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Posts posted by ruxi

  1. guuuuys i haven't posted in ages here :blush-anim-cl: to be honest i barely have the time to breath lately. :aah:


    so...my review... :naughty:


    i know i know you all want pics don't you? :biggrin2:

    enjoy!! :teehee:


    i still don't know how to put this into words...


    It only struck me that I was going to see Mika when I went to Mamaia and saw the double decker buses with MIKA written on them with huge fonts.


    But, to start with. I finally got the chance to meet Bianca in person. :) Woop woop! and her mum and granny! Great people! I don't remember much of the first day, apart from being sleepy, (i was already awake for 25 hours when I got there in the morning, and I went to bed only late in the evening) hungry and watching the Vega hotel doors to see who's coming and who's leaving. (noooooo...we weren't looking for Mika. :mf_rosetinted:)

    The next day we woke up pretty early, though not as early as planned, (now Bianca knows how terrible I am when it comes to being on time). Sorry! We got to the H2O beach around 9 am and the stage wasn't even up properly. So after lurking a bit there we decided we'd come back at 4 p.m to get in line for the gig. We went back to the beach, and we met Mrs. P and Jimmy. Then we saw everyone from the band, apart from Mika, getting in the van and going to the sound check. I changed into my gig clothes and we went at the H2O beach. Oh, it was only 2.30. So we spent our time there in the melting sun, writing the banner (Bianca's idea) and pretty much just waiting.DPP_0275.JPG

    The gig was supposed to start at 7.30 p.m. They've only let us in at 7 and the gig started at 8.30 (the typical Romanian style) with Cut Copy.

    After they were done, Mrs. P came to pick up Lollipop girls and Big girls. I decided I was going to be a Lollipop girl, but then I changed my mind because I wanted to see the gig. Mrs. P (a.k.a Mika's Mum) asked me and Adda if we wanted to be Lollipop girls, and told us we were pretty! :biggrin2:

    I told her this was my first gig and she said OK! and gave me that look like...you have to stay, you can't miss that!


    Finally Mika came on stage and I was wondering before what my reaction would be. I just froze. I just stared at him with a huge grin on my face the whole Relax song, while everyone else was jumping and screaming at the top of their lungs. I didn't move one finger. After that I started singing along and screaming (I never thought I could yell so loud for such a long time. Of course I could barely speak the next day). I took my camera and took a few pics. I tried not to take so many because it was finally the first time I could look at him directly. :fangurl:


    I still can't put into words the experience. It was AMAZING! The whole show proved that he is an artist that besides the fact he respects his fans he respects himself. Being a free entrance gig, at a festival in Romania, you wouldn't expect much. He gave everything there. There was the stage set, the crowd props, the story, the interaction with the crowd and you could see he was enjoying every bit on stage like he does every time.


  2. That was me last month.... and I think the guys picked up and started ignoring me so I got over it- lol I hope your's is a little happier though.


    I love everything they are doing for the 3rd bday- that has made my day >.<

    that's what i think happened too... he was all nice and cuddly and then poof...nothing else! and i was relieved...and now for some reason i'm sad.. ughh this is so complicated.


    the contests and all that they're doing here for the 3rd anniversary are great! (too bad i'm so unlucky :naughty:)

  3. :wub2:


    i love the snow really....


    ok we have the same problems... :mf_rosetinted:

    it's not snowing here...just cold and ice...


    ugh... boy problems suck!

    i like him... but i don't want him to be my boyfriend...though i feel like i'm melting when he stares at me..

    does this make any sense? :aah:

  4. i started reading "The Cat" by George Simenon...it's...interesting... but i don't think i could quote anything special from it. However i have put it aside because i finally found the new novel from Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Angel's Game.

    i really liked this quote (it's not that accurate as i'll translate it)

    Happy the one that is barked at by idiots as his soul will never belong to them.

    and this one:


    ...everything's a story. All that we know, all that we remember and even what we dream about. (...) Belief it's an acceptance act, meaning acceptance of what we are told.

    i love the book! it's not that great as the first one, "the shadow of the wind"...but this one seems to have an even more dark side. and the way he writes makes me forget about time and literally having to drag myself away from the book.

  5. there's this equation at the biochemistry class that's called Michaelis-Menten.

    and our teacher was there asking us "So...what does Mika---elis tell us?"


    and i kept jumping everytime i heard "Mika" and then at the "elis"...i was oh cr*p...it's biochemistry. everyone thought i knew the answer when in fact i had no idea.


    so...basically, ykyamfw everytime you hear the Michaelis word your mind suddenly goes away from the field of biochemistry. :naughty:

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