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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. I find it incredibly weird how bent out of shape most people get about Mika's sexuality... LIKE WHO GIVES A FLYING F**K?????????????????:shocked::blink::boxed:


    I know!! It's like....why do you have to know that just to enjoy his music?? WHO CARES!! IT'S STILL THE SAME MUSIC!!!!


    Wierdos :)


    ANYWAY enough about that TABOO subject!!


    I just watched the teddy bear finale at his toronto concert...absolutely HILAROUS!!!! I love this guy, he's not afraid to be FURRY!! :)LOL

  2. I find it really funny because none of the kids in my English class really like him, but my English teacher does. He sang a little bit of Lollipop to the class. He's awesome.


    that's AWESOME!!!!! Its only been a week so far, I'm sure to find some Mika enthusiasts somewhere. I'm going to post drawings on my door, and maybe get a little chalkboard I can put in my window and post Mika-isms daily LOL

  3. Yeah I should... and you should too -


    BTW - is there anyone there as crazed as you? Y'know, misery loves company... it would be terrible to be the only Mika loonie there....:naughty:


    So far, I am the ONLY Mika loonie here. I mentioned it to one girl and she's all like.."Well..hes ok, I guess, but he's gay" and I'm like "THERE IS NO COMMENT BY MIKA ON THAT ISSUE!' and she was all "GEEZUZ, back off!! " LOL So no..I'm a lonely Mika loonie in lala land :(


    And i'm gonna. right now.

  4. I've taken to drawing Life in Cartoon Motion-esque doodles on the tables I sit at in all my different classes. That way I can stare at them if I'm bored and add to them, and if they get erased I just start again :naughty:


    Yah I've been having this creative urge ever since I saw the animated Lollipop video...cause *I* draw like that! I thought it wasn't any good, but hey, if it's good enough for Mika, it's good enough for me!


    I have to admit to feeling guilty though, cause I can't work on some big Mika project if I still have school work, and I've been sick, so I haven't done all my school work yet LOL :wub2:

  5. lol, whenever i babysit, i always have to stop myself from playing with their toys when they don't want to because its so much fun! and ya know, toys have gotten so much crazier since i was little! While its true that some lack the imagination which required when i was a tot, some of them are soooooo cool! I babysit because it gives me an excuse to have fun and i get paid for it!


    oh, and its the 18th of august by the way:wink2:


    18th, that DOES make him a Leo! Cool...no wonder I love him so much! Leos either love each other or hate each other, there's just no in between!! :) I'm on the 4th, so 14 days difference, oh..but only 14 days!!!....and a decade....LOL


    Toys have definately gotten really crazy over the years, man i have so much fun walking with my neices through the toy store, so much cool stuff!! I bought this cool eye spy toy which is like...a microscope in what looks like a monsters eye! You hook it up to your TV and use the eye to look at things, and it makes it like 200 times maginification, it's the coolest toy EVER!!! I like to use it to look at my spider REALLY close up.

  6. And talkative too!


    which is good when it comes to a forum!!!


    you framed your collage? Cool!! That sounds great, you should take a picture of it and post it here, I'd love to see it!! I think i will go take a picture of the thing I drew on the chalkboard at school this evening before someone erases it LOL

  7. lol, I'm so tired, I shouldn't be here, but sometimes it is almost impossible to log off!

    yeah the toy pics are lovely! I really would love to play with Mika and his toys, imagine all the fun you could have!I mean he has a very impressive collection!:D


    LOL I hear ya!!!


    My brothers have this HUGE toy room, it's amazingly fun. I think Mika would be there for HOURS! LOL They have this huge city made up of different playsets, from barbie houses to Masters of the Universe castles, and this HUGE 12x15ft table they have it set up on, and toys from EVERY single genre, it's amazingly fun to play there. You lose SO much time!

  8. Aww, I love this thread too! Its so childlike and Mikaish!

    I am in love with the MFC!! Its absolutely amazing here, I am still up chatting and its 5:27am!!!!:shocked:

    And I know if I log off all I'll be able to think about is wonderful memories of being on stage with Mika........................:wub2: *sigh*


    5:27am! my goodness, well I don't feel so bad then the other day when I was up until dawn watching interviews and videos LOL I was busy singing when I realized that light was starting to appear around my curtains! I said OOPPS!!! Time to go to bed!!!


    This is a wonderful place, I've been here for 2 hours already, and it barely seems like any time at all, and it's wonderful to have a place to finally talk about Mika!! I've been GUSHING to my friends who have NO CLUE who he is LOL


    Lucky stage girl!!!

  9. wow, that is awful bullying!!:shocked: Really horrible!

