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Posts posted by daydreambeliever

  1. Hey guys! How are you likin' the new layout? :naughty:


    I have some news: I ain't going to the gig.

    I know, its crazy. I'm going to miss out on that moment so much.

    To be honest, I'm not such a big fan as I once was, and I don't feel as terribly sad as my old self would have.

    I'm taking the opportunity to go see another gig; I've been to many Mika gigs before, and I just kind of feel like I should miss out on this one. I don't know, it just feels right to me.

    I'm going to go with my two best friends to a gig of "The Swell Season". It's not jumpy, crazy pop music, its actually kind of the opposite haha.

    You see, they're two actors from an amazing movie called "Once" who have their own band, and basically, we fell in love with the music. Its more just a mellow, 'get in touch with yourself' kind of gig.

    I still love Mika insanely much! I always will.

    But I'm just not going to this one, but the next one for sure haha. And maybe when he's on Ellen too!

    I love you all so much, there's always a spot in my heart reserved for MFC and Mika.

    I hope you guys are all having a great time in your lives haha, I miss you all! I honestly think I might miss you guys more than the idea of seeing Mika... maybe. Haha no, I really do think so.


    :huglove::wub2: I gotsta go to do some howeworks! I love you all!

    Goodnight! :huglove: :grouphug:



    Have fun at your other gig! :shun: Haha, no but really. It actually does sound quite interesting! We'll see you at the next one!!! :wink2:


    Watch, Mika's going to break down crying once he looks out in the audience and doesn't see your face. It's going to be intense.

  2. Those are nice! I really like these voodoo babies... I just might have to buy one for myself. :teehee:



    *Jumps two months in the future when she sees Mika at his L.A. show.*


    Me: Hey, Mika! Great show! I got this for you! :cheerful_h4h:

    Mika: *reads descrition*

    Me: :cheerful_h4h:


    Mika: *bans me from all shows for eternity*

    Me: :emot-sad:



  3. Oh my gosh that's so strange...I just bought two of those :aah: though it wass a different brand name. They're called 'voodoo' or something. I was actually considering buying Mika one too :teehee:


    EDIT: just read the description thing. LOL!! :lmfao: I don't think he would totally hate you...:aah:

    Awesome! Haha. Which two did you get? I wanted to get the "happy" one for him too, but I can't find it! :crybaby:

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