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Everything posted by lollipoplove

  1. I'm off for tonight. I have a job interview in the morning...yay! It was nice talking to everyone and talk to you all soon! Night
  2. That sucks. I have homework to do in a few classes and I was going to do last weekend, but I was too lazy. I was on break, so now I have to spend some of my weekend doing homework.
  3. Me and a friend of mine were thinking of choreographing a song to Relax. We could record it for you if you like.
  4. Oh yeah! It sucks when musicians have to work on their birthday cuz their like working all night and then they are all tired. No time to party.
  5. I wrote it on my calender so I won't forget. Wow...he will be 24. All my siblings are older than him.
  6. Lol. I don't even know when Mika's birthday is. :/ when is it?
  7. Thats cool. I think I might be seeing them live on Warped tour. Hero/Heroine- Boys like Girls
  8. Haha, yeah. I'm terrible with birthdays in general. I forgot my dad's birthday this year.
  9. Thanks everyone. I didn't realize it until like an hour ago. Weird, huh?
  10. Poor Mika....that was such an awkward interview.
  11. Yes, I am. They are amazing!. Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen
  12. Oh, my mom passed away like a year ago. Today is her birthday.
  13. Yeah, I do know a lot of Jessicas. I've never met anyone with my name. Thats one of my lifelong goals is to meet someone with the same name as me.
  14. sweetness. thanks! xxmika i love your sig. its cute.
  15. Sure, that'd be great! I just realized today was supposed to be a sad day for me, but I'm not sad.
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