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Everything posted by Allyson

  1. Hmmmmm, I'm a Gemini and it says that Leo is one of my nearly perfect partners. But I've read in other places that Leo is one of my perfect matches Verrrry interesting, I guess time will tell then
  2. Holler!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he Oh, I'm gonna attempt to play Grace Kelly for my final in my piano class. Wish me luck!
  3. Ugh, that's just terrible. Awwww, that won't happen, hon *hug*
  4. Holy crap!! I didn't get to see it!!! Damn you iO digital cable and your lack of BBC America!!! But I was just thinking something. I remember that Bravo TV puts on the BRITS as part of their Breakfast With The Arts thing on Saturday mornings. I'll see if it'll show up one of these days.
  5. Does anyone know how this can be made into a sticky so that everyone knows to vote?
  6. Yay!!!!!! I got it!!!!!! I found the last copy of Vogue's March issue in Brooklyn! :naughty: Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but yeah, around where I live, it was the last copy around. The article looks so much better in person
  7. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* There's another one out there somewhere. Perez Hilton has it on his website here, but he drew all over it and I want the original of it
  8. OMG, these pics are totally amazing!!!! I'm starting a Photobucket album with all these great pics and I'll be finding some of my own to add to the collection Does anyone have photos of Mika and Beth Ditto at the T in the Park festival in the UK? I can't find them anywhere! Thanks so much!
  9. Unfortunately, these awards aren't on TV, but the winners will be announced on March 27th.
  10. Okay everyone, here's an opportunity to show our love for Mika. "Grace Kelly" is nominated for Best Dance Music Video at the International Dance Music Awards (IMDA). Go to http://www.wintermusicconference.com to vote. At the top of the screen, there is a button that says "Vote Now." You can leave the other fields blank if you want to. You can only vote once, and voting ends Friday March 14th, so come on everybody, let's get Mika this award!!!! :punk: :punk:
  11. Oh wow, that would be interesting to hear. Their styles just might blend, you never know
  12. Hmmmm, this is a toughie... I gotta go with adorable here. I know it's not as creative as everyone else's words, but admit it, he is adorable!!!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:
  13. Allyson


    Hey everyone! My name is Allyson and I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I just became a Mika fan, so I'm a real newbie around here. I hope to meet all of you and have fun here!
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