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Everything posted by weealx

  1. Aww - you sell yourself so well Fred is shy too - unless he has had a few sherbets!! did I overkill the sell myself a bit, probably why I don't get replies from lonely hearts, even the helplines hang up when I call. lol
  2. emptying washing machine, before I get ready to go. hev & ejc think it strange I call the dishwasher a washing machine, when I ask them to put the dishes in the washing machine, after all I don't say put the clothes in the clothes machine, it is called a washing machine, and don't tell me that is confusing, a washing machine is just that a washing machine.
  3. Do you have inside information? Are you Fred in disguise? nah, too shy to be Fred, I'm just me, words to decribe me; anniying, sometimes insensitive, grumpy, self opinionated, miserable little git. Fred is probably none of the above.
  4. good morning and how are you today, and your sparring partner Kath?
  5. morning Shari, what allergy have you got?
  6. our time will come to be official, bet it happens before next album!!!!! and tour
  7. sorry amp, took the morning off, back to work for a couple of hours at lunchtime, hope you are good today.
  8. Good morning all you lovely people, I hope the sun shine for you all today.
  9. all the oldlings have had their cocoa early tonight. night night everyone.
  10. we went to Lincoln one weekend, such a horrible drive from where I live, did nothing when there as son mikaling was involved in a short film being shot there. locals were friendly though we had a good time with them.
  11. seems like it has been busy here, having tomorrow morning off, so may get some housework done if not dostracted by something less boring. Hope everyone is better than they were yesterday, and remember tomorrow will be even better than today.
  12. I have to go for a while, catch most of you later if not goodnight. weealx
  13. hey pooh, whats new and cooking. have you had a good day?
  14. should dogs not be sent to the human house?
  15. hiya trouble, thinking of you and wendi made me think could we write a script on the two of you
  16. nothing wrong with bach turn over, if people are really naughty they should be made to listen to the osmonds.
  17. but i still love you all, only stopping people from shooting me, I am harmless, just think what would happen if batman & robin were to join in. lol
  18. maid marian never used a bow, sure you were not friar tuck, rotfl
  19. has anyone apart from mamacatt, got no sence of sympathy to protect a small person? shame on those who will not assist me against those who wish me distress, now i'm to frightened to go to hamsterjam. mama you are just like the bionic woman - defending the weak
  20. should read old, young kath & wendi. lol although silver could be joining them. war on here tonight.
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