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Posts posted by victoria+Mika

  1. tuff choice right??


    if he walked up to u in all his sexyness and told u he wanted to go out with you would you leave ur man??





    Me 3 I dont have a man so yes YES YES:mf_lustslow: and the me 3 thing IDK if I'm the third to say me 3 and if I had a man I would probably not go out with Mika and I would leave my man both because It would be a really hard descision that I could'nt make that I probably could'nt make it would make me crazy....stop pressuring me.....STOP......Okay Mika I'd have Mika I think ya see? (lol) IDK:naughty:

  2. Hey, everyone out there! guess what? I am jumping off the walls just because of someone's b-day who has a similaritie with ours truly Mika:mf_lustslow: guess who?........give up? Freddie Mercury's b-day is on September 5th, 1946 and my b-day is september 5th but no way on 1946 soooo...........that's a sign cuz Freddie Mercury and Mika have big similarities so to me it's almost like God sent Mika to me..... he is my love:naughty: (lol) but thats weird it's crazy it's brilliant! and guess what Mika's b-day is on August 18 and 18 days later is my b-day(and Freddie's) that's so meaningful to me! it means alot to me! God sent Mika down to me but that sounds to obbsesive with Mika and sounds like I'm a stalker something like that does'nt it????? answer me...pweese? who would'nt be etstatic if you heard the same thing? I'm happy:thumb_yello: :punk::mf_lustslow: I lubs my Mika and of course like my signature yall:naughty:

  3. Mika has admitted thats is recent chart success has not brought him the same result in his love life. The pop sensation made it three weeks on top of the UK singles chart with 'Grace Kelly', but has bemoaned his lack of romantic success, especially considering the time of year(february). "I may be getting famous now but no one wants to go out with me," he told the Daily Mirror. "In fact,no one has ever really wanted to go out on a date with me. I've got no date for any Valentine's Day's either - I'ts all a bit depressing to be honest."

    That's really sad Mika should'nt lack love interest, what crazy person in this world would'nt want to go out with Mika Penniman? I'd move mountains to go out with thee Mika Penniman but I would'nt be all OMG Mika! Mika! Mika! I love you boy! Mika deserves more than that I'm sure!

  4. I totally agree!!! 100% I think the whole 'men who cry are wusses' thing is rediculous!! Men have feelings too & should express them I think It takes a real man to admit he cries!!


    aww I soo just wanna give Mika a big hug right now:wub2:


    Me too,:crybaby: I loves my Mika I wanna give him a big bear hug so he does'nt need to cry no more neither do I and I like crying too and it does take a real man to admit he crys and Mika is a real man:wub2: :wink2:

  5. Hey, lovers(lol) so I heard Mika say thats he crys! But on air plains, he said one time he was on an air plain, and he was wachting "Dancing In The Dark" and he started crying he also said it is probably 1 of the saddest movies he ever saw and thats the main reason why he cried, but anyway he cries on air plains he said plains just do something to you and he crys on them also because he thinks if something might happen(plain crashes, family, etc.) my opinion on that is.....that's so sweet and shows he is a real man, truly amazing I used to cry everytime I went on a plain sometimes I still do(lol) not really to funny but it's sweet and he's sweet I luv Mika and how sweet he is!!

    EVERYONE knows I loves my Mika:mf_lustslow:

  6. So I had some Ideas for the Happy Ending Mug wait one second.....If this is Mika back away DO NOT read this!(lol)though I still love you:wub2: so where was I? hmm I'm going to put a pic of my Idea and it is going to be great so if anyone has any Ideas pleas spill them here thanks!!:naughty:

  7. AustinandEmilee1752-1.jpg


    I like John mayer, he sorta looks like Mika I think he's cute but no way as cute and as sexyish as Mika no guy is sorry that's my opinion I always have an opinion usually on everything Mika is da best and noone is gonna say any other guy in this worls is as cute,sexy,hot breathtaking, and as fun as Mika

    I loves my Mika:mf_lustslow: :wub2::huglove: me and Mika to the left!

