytime, its a concept based on the fact that i dont want to create a strong identity with just one name in case i would think mika would notice me and idolize me,lol SO i brought it to its extreme by always changing, i hope it makes sense. though there is a name i used several times because i met someone there and i wanted her to know it was me... so IM Eugene sometimes


    the comment with the pistol was weird but i dont remember it

  7. Just for the record, the pistol comment quote is something I made up. I never read that exact thing on any of the blogs. I just made up two random and admittedly exaggerated comments to get across how I perceive many of the comments on things Mika is apparently into.


    lmao. look add to that the fact that i myself have several identities there, maybe we are only ten at the end on his blog,lol


    i remember i found that commemt totally strange exept for the wonder pets part...and if it was you, it means that n o one is totally blind, no one will like things just because our beloved flamboyant bastard does



    christine, lmao you exaggerate


    It's the same as when he seems to encourage fanatic behaviour, rewarding the people who stalk and hound him, by giving them attention, or his mum giving passes and similar to the ones who are pushy enough to actually ASK for that stuff.

    It becomes a case of "if you make enough noise or stick your head under his nose, he will be nice to you. If you stay away and keep a polite distance, he will ignore you..."



    is that what he does??????


    ok fXck him then.





    about ego boosting, well, maybe your right, imagine that million of girls would be in love with you and you you are in love with someone. you wouldnt care right? the only thing you could care about is to interact with people who are interested i n the same things of you on the internet, people who could exchange cool links with you,no?


    well...i dont know, tonight i dont care

  9. Oh I've seen people struggle quite desperately to feign interest in his blog entries. It's quite amusing, especially when it's obvious they can barely even understand it. :naughty:


    lol, come on, your really mean....



    there is sthg i dont understand though, there is zero reason why he could wish to keep his fangurlz, what could he do with that?personally, i mean on a personal level, he couldnt probably care less.


    anyway mikasounds looks like his myspace these days, people comment, thats all and there is nothing interactive into that.

  10. I don't know Mika at all! :naughty: But if you like children's animation like Wonderpets, I can maybe recommend this:




    It's not similar, mind. For one, the pacing is a lot slower, because it is from Russia in like, the 60s, and stuff was slower then. Also, the subtitles aren't that great. But it's really quite good... and the second series starts with Gena the Crocodile's birthday and his song about how he's determined to enjoy it even though it's on a rainy day "because birthdays only come once a year," and my mom used to sing that to me whenever I was sad. :blush-anim-cl:




    but im not into cartoons. i checked your link though and lol, *he works in the zoo as a crocodile* i love it, its really conceptual, thats quite good, its more abstract than the wonder pets, less pragmatic, thanksx


    plus i lov e evrything thats russia related anyway, i mean in the folklore, not politics of course.

  11. Pam, what are you seeing in Wonderpets? I'm hooked, and would like an explanation better than my current ones- peppily optimistic plots, a very cute duckling, and 25 mins avoiding work


    what i see in the wonderpets? same that anyone else i suppose, very lame plots, colourful minimalism collage cartoon - but not with the usual colors used into cartoons, the nuances are really different and the collage effect makes it different too- and great mini musicals with sounds i like, slogan writing- *pupa, supa dupa*etc.


    look at this and you will understand



    and sometimes its funny like - hi im here- im here too- im here three,lol


    i dont no jack, all i know is that im a super minority if you are the minority yourself, you and your people.


    i dont know mika at all , i dont know him the way you do, i was just beginning to discover him and i agree... thats exactly what i said, it will all, at the end, be his choice, and if his choice is to entertain, i will leave, not that anyone will notice but im saying it.

  12. :floor:

    or maybe I'm simply egotical and don't wanna just edit my post but have the last say on this touchy thread :kaf:

    and I hate posting with mobile phones :bleh:



    nothing is totally good or bad dammit :meow:




    wow you are posting from your mobile,lmao, always new you were living with your time, you are so modern,lol



    yeah life is as ugly as its beautiful, have a look at my comment in the madonna thread and if you are somewhere near a sea please drop your mobile and make a dive for me, i miss the sea so much.



  13. yep I'm still angry with that damned destiny,so useful for MTV and the poor widow :cool:

    Like Amy Wino had the most beautiful voice and he was really talented as songwriter..double waste..Kc was another that used music first to yell out his pain, no way he was thinking bout how to follow music industry willings for making money.


    Like Pam, I can't believe its just a matter of life similarities or "I listened to that at the time coz twas on radio and my friends cd collection, so yeah I pretty enjoy it" to recognize someones greatness.

    Don't tell me Nirvana made "technical" ugly music, they played with passion without too much "plans" behind, that's the only important thing.


    wow you are being so eighties by quoting yourself,lol


    yes, not like mika im so angry at THIS, it would be so possible NOW, in this era to leave universal and all this ****ty industry and be a splendid independant Mr Loyal but it doesnt seem to be the way he is, im really pissed off that marketing is always the word that comes back when it comes to mika.


    and like you and my own self i believe that you dont have to like something or belong to a specific generation to recognize greatness...i dont listen to kurt anymore, but sometimes i read his notes and unrealeased stuff.


    and yes it is pure pop, just the same way mika is rock


    i just read an interview in a magazine about an american writer who were criticizing a french writer i LOVE and he was saying that he wasnt genius at all, only some depressed person who needed a good therapy and some pills...then he criticized g.debord and then i understood that he could never understand...maybe this writer he is criticizing IS depressive but it doesnt mean in anyway that he is not a genius besides, thast ridiculous


    in his honour i will just quote him an say fck to this amercian writer


    ...childhood is a brief eternity...


    dont be scared of happiness because it doesnt exist - yeah i no this line is just too famous but its still very good plus my favourite lines are in french, there is poetry in some people s prose, some people seem to be unsensitive to that, thats weird.

