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Status Updates posted by Nezza

  1. La Marina mi ha registrata so :bleh:




    Poi sul mio feisbuk ci sono delle foto! :biggrin2:

  2. Neanch'io, e io ho avuto l'impressione dalla roba che si legge in rete che sia stato trasmesso anche qua :blink: Bello comunque, e che è della BBC sarà sicuramente un bel programma.

  3. Ho visto questo in giro su twitter, sembra interessante: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00wwlll


    Visto che c'è Montalbano (e qualcun'altro pauraeh :biggrin2:) pensavo forse che ti potesse interessare. Dovrei avere un paio di link se vuoi guardarlo in streaming, o visto che sarò a casa forse sarò in grado di registrarlo (non so che fine avrà fatto la tv e il decoder :blink:) :original:

  4. Congratulations!! That's great news!!



  5. Thanks :original: Oh yes, the eyelashes were a bit of a last minute thing - I bought them in London the day of the gig in February, I hadn't thought of them before!


    It could be, London's very different to Italy too, it sort of has a modern culture that the cities here don't have.

  6. It was amazing, I didn't know what to expect but it was so much fun. Plus it was in a theatre so nice and intimate. And there was a stage invasion during Lollipop too :fangurl:


    You'll be close to Birmingham too, around half an hour on the train if I remember correctly, that's really good for shopping too. I like London, I'm not mad about it as the whole of Italy seems to be. It's too chaotic and expensive. But it has a certain charm about it.


    I do love shopping, and living in Milan's fantastic for it! The costume was actually all purchased, I'd slightly customised the top I had in Cattolica, but that's about it! I was very lucky to find suitable clothes in the same shade of pink! The skirt was the first thing, and the rest grew from there! :biggrin2:

  7. Ah, awesome! Though Cov (as it's called :naughty:) isn't the nicest of cities lol, it's good for shopping though :teehee:


    I've only got the one passport (for now at least :teehee:) but like you said, it's a very good situation to be in.


    My work's a bit complicated to explain, at the moment I mostly give support to people using a website a big cement company uses for his purchases. It doesn't sound very interesting but I get to use all 3 of my languages and I get to speak to people all over the world, plus my colleagues are nice too.


    I'm hoping for acoustic gigs, my first one was the acoustic gig in Milan, I was very lucky.

  8. So would you still be studying in Turkey or would you get to go to Warwick too? Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's great being here, just, I don't know, it's a bit of a funny period. Gig deprivation maybe! :naughty:

  9. I'm ok, bit of a stressful time in work but it'll pass. Seeing as I was an Arts student it's not quite my field, but for business type studies it has a very good reputation, the business school's supposed to be very good. It's one of the top 10 universities in the UK in general last time I checked :original:

  10. PS I've been stalking your wall lol, wanted to say that I went to Warwick uni :wink2:

  11. High five for the pic, it's awesome! :biggrin2:

  12. Vero, né? A me sembra di esser stata qua per un sacco di tempo!


    Grazie :huglove:

  13. :bye:


    Pensavo che ti potesse interessare - i Baseballs erano su Deejay prima, si può ascoltare sul sito :original:

  14. Ehehehe, sapevo che avresti avuto qualcosa da dire su quel libro :wink2:

  15. Be', a me scocciava disturbarli, anche se ci ho pensato tanto. Però ognuno fa come vuole :original:

  16. Aaaaaaaaaah, c'era qualcun'altro!! Io ero tranquilla tranquilla al mio posto :wink2:

  17. PS si vede che soffro ancora dell'allergia :mf_rosetinted:

  18. Eheheheh, grazie :biggrin2: E quindi fare una figuraccia in diretta ha servito a qualcosa :lmfao:

  19. Ahahahah, e cosa pensi?? Non c'è scappo, la tv, la radio, sul internet, io sono ovunqueeeeeee! :mf_rosetinted: Però neanch'io sapevo, io non avevo letto niente, avranno sbagliato?


    PS Buonaaaaaaaaaa la merenda :wink2:

  20. There's no rush, if you can find it I'd be interested to see it :original: Arbon was fun, but I'm feeling a bit ill now after being in the rain & camping in the cold!!

  21. Really?? :blink: They do like taking photos of me, but I didn't know I'd been in any newspapers!!

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