  8. i used to play this game at school.complete these sentences in your own words as creative and short as you can.the rules are simple.

    you can't use pictures or emoticons.most importantly,your sequence to the sentence MUST be CLEAN :naughty:



    2.MIKA LOVES ...



    let me start.





    your turn! :wink2:


    1.IF MIKA WAS IN JAIL....I'd break him out, he'd thank me kiss me and we'd live happelly ever after ,THE END!

    2.MIKA LOVES.....me and no one else(I wish he did........maybe someday:naughty: )

    3.I HATE IT WHEN MIKA......is'nt here with me in my life and face to face telling me how much he loves me(tears) , and when he talks to other girls and hugs them I sorta get Jealous:mf_rosetinted: (lol,a little)


    I loves my Mika:mf_lustslow: :wub2::snog: me and Mika to the left!!!

  9. Hey, everyone so whoever loves to see Mika shake his little booty around and around , if you want to be in the bsms-(booty shaken Mika society) Quote this or post a reply or something like that and I'll add you who would'nt love 2 see Mika shake that wonderful breathtaking booty especially with his tall figure!




    Here are the people who have joined so far::wink2:

    1.Me - we need more then ME,and 2 more people!



    4.mikas #1 fan!


    6.xx emily x!

    7.mika -fan1001!

    8.xx mikaaa!




  10. your thread post thingy is all what I think of him(Mika) well it's all true seriously I read all of it im not lieing at all I dream of him Im tottaly obsessed I got one of my freinds almost in love with him I think labenese guys just got hotter etc. everything I love Mika I am more then a fan Im a lover of him It's or he's so amazing so amazing im serious oh my god Amazing I say amazing way 2 often OMG I love mika!!!:snog::huglove: me and Mika 2 the left!!

  11. Hey again peoples um who like's Miley cyrus? wait wait And WHY?? Dont you people see she's a fake and if you like her you obviously couldnt like Mika cause he is 1million times better than her and it's true! Sorrt this is my opinion and she is a fake she's meteocre and an amature and she's nothing compared to Mika and if anyone like's Mika why do some people have a pic of her under every message they send??(I dont know what it's called or how you do it) For the people who say she's talented or everything she's not Mika is but again she's not cause she just got famous because of her dad her dad is a singer and has been one since I can remeber since my mom and dad can remember he's a counrty singer and that's how she got famous she's not really talented it's just meteocre but antway that;s my opinion and dont forget it and who ever likes her pm me seriously!:thumbdown:she is thumb down yay Mika NOT Miley faketana!!

  12. :mf_rosetinted: So guys when you look at mika what do you think? he's so nice and he's so cute and hot and sexy and breath taking yes he is , is that what you guys think?? seriously tell me you NEED 2.......I think when I look at him I say in my head he's so fine and such a good person and he deserves to have a singing career because he experienced severe bullying and and was dyslexic i FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM I TRULY LOVE MIKA AND I HOPE THAT SOME DAY SOME WAY that im at 1 of his concerts that would be my 20th of his and he would remember me and love me I wish and I hope and I know I may sound 2 too obsessed but im not I just really would like some have more hope actuallly in my life and he would fall in love with me trust me and start a life with me and I probably sound crazy but im sorry if i do that's 2 bad I love mika and NO ONE IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT and trust me I dont have a great life everyone hate's me at my school well not eveyone I have friends but those Friken a-holes sorry sorry sorry for my language they just hate me for no reason I didnt do anything maybe cause im not miss popular with a hot boyfriend and I dated every guy in school and im not a virgin BUT I DONT WANT TO BE MISS POPULAR OR NOT A VIRGIN OR WITH A HOT BOYFRIEND THATS NOT COOL sorry but it's not and I hope all you people here me out feel what im feeling you know?? Thanks peoples im glad 2 have some people to tell this to!
  13. So you guys think you can dance?? yeah? really?? WELL I was telling my freinds about Mika and how hot and cute and adorable and drop dead gorgeous hot with his shirt off and sexy he is and she's like Mika hmmm I heard of him Im positive he was on so you think you can dance and Im like how he's not sosososososososososososo famous in america (cause is'nt that an american tv show??) IDK but anyway im like are you sure? she's like im positive and just yesterday I was here on mkf looking at pics of him showing my bff rebecca him(by the way she thinkd he's so yummy like me but not as obsessed not near as obsessed as us in the MKF) and there's was a pic of him on so you think you can dance and im like OMG are you kidding me OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG ya know? And when my dad first baught me the cd I knew I heard grace kelly before and over my shoulder seriously but gotta go love yall!!!:punk::roftl::naughty:


