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Posts posted by S&M

  1. The first part of Battle, now called "The Bachelor," will be released JUNE 1, 2009.

    This is the official tracklisting:


    "Kriegsspiel (Wargames)"

    "Hard Times"


    "The Bachelor"



    "Count Of Casualty"

    "Who Will?"



    "The Sun Is Often Out"



    "The Messenger"


    And it's looking like the second part of Battle, "The Conqueror," will now be released in 2010.



    I am so looking forward to it. Much more than I'm looking forward to Mika's next album, actually. I already love "Vulture" and "Who Will?". The live/acoustic version of the latter:

    (from 1:30). :cheerful_h4h:


    My favourite song has got to be Augustine ♥♥♥

    Definitely my favourite 'slow' song of his as well as Wind In The Wires, Souvenirs, Wolf Song, and London. :thumb_yello:

  2. You're right, there'll be no more Shane. :shocked: I wonder what Kate Moennig will do next, and whether she'll ever be able to shake off the typecast. :naughty:


    I'm going to miss Bette the most, there are so few alpha female characters like her on TV. And of course I'll also miss seeing Jennifer Beals' stunning self regularly onscreen. :blush-anim-cl:


    Alice, though, will live on in the spin-off The Farm. Thank goodness for that at least. :wink2:


    P.S. Supposedly Carmen (possible spoiler!) might appear in the finale. I'm looking forward to seeing if the rumour is true or not.

  3. Tonight the last ever episode of the L Word will air. It'll be really sad to see it go, especially since visibility in mainstream TV is even lower now than when the show started. :thumbdown: But I guess every show has its time. :wink2:


    Last week's episode (featuring a charity dace competition) brought us a new favourite Bette Porter quote: "They've got wigs and spandex, this is no f*cking joke, we have no idea what they're capable of." :naughty:






    So, does anyone else watch the show? Will anyone else miss it?

  4. Hi Apples!

    Just saw the thread popping up and thought I'd say hello. How are you all? I'm busy finishing my last assignments here in Brighton. I tried to post in a different thread, was ignored as usual and think I should better go into hiding again.

    See you soon and enjoy your weekend :)

    Enjoy the rest of your time in Brighton. :thumb_yello:


    I've started uni for the year again. Boring already. :thumbdown:


    :lmfao: Instant Mika, just add brightly coloured jeans and 3kg of plastic accessories.


    Yeah not bad I guess. But I bed your bf will be glad to get you home, no?


    Haha I was going to edit that but thought I would leave in that Freudian slip :naughty:

    Good one. :naughty:

  5. A distracted person with scissors in her hand, close to another person’s hair….that is really scary!:shocked:

    You can consider your self lucky it was only (!) an eyebrow this time!:wink2:

    'Don't run with scissors' is now 'don't watch Ellen with scissors'. :naughty:

  6. The other day at the hairdresser's Ellen was on and she had animals doing a cute trick of some sort (I don't know what exactly since I had my glasses off) and my hairdresser was so distracted she chopped off a part of my eyebrow. Luckily she was able to shape it to disguise it a bit. But the illusion that Ellen could do no evil intentional or otherwise has been shattered. :naughty:

  7. I love ABBA. :cheerful_h4h: They consistently produced some of the catchiest music of last century. If I had to choose my favourite song it'd be an 11-way tie: Dancing Queen, Gimme Gimme Gimme, Head Over Heels, SOS, Fernando, Money Money Money, Voulez Vouz, Mamma Mia, Waterloo, Take A Chance On Me, Thank You For The Music. :naughty: Also, their fashion was just damn cool. :glasses3:

  8. Thats the exact one. Its bigger than your standard book (don't ask me to measure it :naughty:) Probably about 5-7 cms taller than twilight, and about as thick as one of the bigger Harry Potter books.


    And the metal is thinish, but at the same time still thick. Its not like its aluminium or anything, its strongish. I wouldn't be able to dent it with my hands.


    And each one has a different lock and key. There's over 999 possible keys, and only 1 in those will open your one, so its not like someone can get one and break in.

    So would that be A4 or foolscap size? I think I might get one, how much is it?

  9. But the coolest item on the planet, which I found today at smiggle was a book safe. On the outside, it's a book, but you open it up and it has a safe with a lock and key and... each lock/key is unique, no 2 ones are the same. So its not one of those dodgy diary locks, its decent. It is so very cool.

    Is it one of these:




    If so, how big is it? And how strong? Looks like the metal is pretty thin.

  10. I don't know what you want me to do though. *suss*

    Oh. I was going to leave that to you more creative types. :bleh: Ummm, I envishun lola-style jumping smilies, cutting that first head and pasting it onto something appropriate for the expression, and somewhere thrown in lame jokes about 'do you know where the bathroom is? I can't find it' a la PDP. :naughty:

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