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Posts posted by adda

  1. [i MG]http://fc30.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/098/6/1/Tips_For_Guys_Twilight_Edition_by_SanityRidden.jpg[/img]



    [i MG]http://i41.tinypic.com/2j18sxs.jpg[/img]

    uh-oh, I forgot my fav gif! sex, money, sex, money..CAT



    yes! Victoria the Bad Vamp mwhaha

    [ IMG]http://fc62.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/084/e/5/_VictoriaTheVampire__by_Read_My_Soul.png[/img]


    she's so beautiful

    [ IMG]http://www.mtv.com/movies/photos/n/new_moon_meetthecast_090325/12_rachelle_lefevre.jpg[/img]


    & adorable ^^

    [iM G]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb318/alexzrules/twilight/12.jpg[/img]


    [iM G]http://i44.tinypic.com/wt994g.jpg[/img]


    lol, at least she doesn't tremble all the time x]



    KStew looks like she's dru.. as always :roftl:




    Oh BTW greta... who is the crazy girl in your siggy.... rachelle lefevre?

  3. Self made Mika bag?

    OMG! Pics???


    Yeah, my father hated Mika because of the fact that Mika is Lebanese and he was like "There's no such thing as a good Lebanese! No more of this "I love Mika crap!""

    I told him to go somewhere and I don't think he particularly appreciated it :das:


    LOL like the guy on the radio "Did you hear that Mika came out and said he was gay?"

    "Huh? :blink:"

    "Yeah, on Perehilton.com"

    *looks at PH.com&

    MIKA IN OUT MAGAZINE with a pic of Mika with big letters saying OUT.

    Me: :lmfao:


    High five indeed! He was so ashamed of giving me the wrong news :roftl:


    It's just self-painted and on the other one I wrote LOLLIPOP and LOVE TODAY.. nothing big. I have some pics but I can't show them right now because I'm in hurry with Algebra Homework for monday :thumbdown: Promise I will.


    :roftl: :roftl: OMG ...he came out and said he is gay ... how stupid. lmao.

  4. Sorry, the last scnene = the glass door?

    "Who shut that?!"


    Yeah, it's a welcomed change from Mika Blunt and Mika's gay (somebody had something done to them and their belongings so now people know what I'm capable of, they don't mess with me :das:)


    OH YES! They use to walk by me (some of them) and stay stupid stuff about Mika or fake news from magazines ... But now they don't mess with me either!

    High five!

  5. Nobody bullies me because of twilight. Even after over two years I still get it because of Mika!


    Only, there's this one girl, she is obsessed wit me being obsessed with Twilight and now calls me Mika Cullen (srsly!) and she keeps saying dumb stuff behind my back when she's right behind me in english.


    I was being stupid at a party though and that girl is the daughter to the music teacher/HOD of music at our school and her name is Melody so I was talking to a girl about Melody and I was like "Seriously! The music teacher's daughter is named MELODY! And you know what? She's got two little twin sisters called Monottone and Barritone too!" : roftl:

    Other girl: "Are you SERIOUS! Really?"

    "Um.. No..." :blink:


    OH yes... of course mostly about MIKA :wub2:. But I still go to school with one of my self-made Mika school bags... They are more silent this year though... but... wait and see Adda-going-mad with the second album :naughty:!!


    My dad calls me Bella sometimes after he watched the movie. Before, he used to joke calling me Mika. :boxed:






  6. Oh hahaha!

    There'are NO T'wiboys at my school!

    They all hate Cullen because he makes all the cheapscate boys (cheap with not money but time and energy, respect and love) all look bad :roftl:


    Oh I forgot to mention that the rest hate twilight. They just think we're obsessedscreamingfans and we are NOT!


    I get bullied because of this.


    EDIT: They're just Jealous!!! ha!

  7. So you're adda I presume?


    I awoke to two new followers on Twitter but I doubt that you are the other guy :wink2:

    Thanks :roftl:


    Yes, I am Adda :roftl:


    FACT: In my class, there are more twi-guys than twi-girls. :naughty: (I am the first twilight-rrr )

  8. What made me happy today...


    well... more than happy...


    Heard MIKA - LOVE TODAY on the radio in a big shop and couldn't stand not to dance :no: .... :insane: My little brother joined. He was singing too! ohhh love my little brother :wub2: and Mika :wub2: [we got pink lollipops after that as a bonus ... soooooo good :naughty:]


    Oh yes and the fact that the geometry test is canceled :thumb_yello:


  9. Hello again all book & literature lovers!


    Tomorrow I have this photoshoo for the end of the 5th-8th grades (I forgot know how this stage is named :blush-anim-cl:) and I'll need to have a "original! quote/ motto under my picture... I searched books and stuff and I have NO idea.


    I've wrote some poems myself but they're no good for this kinda stuff. I'll post my self-made lyrics for this and I'll need your advice.


    I know you guys read a lot and are very creative and I need your help!


    Sorry if this is off-topic but I didn't find a better place for it :no:





    1st idea (made out of Mika's "Overrated" lyrics"): "My dreams are painted in a colour nobody has ever seen before." (it has to describe me... is it any good?)




    THANK YOU! :huglove:

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