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Posts posted by victoria+Mika

  1. that's hard, but i'll say his hair...wait is it allowed to grow back? well even if not, he'd still sound the same even w/o his hair:thumb_yello:



    listen to mika


    listen to this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIRmtMLhrdo


    i found it sooo funny. this is the one i originally found:http://beta.odeo.com/episodes/18305330-kalakala-eagle


    listen to Mika obviously!! that guy was screaming not singing I'd call that gorila singing hehe!:naughty::roftl:

  2. WYR


    choose mika's outfits out for a week


    have mika choose your outfits for a week?


    I'd pick IDK that's hard I'd choose Mika's outfits for him so that I could dress him ya know:das::das: that would be nice or maybe I said MAYBE it would be better if he dresses/undresses me nice:das::fisch:hehe! IDK what would be better??!! maybe he could dress/undress me and it would lead to a whole other situation ya know what I mean? like he's undressing me hehe! and I start laughing cuz he's tickeling me/my leg and up and up my clevage:blush-anim-cl: and then I undress him:naughty:and ya know one thing leads to another!!

  3. So, Would You Rather is my favourite game, I play it everyday:naughty: and a few days ago my friend (who knows if my mika obsession) asked me 2 mika would you rathers


    1. would you rather...

    a. Kill Mika :thumbdown:

    b. Kill Your Grandma


    i said well....my grandma is old.....


    2. would you rather...

    a. Kill Mika

    b. Watch Mika die


    this one was hard but i said kill him cause maybe i could do it quick and painlessly cause i wouldn't want him to suffer


    anyway if you dont know how to play, the rules are simple, you come up with two unfavorable or two favorable situations and the other person has to choose which one they want......favorable situation could be....would you rather spend the day with mika and then never see him again or be a millionaire and never get to meet him


    you can make your own or answer mine


    Let, me first answer the questions then make my own,


    1st question my answer: a (I can't kill my grandma no I'm sorry, I still love you Mika)


    question2 my answer: b (cuz I could probably help him before he totally dies)


    okay my turn ready set go:


    1. would you rather...

    a.marry Mika but he was abusive,and loved you mentaly

    b.marry Mika but he didn't love you


    2. would you rather...

    a. have a one night stand with Mika

    b. go to your mom's funeral

    c. have a one night stand with Mika then got arrested but he loved you!


    so go ahead and answer the questions please...NOW!!:naughty::wink2: Love ya guys and totally love YOU Mika:mf_lustslow::bleh:

  4. Hi, peoples last night at dinner my 2 grandmas, my sis and I were talking about Mika:das:in the bestest way ever!! and it came to the discusion about "how much does Mika weigh?" I said 120 lbs. cuz he's thin, but I told one of my grandmas that he was 6'3 or 6'4 so she said there's no way he weighs 120 more like 220 lbs. and I'm like no way he's thin/skinny now that she said that I now think/guess he weighs 175 or 190 or 185 cuz when your taller it puts more weight on you cuz there's more muscle and fat and bones etc. I'm 5'6 1/2 and I'm 15 years old and weigh 130 but I look like I weigh less than that cuz the fat, muscles even out through out your body so I guess that's a good thing:thumb_yello::roftl: so again How much does Mika weigh?? if any one does an interview on Mika I think they should ask him that, or maybe that would be to personal?? so how much do you think Mika weighs? if ya know tell!!:naughty:love ya....xoxo:wink2:

  5. damn it son of a gun I'm so mad listen..Yo, I'm pissed cuz my mom and dad aren't buying me the tickets to Mika's Concert in Amsterdam :furious::mad: I really want to go I want Mika to sign my clevage, and I'll be SUPER jealous if eveyone else go's and I dont :thumbdown: and also jealous if he (Mika) dances with the big girls all over them kissing them touching them I want him to do that to me:thumb_yello::das:son of a f-ing bit*h awww :furious::bash:why god why?

  6. Hi, Mika uhh IDK what to say, besides that you deffinatly have changed my world and life 4-ever I will never be the same cuz you are here with me in my mind in my ...my...my....home,and C.D player, and HEART DEEP DOWN:wub2:I cant say like that I love u cuz I don't know you alot (never met you at a concert, or hugged you or looked into your eyes or gave you a brilliant present) but I sorta feel like I can say I love you in a way like not the love you that means I know you just the love you that means you amazing your gorgeous handome and everything in my life I could go on saying things...but ya know:wink2:I LOVE YOU!! hehehaha!I want you to sign my clevage and maybe my bra, and you can feel my breasts:blush-anim-cl:hehe! (I'm getting embarassed) and sign some other sh*t I have and take my brilliant preset that I will give to you, but one thing I'm not gonna ask you to sign my clevage they will (my breasts/clevage) be out infront of your face my clevage will be showing so keep that in mind I'm not asking you I'll be embaressed probably so yeah keep that in mind but don't forget or...or..I'll :tears:cry! and feel my breasts too! *girl in the blue with the big bust on, big bust on!* I'm sorry if this is disturbing you a bit but nobody's perfect OR NORMALI'll be :shocked:if you sign my clevage and touch the breasts and etc. I want to touch your hips and probably squeez your but, hehe :blush-anim-cl:sorry It's true at least I'm honest!! well that's it love ya cherio!:snog:sorry god damit it wouldn't do all my words in purple but I can't do anything about it, love ya....Victoria!