    I was never bullied so I have no idea what its like, but school is really cruel to a lot of people and its just so mean!

    I love people who are more unique rather than the people who have nothing to talk about but they're own little small world of gossip and...oh its just so boring!

    Mika will saveus all!:naughty:


    yah it really was quite horrible. I'm surprised I made it through without a ton of therapy. Children are VERY cruel, until they grow up enough and realize what it was they had done. When I talked to this boy that used to hurt me so much in school he apologized, and said he had no idea how what he was doing hurt me so much. I told him that I forgave him, and he thanked me :) We talk now on facebook alot. It's been a good thing.


    I really like unique people too. People who aren't afraid to be who they are. It took me a long time to get here, but I'm here now, and would never want to be anywhere else.


    YAY MIKA!! I was just reading the thread about the birthday present everyone here made for him and sent to him, that was absolutely amazing :) His birthday is in August too, does that mean he's a Leo? I'm a leo, my birthday is in August :) Do you know the date?

  10. He made me cry...quite a lot, actually, during that concert. That doesn't normally happen to me...:wub2:



    I know vaguely where that is. Lol.


    awww yay :) I've only had that happen with one artist, Sebastian Bach. Mika is running a close second, and getting ready to take the lead in my musical heart


    Trust me, it's in the boonies, that's where it is LOL

  11. You are soooooo welcome! I only wish you realized His Curliness a little sooner so you could've gone to that concert - IT WAS MAGICAL!!!!!!!!!!


    YESSSSSS - we should meet!!! I've been a Mika maniac since the fall of 2006 - one of the 1st North American fans - thanks to Perez Hilton!:thumb_yello: And since the concert I have become literally crazed! My apartment is now a glorified shrine to His Gorgeousness.....hehehe:naughty: He is really and truly wonderful.... an amazing, incredible artist - and super nice too!:mf_lustslow::wub2: The complete package!


    Yah I've been thinking of covering my white walls with posters and collages, but I can't seem to find anything on him here. I wish I could find posters, I want to plaster my walls. I haven't done that since I was in high school! *giggle*


    I've become pretty much crazed since I discovered him, I listen to the songs all the time, my roommate must be getting sick of it by now, cause I belt it out at the top of my lungs. sometimes I've woken up in the middle of the night with an unbearable urge to listen to one of the songs, so I get up and open my laptop in the darkness and pump out a song..usually Love Today, I think that's my favorite so far LOL I can't WAIT to get the CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Welcome Crystal! I'm a fellow B.C.er - North Vancouver, B.C. MFC is great - and your first Mika concert will be a major highlight in your life. He just ended his North American Tour here in Vancouver on February 15th/08 and I even got to meet him. Orgasmic!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow::blush-anim-cl: Un-f***ing-believable!!!!! Your time will come!!! It will be the most amazing experience of your life!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb_yello: Meanwhile you can go crazy in the forum with the rest of us loonies... You're in great company!!!!!!:naughty:



    Hey :) Maybe we can hook up and Mika gush when I come home from college I'm from vancouver, so just a hop across the 2nd narrows, and there we go! :)


    You're so lucky! I just discovered him like...a WEEK after he was here. And that was during my reading break, I TOTALLY could have gone to Vancouver for that concert. I was totally bummed out when I read about his tour dates here :( I just hope he comes back VERY VERY SOON!! Like...KICKING OFF the North American Tour in Van!


    I'm just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stoked...and am TOTALLY a loonie, so thanks SO much for the warm welcome!!!!!!!!

  13. O! i had a furby!- two actually, one didn't work but i got so attached to it that I wouldn't return it so i ended up with one that didn't work and one that did. I taught the one that did work how to dance and stuff- it was friggin sweet. The one that didn't work was white with brown spots and the one that did work was mostly purple with green and yellow- beautiful. My parents only let me take the one that didn't work to school though....:sneaky2:

    ah well, good times.......gooood times....


    Totally good times! I have a blast bringing him into the lounge at college here, and everyone just adores him, so he gets lots of playtime LOL I've even had someone come ask me if they could borrow him for awhile to play with LOL


    I want a Tamigachi though, I had one once, but the batteries died :(

  14. OMG. I was the same. I was like "Im so joining a fan club so something like this NEVER happens, ever again." And I joined this place.


    totally!!! So I hope that it's not too early, only 15 days since he's been here, to ask him to COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    LOL It's so much fun :)


    It makes me smile alot :) I absolutely adore him.