    This one's 4 the girls who have ever had a broken heart who have wished apon a shooting star you are beautiful the way you are this one's for the girl yaya ooooo!! I want all you girls to be confident and the same with guys and ESPECIALLY Mika I love you Mika and girls remember be who you are dont fake being some1 else love your self thank you lord oh holy jesus have a wonderful day AND I LOVE YOU MIKA GO Mika GO Mika GO MiKA OHOHOH YEAH OH YEAH love yall thanks~~~~~ WAVELY I love who loves Mika I guess I do IDK what ev



    I love you mika!!!!!!!:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow::wub2::wink2::naughty:

  15. Hey again it's victoria+mika reporting from the victoria+mika news station back in the u.s , So how is everybody 2day? im doing pretty good:bleh: well here's some news I can tell well yesterday me and my mom were at wall mart shopping for easter groceries 4 dinner and I didnt go in with her but I sat in our car listening to Mika.!! Well there were no birds out at first but when I decided to roll down all of the 4 windows in my car and blast Mika to the volume of 38 the loudest birds started coming around flapping there wings it almost looked like they were dancing to it to the music they were really enjoying Mika's music!Wow not so many people were happy that I was blasting the music but who cares I love Mika and they should learn to love him 2:mf_lustslow: :wub2::naughty: And again that's ur news from My neck of the woods there'll be more news coming out soon, goody bye!:punk:

  16. Hello everyone im victoria+Mika reporting from the victoria+Mika news station in the u.s So how do you feel about Mika's cd being sold here? and I just yesterday went to virgin mega store to show my friend his music though I already had the cd in my car but we were busy doing something else so we went in looked for it looked in the very same spot where it was when me my sis and dad went looking for it So yesterday IT WASNT THERE!! I was fuming it was gone how could this be? Well I cant do anything about it and at least the day me my sis and dad went I got that cd because that one had ring ring and erase on it So now I have 2 life in cartton motion cd's does anybody else have more than 1 cd of Mika?? Well good luck and thats ur news from my neck of the woods!! I LOVE YOU MIKA DONT EVER FORGET IT!!:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :wub2::punk::biggrin2:

  17. Hey peoples out there I have a friend on the internet on mika fan club actually so the person is iadoremika she's nice and love's talking about mika like me and YOU KNOW WHO ELSE?? Mika is a great friend and person why do you think I LOVE him AND his music!! Other people 2 like racha and I think it's called rockinbabzz?? well I just met them but they sound like good people and Im saying this cause im a kind person and im not just saying that and so are those people and if i get to know everyone else I can say you are 2!! so whoever would like 2 be my buddy pm-(private message) me if you dont I obviously will know!! Thanks for ur time:biggrin2: :wink2::punk:

  18. Hey for whoever is looking at this forum well im planning to go 2 the I think it's called the rockwretchter concert on july 3 but where is it? What I mean by where is it is like is it in italy poland swedan engalnd etc. or in america? Please whoever looks at this please send me a private message to where the rockwrechter concert is!!!

    Thanks urs truly victoria+mika!!:punk:

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