  7. Hi, welcome to the MFC Michela I hope you have the best time here and I love that your from Italy I'm italian and I go to Italy all the time with my dad cuz he loves Italy too! my mom is swedish not one ounce Italian but my bro and me are we obviously got it from my dad! so again welcome I'm glad to have you here and I'm sure everyone else is glad too!:wink2:

  8. Ok, there's stuff in this picture of Mika I'm curious about take a look http://www.contactmusic.com/photos.nsf/main/mika_1768465


    his pants are wet (the zipper part near ya know his ...) hehe! also is the guy next to him holding Mika's hand? but Mika looks tan looks great looks very tall cuz he is and looks gorgeous!:mf_lustslow:


    or perhaps he spilt champaighn or white wine on his pants ya see look in his hand in this pic http://www.contactmusic.com/photos.nsf/main/mika_1768216

  9. That one gets my heart pumping. :mf_lustslow:


    that one gets my heart pumping too, OMG I just looked at it closer and he's so yummy and looks so hot, sexy and ooooh *swoon* I want him!:mf_lustslow:

  10. I completely agree!!! The radio isn't playing his (fabulous) music and it makes me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious: I don't really know what their reason is...it better be pretty good if they continue to deprive so many innocent people of his contagious melodies! :protest: START PLAYING MIKA!


    When I drool :drool: over him at school (with my ONE friend who knows him too), everyone asks who I am talking about. Huh???? You don't know Mika???? *jaw drops* :jawdrop: I want him to become more popular in the U.S. so he will come back and tour again! (Maybe next year?) Please Mika, come back!!!


    Don't worry...Mika will be popular. (Ladies, do we really want more competition? We have first dibs! lol.) It's only a matter of time before he is selling out in every major stadium! Everyone in the MFC already knows that he is a living legend! :thumb_yello:


    I..I...I..LOVE your signature so much!!

  11. ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!



    Hey, I'm from the U.S and I know who Mika is obviously and I'm in love with him & his music:mf_lustslow: there's a couple other people in my school who I presented Mika to and sadley they think he's ugly but one of my bff's likes his songs yay but I really think he's cute, gorgeous, handsome brilliant wonderful, I could go on but I gotta go see ya (smooches) xoxoxo

  12. Okay, guys, girls gays, straights and lovers...hehehhehehe!! there is a quiz and it's called "what kind of chicken are you?" CHICKEN!! ok so go to (type every word&letter in exactly how I have it) k go to......... http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_kind_of_chicken_are_you and then press enter take the quiz and see what kind of chicken you are tell me when your done!! oh yeah there is a Mika chicken....and it says it's made by me but it's not my friend made it a friend not bf or bff she's weird...hehe...and rate the quiz 100% great there will be stars and click the most stars please? ok yay!! Mika and Chicken :mf_lustslow::punk::roftl:oh yeah leave comments too please so I know who took the quiz or how many people so yeah!!

    I want Mika to take the quiz will you Mika???

  13. I was thinking of how "Life in Cartoon Motion" is such a fantastic name for an album.


    Then I started to think about Mika's next album and came up with the idea for this thread.


    What should Mika name his next album?

    I know you guys are so creative, I can only imagine what you will come up with:naughty:


    And Mika...look here...you may find a suggestion that will help you name your new album:biggrin2:


    Our ideas:

    37)Deliciously Gay (suggested by Fmbm)


    61)Anything drugs can do I can do better (suggested by xlindee)

    62)F*ck me I'm famous (suggested by IngievV)

    63)The Boss' Revenge (suggested by phunkygal)]2012 [/b](suggested by Niki27)

    111)All the world's a gay (suggested by IngievV)

    112)What's in a gay? That which we call a lollipop (suggested by IngievV)

    113)If gay be the food of love, play on (suggested by IngievV)

    114)There are more things in heaven and earth, gay (suggested by IngievV)

    115)Love looks not with the eyes, but with the gay (suggested by IngievV)

    116)Let every gay negotiate for itself (suggested by IngievV)

    117)Ghost in a teacup (suggested by Anzuzu)


    I like these ones above me but mostly NO.37# I have one though it's: Screw you Simon and those other music industries

    2) Life In Gay Motion (hehe)

    3) I try to be like Mr. Gay Wiggles

    4)Chubby Bunny Motion

    5) Everybody's gonna love gay's

    6) I the curly gay (my friend told me to put that one not my idea)

    7) I want beer (friends idea)

    8) I know you love me

    9) the MFC rocks album


    that's all for now folks!! hehe!:punk::roftl:

  14. Hi!!


    I'm Sepideh and I've been a mikafan for a long time I just didn't join this club.... I don't know why but I know it was stupid not to join earlier :bleh:


    Actually my sister first forced me to listen to the song relax and then I just fell in love with it :D

    sence then I've been totoally obsessed by Mika:)


    I'm very glad to be a member and I kind of know that I'm gonna have a grat time here at MFC!!:roftl:


    Yeah I'm from Sweden btw and I'm 14 :P


    Hi, Sepideh I'm Victoria I hope you have a great time here at the MFC I'm sure yuo will Welcome!!

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