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Posts posted by ruxi

  1. lately i have posted very little... but i have been lurking... :teehee:

    i started uni and most of the days i'll have classes from 7 am until 7 pm... i'll be home around 8 pm...but i'm sure i'll be almost dead and just wanting to eat and go to bed.

    i will study my ass off in the weekends (hopefully) so there will be very little time to be on MFC. :tears:


    but i'm writing this...knowing that i never keep those promises w/ studying to myself so in the first weekends i'll probably hang around here more than i did in the past weeks :roftl:


    i just want you to know that if i go away suddenly it's not because i want to...it's because i have to...i really have to study hard and get myself in the first 100 students the next year so i won't have to pay the tax...i already have to buy loads of things that are expensive...


    (offtopic: if anyone has any bones or even a full skeleton to sell pm me :biggrin2:)


    So...having said this... i'm enjoying my last free-ish weekend and hope to be here at least a bit in the next weeks.

    i will try really hard to stay updated w/ any mika news...but if there's anything important you can always e-mail me :wink2: (i will check that more often...i hope)



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