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Everything posted by Rominita-penniman

  1. holaa ai como andan? primeroo, NO SABEN QE LINDO ES CHESIL BEACH un libro, vaya la ironia qe el protagonista se llama Edward, me encantoo, otra cosa! DIOS SANTO! diria mi abuela, qe feoo el nombre del nuevo cd de mika, dios qiera qe se mentira,, me hace acordar a la cancion DONDE ESTAS CORZON de Enriqe Iglesias ¬¬ y decir enriqe iglesias me hace acordar a Diego Iglesias jajaj LAUUU: qe es ese proyectoo de Robert?? yaa me qierroo anotarr y mandarle una carta diciendole qe me muerdaa! jaja just kidding, hoy en la libreria compre muchisimas cositas para hacerle la carta a mi pen friend jajaj, bueno me voy a comer, despues tengo el cumpleaños de mi primito me encantan los cumpleaños de nenes chiqitos jajaj BESOTES
  2. DIOSS! tengoo el dvd TENGO EL DVD! lo amee era el ultimo qe qedaba! jajaa aii em encantaaaa lo vi dos veces hoy me voyy pasee volando tengan lindo dia
  3. jja te lo acabo de decir por msn pero lo digo aca tambien por qe soy re jevii re jodida (?) a mi siempre me sale, nueva muna, jajajja spaninglish a full! (?) aii em alegro tanto qe te haya gustadoo, era obvio qe te iva a gustar, te enamoras completamente de edward, yo llore MAL MAL en la parte en qe charlie le dice "maybe we can do more thing toguether" me partio el corazoon, jaja, bonitoo jaja
  4. ohh my gosh! TWO YEARS?? this is OLD! haha, just kidding! soo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! thanks you for everything! I´ve found amazing people, friends, in here, haha MFC ROCKS MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD (apart from Mika and all the Twilights star ) XOXO
  5. really? I cry two times when I read it I wish someone loves me like edward loves bella! haha
  6. ultimaa pasadita del dia, bah deberia decir, primeraa pasada del dia *suenan las baterias qe suenan despues de un chiste* maliisiiimoo"jajaj es qe cene payaso al horno (?) buee ya esta emm, pasaba a decir buenas noches, sueñen con qien qieraa qe yo voy a soñar con unos cuantos, los de la fotito de mi siggy y el de la fotito de arriva, toodos para mii (?) dios! qe mal pensadas son!! mirenn lo qe piensan DESUVICADAS!! y sin embargoo se rienn? ddios santo, hagansee tratar! arre me acabo de bajar una botella de dos litro de agua en menos de cinco minutos, rompi algun record? dioss me estaba muriendo de sed bueno despues de tanto delirio me despido mañaa espero comprar el dvd de mika y un libro qe se llama chesil beach, seguroo qe me olvido el nombre y eso qe me lo anote en el nock en la mano y en mi celu pero conociendome seguro llego a la libreria y me olvide el celular me lave las manos y se ve borroso o algo paso y me olvido el nombre jajaj BESOTES AND HAVE A GOOD NICHT xoxo
  7. ooh, good night dream with jackson and Mika! haha sweet dreams!
  8. lol, okay but the one who plays james is mine too, this is soo funny lmfao! I have just imagine my self with a blue dress in the red carpet at the OSCARS haha, `cause i will be nominate for the best actress hahaha,
  9. lauuu

    aii recien se ocmo se usa estoo

    aii sii qiero el link :P


    ya qe estoy te digo felices fiestas feliz cumple y feliz todoo por aca :P


  10. good night and sweet dreams lauu! maybe we can sell to stephanie our ideas, an maybe, just maybe, she write a book, and we become famous, we act in the movie, and I will meet robert, taylor, jackson and Kellan, and all of them fell in love with me, I can live with that, one night with rob, an other with taylor, an other with jackson and an other with kellan, and the again with Rob, and kellan, and taylor.... hahaha
  11. omg! I forget it' date=' imagine my little girl with Aro, omg! i will have to turn in to a vampire firts, and then we´ll have sex Lau! I have an idea, maybe Charlie fell in love with Jacob´s father, billy `cause he realised he is gay
  12. emm, firts I will try to have sex, I mean have a girl , Reneesme need some friend!! haha,
  13. lmfao! cool!,I will ask for an Island for my b-day Hope Emmet buy me one, maybe with a car or two
  14. hahaha, yeah!! we are Cullens! I will take some holidays and and I will go to ISLAND ESME with Emmet! omg! imagine that me, Emmet, an island, alone, alone, PARTTYYY, lol
  15. With Cayo, from the Vulturis, Bella was secretly in love with him since ther firts time she saw him
  16. LOL LOL and more LOL mmm, that`s a good idea, and maybe Rosalie dicover that Emmet is not good enought for her and I can have Emmet, and Edward, `cause he will get tired of Bella, hahha that`s a great idea! imagine LEAH AND JACOB, it sounds good!
  17. jaja lo qe tiene crepusculo es qe hace parecer todo muy real, como si los vampiros existieran posta, jaja , y no es el tipico vampiro con capa negra feo qe engatuza a la chica y despues la muerde, estos son hermosooss! bueno mira lo qe es edward (robert pattinson) y nose la historia en si en muy tierna y linda, te re atrapa
  18. LOL, but, what happend with Jacob? we must find someone for him
  19. chicassssssssss QIEROO BAJARMEE CREPUSCUULOOOO!!!!!!!!! la peli! jaja y no puedo arggg me voy a morir de frstracion, la tecnologia me puede, MICAA AMOO QE LINDAA FOTOSS! jajaj
  20. COOL, the second time a saw it(actually it was the same day i wachtedit for the firts time, i went to the cinema 2 times in one day and I only pay one ) i talcked throgh the whole movie too! haha,
  21. hi girls! u all must see this! my god! he is soo f*ckiinn´ hott in this picture
  22. ooh, fuee graciass a Ana qe juto comento al respecto, jaja se me dio por hablar correcto
  23. jajaj me matoo esoo. aii me lei amanecer en dos dias, ahoraa no tengoo qe leer, algun libro para recomendar?
  24. actually, at the end, was when I more cried It wass soo amazing, when I left everyone was watching me, maybe they were thinking "look that crazy girl how she cry" my eyes were RED lol
  25. i don´t know, I really have no idea, maybe becouse I was very exited, and when charly said "maybe we can do more things toguether" there i cry too
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