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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. I'm 15 but I feel about 10 sometimes and think it's great! You are so right, we must consider ourselves blessed when we feel childish as children are so carefree!


    exactly :) embrace that childishness, and enjoy every pure moment of joy you can :)

  2. Keep the love coming! Jealousy won't get us down!:punk:


    Bah, jealousy. An outdated, prehistoric notion that has no place in our society of what, 6 billion people? BAH! Jealousy is a possessive emotion which we don't need anymore. There is definitely enough love to go around, and you can share your love with more than one. It would be criminal to do otherwise!! :)

  3. I start school at 9:45am on thursdays whee!


    WTF is "whee?" :D


    I better get off, I have last minute math homework to do :(

    Oh well, beats detention ;)


    WHEEE!! Just means FUN!! YAY!! YIPPEE!! WHEEEE!!!!!


    Have a good day, Khayla!! Talk to you later

  4. Oh gee, you make me sound like a complainer! :P

    I got up anout 1/2 an hour ago and it's 7:45 am here ;)


    And I start school at 8:50 :(

    LOL It's monday :P


    :P Monday!! OH NO!!! It's still Sunday where I am, you poor dear! Getting your dose for the school day are ye? I'll be doing that tomorrow morning :)

  5. I'm very excited about anything NEW from the BOY. I know it's going to be superfantabulous....


    Work on it til you are satisfied, Mika dear. XOXO


    Totally, you got it girl!!!!! :) Patience is a virtue, or so they say...are there other virtues? LOL

  6. What's wrong with the MFC Mika?

    People living like aint got no Mika's

    I think the whole MFC's addicted to the drama

    Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma

    Overseas yeah we tryin to stop bad comments

    But we still got bad comments here livin

    In the MFC the big FAMILY the cliques and the bitches and the Hate

    But if you only have love for your own clique

    Then you only leave space to discriminate

    And to discriminate only generates hate

    And if you hatin you're bound to get irate

    Yeah madness is what you demonstrate

    And that's exactly how anger works and operates

    You gotta have love just to set it straight

    Take control of your mind and meditate

    Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all


    People killing people dying

    Fans hurtin you hear them crying

    Can you practice what you preach

    Would you turn the other cheek?

    Mika Mika Mika help us

    Send some guidance from above

    Cause people got me got me questioning

    Where is the love?


    It just ain't the same all ways have changed

    New days are strange is the MFC insane?

    If love and peace so strong

    Why are there pieces of love that don't belong

    Fans dropping bombs

    Bad karma filling lungs of little ones

    With ongoing suffering

    As the obsession dies young

    So ask yourself is the loving really strong?

    So I can ask myself really what is going wrong

    With the MFC that we living in

    People keep on giving in

    Makin wrong decisions

    Only visions of them livin and

    Not respecting each other

    Deny thy brother

    The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover

    The truth is kept secret

    Swept under the rug

    If you never know truth

    Then you never know love

    Where's the love y'all?(I don't know)

    Where's the truth y'all?(I don't know)

    Where's the love y'all?


    People killing people dying

    Fans hurtin you hear them crying

    Can you practice what you preach

    Would you turn the other cheek?

    Mika Mika Mika help us

    Send some guidance from above

    Cause people got me got me questioning

    Where is the love?


    I feel the weight of the MFC on my shoulder

    As I'm getting older y'all people get colder

    Most of us only care about meeting Mika

    Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction

    Wrong information always shown by the media

    Negative images is the main criteria

    Infecting our mika minds faster than bacteria

    MFCers wanna act like what they see on Youtube

    Whatever happened to the values of humanity

    Whatever happened to the fairness and equality

    Instead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity

    Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity

    That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under

    That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down

    It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under

    I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found


    People killing people dying

    Fans hurtin you hear them crying

    Can you practice what you preach

    Would you turn the other cheek?

    Mika Mika Mika help us

    Send some guidance from above

    Cause people got me got me questioning

    Where is the love?


    We only got one MFC one MFC

    We only got one MFC one MFC

    What's wrong with it? What's wrong with it

    What's wrong with the MFC?

    Yo we only got one MFC, One MFC

    And so we got one MFC...



  7. Hey Suzanne, likewise great to talk with you, I still love your av pic! ;)

    I'm fine thank you, just trying to locate a good red wig for an ok price :P

    They're hard to find to say the very least!

    And yourself?

    How are you?

    Love that umbrella, I was thinking about a deep purple scarf to give him as a present for if he comes but I doubt he will. What do you think?

    I can always make him a toy or something :P


    PS. It's Khayla BTW ;)


    Good morning Khayla! :)

  8. do you think he'll release the second album BEFORE july?

    I mean,in paris there will be a lot of people..I think 1h30 is too short for a big concert like paris,don't you think so?..


    Not if he can pull one song out to 10 mins like he with with Love Today in Vancouver, that would mean he only needed to sing 9 songs LOL :)

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