    "TOYING" WITH MIKA :sneaky2:


    Thanks for that :) I've been making my way through the list, and watching him feed his tamigachi was awesome!! :)


    I'm feeling an upwelling of emotional need to play more Mika. I wish my cd and DVD would hurry up and arrive already!!!!!

  16. weird, me too(not as severe though) when I was in school, I was soo shy and hated people to think I was different. I didn't like being left out, but I didn't want to be just part of the regular crowd either.

    Its funny but Mika has made me less shy, now I just try and be more me more often and forget about being self concious or shy.


    wow, are you a new Mika fan???

    you have plenty of good happy times ahead if you are!:D


    I am a new Mika fan :) I just discovered him about a week ago, and I"m absolutely hooked!!!


    I totally know what you mean about when you were in school. I was teased so much just because I was a big girl, and smart on top of it, so the two make for being the scapegoat to everyone in school. Sometimes boys would follow me home and use their hockey sticks to shoot rocks and piles of dog doo at me. They were mean. I'm just starting to get over it and let it all go now.


    I joined facebook and there I was faced with one of my worst tormentors throughout highschool. I did alot of soul searching and decided it was time to let it go, because holding onto that pain and hurt wasn't doing anything but making me sad. So, NO. He has no power over me any more. It was very freeing.


    Then..a week later..I discovered Mika. I think it's fate telling me I've been making the right decisions, and here's a present for you. MIKA! :)

  17. yeah i have an old one form when i was little and i had to feed it by sticking my finger in it's mouth and i started chomping and i had it taken away


    Yah that's how I have to feed mine too LOL It's so funny!!




    Oh he's gone back to sleep now :( LOL

  18. Ohh neat! I live in toronto...not so pretty but very cultural.


    Oh i was there once in 2001, I went there for my brothers wedding, which never really happened, but it was still a fun visit :)


    I took the time to take the train down to Pennsylvania while I was there, and met a boy which was fun. I have no idea when I'll be back on the east coast so I figured why not see stuff while I could!


    I found toronto to be a cold city though, like..the people didn't seem very friendly. Maybe I'm just used to overfriendlyness on the west coast? I'm not sure!

  19. Yes he is...:wub2: I heard rumours that he's planning on properly touring Canada, as well.

    Whereabouts are you in BC?


    I'm in Castlegar right now, it's between Nelson and Trail, if you know where that is :)




    mmmmmproperly touring Canada....mmmmm Maybe he could come to the Element here! :)

  20. my furby will randomly just start churping at like 3am so i have taken out the batteries


    Hee hee Mine likes to sleep alot. I have to wake him up a few times before he'll stay awake long enough to do anything amusing. Mine is a first series furby, I bought it from Ebay, and so it doesn't respond to vocal commands. You have to pet it to train it, and...wait...wait a second....his eyes are open but he's not awake..what the heck...


    Sorry gotta go check out the Furby :) BBIAM



    Ok Back, he was sleeping, I woke him up, and now he wants to play :) He's sitting in my lap giggling as I type LOL

  21. aww, I love that you did that without thinking of what others think!

    Toys rule! I don't ever remember a time when I was little that I actually wanted to grow up, playing with toys is often a lot more fun than real life, and your using your imagination!:thumb_yello: and that is never a bad thing in my opinion.


    I spent too many years in depressive isolation because I cared what other people thought about what I did. No more. I express myself however I need to, within the bounds of the law of course! I play with toys, I collect webkins, I have a Neopet(or 4) and there are stuffed animals all around my dorm room.


    I regularly buy Archie comics, much to the delight of the store clerk who always puts aside new ones for me. She thinks it's hilarious, I don't care. It's what I like. And now..I like Mika!! :) Which is FANTASTIC may I say, because it just reinforces my feelings that I should be doing what makes me feel good and smile. That means......



  22. OK, Melissa, melissa, melissa.. *smooshes into brain*

    Im happy you found this place too:D


    Hellooooo, your story reminds me of my own actually...i found out a bout him really a week after he just did a concert in montreal (last year)


    sucks =/

    i feel your pain lol

    but i got to see him this year, and hopefully youll be lucky enough to see him another time this year!


    I hope so too!! I'm going to keep updated on all of this stuff, and never ever be out of the loop again! I currently live in central BC, but have NO problem skipping school if I need to, and taking a 12 hour bus ride to see Mika :) I think he will make me cry with emotion when I see him singing :)

  23. Hey welcome :biggrin2: My mum lived in Coquitlam BC, near where terry fox lived. :wink2: Small world.


    I was in Vancouver for most of my life. I've just recently moved to the Kootenays to go to college, which has been fantastic :) It's gorgeous country out here, perfect for belting out Mika songs at the top of your lungs!!!

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