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Everything posted by superstar

  2. hi sammy!!! i agree and what is this?? SHE HUGGED MIKA!?!?!??!?! whats up??
  3. hey!! i'm gonna go to the pool, but maybe i'll be back later!! love you devin!!
  4. YAYAYAYA!! ok tell me the details!! i want to meeeet you!!! ok, i need to switch the computer with my sister but i'll be back soon!
  5. OHMYMIKAOHMYMIKAOHMYMIKAOHMYMIKAOHMYMIKA!!!!!!! you should see if you can see devin!! maybe i can go there and see you!! probably not but still! OMM!! you hvae to tell me when you're there!! i want to see if i can come see you!!!!
  6. awww i feel so bad!! right after you guys get together he has to leave!! ok this is bad comparison but when we went to mexico, we didn't have ipods or computers or ANYTHING!! so no mika for 10 whole days. but when we got back and listened to his album for the first time, and you would not believe how amazing it was!! i think the second song was 'over my shoulder' and it was just absolutely breathtaking how amazing it was, i missed it so much!! so hopefully, you'll think about him and how amazing he is and the good things about him, so when he gets back you can appreciate!! hold on in there!! p.s. i have 'i predict a riot' and listened to 'ruby' and listning to 'born to be a dancer right now!!
  7. wow!! right now my favorite one is 'heat dies down', but i only know like a few songs.. what are good ones?? what is the best album?? i want to buy one !! right now, we're watching 'i now pronounce you chuck and larry'..oh wait, sister changed it to 'russia today', where russian people talk in english..strange..:roftl: whats going on there??
  8. watching tv in our hotel room and listning to this band that i found and REALLY LIKE you should look them up, they're called :kaiser chiefs not as good as mika of course!:naughty:but still good ok i'm turning the computer over to my sister but i'll be back in a few minutes!!
  9. four pages of stickers!! i wish i could upload the pictures and videos that we took, but i will when we get back to texas
  10. hey guys we're back from target and trip to the resteraunt!! let me tell you guys all about it: so we got out of our hotel room, and then this old man came up and asked me if i could help him get into his room. i tried to do the key in the place to help him get in, but it didn't work, and so i told him i thought he had the wrong room number. he was really creepy, and then we had to ride down the elevator with him so we got out of the hotel as soon as we could, and my sister and i walked to target which was just a little bit away. we went in, looked in the dollar spot, looked around etc etc..see, we were looking for suspenders but my sister wouldn't ask with me!! we looked in the men's section again, but then she went to the toy section while i asked if they have them, because she was embarressed . but anyways, i asked this lady, then she asked this guy, and the guy called on his walkie-talkie and was like "sales desk, do we carry suspenders?" and the person called back and was like "did you just say suspenders??" and by this time, i was like . well, they didn't have suspenders we still had to eat, but we didn't want to spend too much money and not have enough to eat, so we stashed all our stuff behind a pony toy . then we left and on the way out, they guy who i had talked to about the suspenders was outside too, and he was like "if you want suspenders, you should look at wal mart." and he showed us where the walmart was and then we told him that we were from texas etc etc. and oh by the way his name was MIKE!! ONE LETTER FROM MIKA!!! so we went and ate at this place called "freddy's". of course, we sang grace kelly!! it was good, we had hot dogs so then we went back to target, got our stuff out from behind the pony, and paid for it. we said bye to mike and then walked back to our hotel!! here's what we got: -2 bags, a pencil case, animal crackers, 2 spider man pens, flip flops, hair clips and get this: WONDERPETS STICKERS!! alright guys, i'm going to switch the computer with my sister, but i'll be back in a bit. love you!! and...carlota
  11. yes!! i want a man like that it is fun here, cant wait to show you guys pictures!! i think going to target later today with my sister will be fun! we went to this mine museum earlier today and tried to make a 'playing with light' video like mika's blog. it didn't work so well.. you too!! you have to keep us posted about you guys!! ok, our parents are leaving, so we'll be off. i'll get on later and tell you about our adventures at target and the resteraunt. i hope its mikatastic!!
  12. BONJOUR!! im here from my hotel room in kansas! didn't read all of the posts but CARLOTA!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!! so happy for you!! p.s. that watch that he got you..i want so bad i can't post a lot right now, but later my parents are leaving so just me and my sister in the room. right now here is our plan: -walk to this resteraunt to eat -go to target and mess around (look for some suspenders, find LICM, sing and dance in the isles..etc etc) -come to the room and watch tv, make movies, etc etc i can't upload anything right now but i've been taking a lot of pictures/videos of the trip, amd i hope to compile all of them when i get back home, then i can post them here!! keep waiting!! talk to you soon! love you guys! and CARLOTA!! OMG!!!
  13. hey loves!! i'm actually leaving for kansas really soon, for my dad's high school reunion. we're driving there, so no mfc until monday i'll miss you guys, but ill take loads of pictures with my new camera, so i can share some with you!! also remind me to take a picture of my history notes to show you guys..i was bored my inner mika camem out hun, i think that's called a mikagasm :roftl: I AGREE!! at least jack finally changed her mind..it was so stupid..its called a FAN CLUB!! your supposed to like him!!
  14. hey!! its 7:14am here, and im about to leave for school.. bad news!! this weekend we're driving to kansas so no mfc for 3 WHOLE DAYS!! but ill take lots of pictures!! maybe i can post some, or maybe i'll make a movie in the car! hows it going for you?
  15. i love this video!! so amazingly cute!! i <3 your accent got back from school and dance and have a LOT of hw, so i wont be talking a lot...but stil..i LOVE YOU GUYS!! p.s. i tried to make a recording of my scary teacher talking in class, but i dont think it turned out very well
  16. here's a picture of him wearing it: and here are some different links to it: you can get it from here for £142 (it's rrp is £175) http://www.dolceandgabbanawatches.co.uk/medicineman.htm you can get it here for £135 http://www.empirewatches.co.uk/prod6...0&msg=&offset= you can also get it here for £135 http://www.emporiowatches.co.uk/cata.../dg/dw0197.php here for $275 http://www.mysimon.com/9015-11023_8-42148424.html the absolute cheapest I can currently find is £127.67 which is here http://www.aycs.co.uk/cc3017/index.p...productId=1813
  17. hm...i hope they're not TOO different p.s. i LOVE your signature
  18. i haven't heard back from fuschia about the bracelets
  19. hahaha keep trying to go to bed but i cant because of all the pics from mafa!!
  20. does anyone else have the problem that WHENEVER they type ANY word that starts with an 'm' it comes out as MIKA and you have to backspace it??
  21. ahww mafa and her shirtless mika pictures. today at lunch i had up MFC on my sister's itouch, and this kid was like 'GOD YOU'RE OBSESSED WITH HIM!!' i didn't even know that i'd told him i liked mika
  22. oh mafa...just kill us all won't you?? i think i'll have a heart attack if i see another picture like that i'm off to bed too.. hopefully have dreams of shirtless meeks..
  23. ok i have to go shower etc etc talk to you guys tomorrow night!! :wub2::wub2::wub2:
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