  14. i wish you were right, but from experience over the past 2 years, i think "fans" will better think they like the same things he does and presents on his blog than thinking they might not like them... i.e. they will sort of "force them into" liking what he presents instead of say they don't ike it (see the comments as i don't remember who quoted like "i've never watched cartoon channels even if i'd a pistol pointed at me, but those cartoons you're showing on the blog are fantastic", or such things...). it's no big deal, their lives :wink2:



    people are not that stupid


    when you are not interested into something its hard to pretend you really are, i cant do that. maybe you can.


    im not the person who wrote that comment, but i remember it and i totally understand it because the wonder pets have nothing to do with other cartoons

  15. Yes but Mika has a lot more customers than a few vocal MFCers. All of that hype was squandered last year when Mikasounds was left derelict and he could have been using it to draw in some of those 6 million people who bought his music, along with others who had never listened to it before.


    If Mika is just going to preach to a few hundred converted fans...it's kind of a waste of his time. Just like the standing around and signing 200 autographs thing.




    No, but maybe I will, on your recommendation this time. Not Mika's. :naughty:


    I just assumed it was like Hammy Hamster. :roftl:


    so you really dont think that the blogs are a way to know his closest fans but a way to have more customers? maybe your right, i really dont know him at all, add to that my naivety ....thats sad. oh god...


    lol@the wonderpets.. you really dont trust him at all, lol, thats really amazing youll see, talking about that im going to watch one now, and tell me what you think once youve watched,please.



    oh and mikaforlife i love you too, just like everyone else

  16. I do listen to the music 'that's there', yes lol. I listen to the radio, and even if 50% of what's played is just crap, and another 49% is just average, sometimes, you'll hear a gem, so it's worth it.


    I don't see music as something you have to overanalyze nor take seriously. When i wake up at 5AM to go to work, I don't wanna hear about how hard life is, I wanna play some random energetic tunes, or Mika, even if "sucking on your lollipop" isn't like a vital message lol.


    So yes, maybe it's just me, maybe Cobain's lyrics or music never connected with me because I've never felt the same kind of inner anger he had and because - and it's a strictly personal opinion here - I want music that makes me forget about my daily problems instead of putting the stress on them. But it's just me, and if that makes me random, well I'm very proud of it lol.



    i HATE overanalyse with passion but...


    nirvana wasnt about how hard life is....it WAS life. yeah maybe not yours, maybe not violets...and it was full of energy, not something that brings you down and.... yeah its probably a question of teenage angst, you have it or not but it doesnt change anything, whether you were connected or not to the fact that he was clearly a genius, his writing.


    and yeah thats probably what people want, forget about- escape-

    its like reading novels or reading biographies...but i wont get into that...


    i agree that i dont wake up at 5 in the morning, so when i wake up

    i dont listen to the radio so i cant tell but...take rihanna, you can forget about your troubles with her music, its well done and there is nothing much to it but on the other side you have mika who is a genius...well i dont know what im trying to say...maybe it doesnt change everything at the end....who gives a XXXX after all???maybe that i dont analyze music when i listen to it but when i hear something different i have the need to go further, i want TO KNOW and thats actually why im here, and dont suck too hard on your lolipop or life s gonna get you down is probably one of the most famous message of all time in love history, sex will get you down so dont grow too fast...and thats where i think that he is really clever, there is more to him than a cool poppy jumpy sound that can cheer people up in the morning... if he would say things the way they are like kurt used to do , it wouldnt work at all now in the two thousands, in the zeros, thats where he wins-

  17. Pam, I feel your pain, I too love the blogs (even the most random).But I don't think he's not blogging because people are complaining, I think he's either too busy or he doesn't feel like doing it, that's it. He likes feedback, but as someone said here, he's not a puppet.

    If he took criticism too literally we wouldn't have had LICM, and I think record companies are a liiiiitle bit more demanding than us:wink2:


    yeah i know, i think the same but i wasnt only talking about the non posting...i personally dont think he doesnt post because of the *im tired about mika* thread, i even think he doesnt come here a lot....no...its more about the comments approval...i used to think that it was kind of random, but im not so sure anymore...time will tell.

  18. Everybody listened to Nirvana when I was a teenager. So did I, yet I admit that I mainly stuck with 'Unplugged in NY'. I still listen to that one every now and then, although Nirvana is definitely one of those bands that are linked with a certain period of my life (and really not because they transported such a vital message, more because it happened to be what people listened to at that time *shrug*) and thus don't sound 'right' these days anymore to me personally.

    But that's probably just me.

    Oh and by the way, strangely I can't recall anybody in my environment freaking out or wanting to kill themselves after Kurt Cobain died. I've been thinking about that recently after having read 'About a boy'... but well, we were probably too shallow at the time to get the whole impact of it. :mf_rosetinted:



    yeah thats absolutely what nicki said...the exact opposite of what i think, so no, its not "just you" but it might be "just me" here...


    so appenratly some people just listens music because " its there", well...


    strangely i can recall people who attempted suicide, it must be a question of environement YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT


    maybe its about being active or passive or something also


    vital...i love that word...and it makes me think that ...whatever, your probably right anyway, sometimes i must just accept the fact that ive always been in a rock background with people for whom all this is VITAL

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