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Everything posted by Mafaaaa

  1. What's up folks ? Everything's doing cool ? I heard there is new fourplets... is it true ?
  2. I believe I would dig me . LOL ! I do believe I'll meet him and have a smart talk with him . LOL Bye . Lova ya girl !
  3. Let's go to London and kidnap him ? Well... I don't have that problem, cause I really believe I'll be a journalist in London and I'll be able to talk to Mika some day, like interviewing him or something .
  4. Hey Kati . I have to go now . Baaaaah ! I HATE SCIENCES !!!
  5. Oh well girls . Thanks for the concerning . I've been a bit busy, tests, studying, homework and stuff in the harry potter sites . Well... since the DVD went out I made a promise that I wouldn't come back here til I saw that... then I saw it (13th November) but I got so and I don't know why I was feeling like... I wanna keep it to myself so I don't wanna go to the MFC . Don't ask me why... it's weird I don't understand too . But well... I got over that, but now I have science test tomorrow and I still busy with Harry Potter things . Maybe I'll come back tomorrow, at least this week .
  6. DEVIN !!! Girl... I just saw in the news that there are huge fires in California... is it near you or something ?
  7. I'm 14... just like Carlota (just one t) . But I'm way perver than her . Yeah . . . it was. I was wanting to know that for so freaking long !! LOL ! I loved the way he said he was thinking about that... so I'm wondering... he was thinking about why do he cries on planes ? Wtf ? I mean... If I cried in planes I wouldn't think about why did I do this . LOL ! Well... I have to go to bed . Freaking classes . . . Good night lovas .
  8. The third question: Why have you said that you often cry in planes? Is it because you are afraid? Because you always see sad movies in planes or some other reason ? HA! I’ve actually looked into this a bit. Apparently high altitudes have strange effects on people. It can lead to a heightening of emotion and a dulling down of other things, like your taste-buds for instance. Its mainly because I often watch dark or sad movies on flights. The same actually happens with alcohol! At high altitude the effect of alcohol is exaggerated. That’s one thing that’s hard to resist when flying, cuz there’s bugger all else to do! Its a bad habit. Mika is a drunkie .
  9. Ahahahahah ! New blog !! And he answered meeeeee !!
  10. Ele nao disse numa entrevista argentina . . . ele disse numa entrevista espanhola . pelo menos tenho quase a certeza que sim . Eu perguntei se ele chorava porque via sempre filmes triste ou porque tinha medo.... porque andou a comentar-se muito isso pelo MFC .
  11. We know, lova . That white draws are almost always by the lovely Perez .
  12. Ahahah !! Hard questions take time... I asked him if cries on planes . Esse também confude-me . . . Não... vivo em Torres Vedras, mas por acaso de momento tou em Lisboa . Vim para ca para ver um concerto e fiquei a dormir na casa do meu irmão .
  13. I love that music . To be with you - Mr. Big
  14. Sammy !! MY darling !! Oh... you should stop a bit... you're going to kill yourself if you keep that way ! Marie's birthday is Monday . 2 days !
  15. I'm glad too . . . since I spent the whole money I had to go to the gig . I was saving the money to buy a game, so I had like 30€, then I spent 5€ in some **** when I was walking around in my city, then I was going home and my cousin called me, he was like "A frind of mine are selling tickets to nouvelle vogue for half of the price" and i was like "And it is how much?" him "15€, you catch an autobus to Lisbon and we go to the gig" me "Ok... ok... I'm going to try... I have to talk with my mother and with Maddy and I'm not even at home... I'm going to try!" So I went to my house I talked to my mother, a called to my cousin and then I took a bath, I put my clothes in a bad, I picked my 25€ (cause I needed money to the gig - 15€; money to the autobus - 5€; and money to have dinner!) and I catched the autobus . LOL ! Now I have no money .
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