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Posts posted by adda

  1. aaaawiieee they still glow :shocked: last night i turned off the lights and they were pale but still glowing! THANK YOU :D they're awesome!



    :huglove: Just a little bit of love (Little bit of love Little bit of love:blush-anim-cl:)


    and awwwww lovely report! It was wonderful sitting next to you at the gig. I will never forget it. :wub2::wub2:


    & same here when mika went on stage. :swoon:

  2. okay,not much of a report as i see people already shared pretty much everything!


    me and my mum got to Mamaia around 12 pm and met Bianca,Ruxi,Adda & Nicoleta and together we headed to the h2o beach where we met another bunch of mfcers. i must say i had the time of my life chatting with all of you,packing presents for Mika,dancing to soundcheck or just fooling around.great great great atmosphere,really.:wub2:

    apart from the Orange b*stards who didn't allow us to get inside only around 6-7 pm,everything was fine. (oh btw,thanks Adda for that towel,it felt really good to lay down on it).The weather was hot as hell,i obviously got sunburnt (i spent the whole morning today peeling my skin off,ew.)

    I never knew i was that good at running,but when they let us in i showed off my skills.ha! we caught front row,on Jimmy&iMMa's side.the DJ guy was cute and Cut Copy were awesome! (yes,they were.) A random girl kept yelling "MIKA MIKA MIKA" and the poor guys had to clear things out saying "Hi,we're not Mika,we're Cut Copy".That was funny but maybe a bit embarassing for them.

    I didn't get to be a LG,but i don't regret it now cause i fully enjoyed every second of the show.:wub2: This man has endless energy,i don't know how he does it.His Romanian was PERFECT! :teehee: hands down. I really wanted him to do Kick Ass but Sweet Dreams shirtless is always a plus.(what a great surprise,though!) :das: Bubble gun effect was awesome,even though me & Petra were all covered in soap afterwards,it was totally worth it! The highlight of the night was definitely his reaction to our banner.it made us all so happy,haha. "This song is dedicated to Albert,the golden donkey!" :mf_rosetinted:

    All in all it was perfect for a home gig. i'm sure he'll come back anytime soon and that our fan base will grow.

    Thank you,Mika! :wub2:


    Lovely report and you're very welcome :huglove:



    Oh and btw just wondering how many of you guys got the light bracelets or however you call them that I tried to share with you :blush-anim-cl:

    I still have mine - on my desk now:wub2:

  3. some of our foreign members ( i mean not the romanian members) asked me about the gift,so i will post here what message i've already sent to Mika via myspace:



    first of all i want to apologize for my rough english!


    i hope you will understand what i would want to tell you!


    i and others members of the MFC http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4827

    went at your amazing show on july 24 at Mamaia,Romania and we had wish to gave you something to remember of our country and,of course,of your romanian fans!


    unfortunately you were rushed and we didn't meet you after show ,even our great Big Girl,B!anca didn't have the luck to talk to you about our gifts.finally we managed to get in backstage(with the risk to upset our "great and understanding" organizers) and we've meet (with a huuge luck) Cherisse,iMMa and Maria .The last lady showed us another lady(she said is the trusted one,and we trusted Maria) and Maria told us to give her our gifts for you and you will definitely get them !i don't have any doubt about it but because of "kindness" of Orange crew we don't have time to explain her what is the signification of every gift.(the orange crew stayed behind us,yelled at us and they were counted how many times we have to talk with your crew-extremely rude from them and i felt so ashamed beside your crew!)


    so,this is the meaning of each gift in part:


    1- the gift from MFC Romania - "WELCOME TO ROMANIA!"


    [Romanian traditional belt]





    [Romanian traditional shirt]






    the meaning of the gift is Romanian folk costume

    something like this http://www.traditii.ro/produse.php?id_produs=165


    in this gift you will find a postcard painted by Ada http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/member.php?u=11679 or http://twitter.com/addapineapple



    2 - the second gift is something for your upcoming birthday - but for this one we put on it a later with the meaning ...


    it was a Byzantine icon painted on wood in the traditional Romanian folk.This is an orthodox christian cult object and represented his Saint of the name (Saint Michael) - in fact it was a triptych - something like this but with another images



    3 - the third gift is a special gift and this gift is from Tokio Hotel fans (i am a TH fan because of you,but this is another story...).They wanted to send you trough me the last TH album - Humanoid [2009]( most beautiful one,and it's not only my "unclear" opinion about it,unfortunately insufficiently promoted ) because you said on Viva Live ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y6FBy8ksoI&feature=related )

    that you don't know too much about their music ,only Durch Den Monsun ( and because of this you will get the Schrei album - 2006 with this song ) and my lovely TH fans wanted to fix this problem!they wanted to inform you about their music because they love you and respect you very much! (some of them, blame it on me for their Mika's obsession ,and i blame it on you for my TH obsession *just kidding,of course!)




    [TH - H&M Fashion Against AIDS T-shirt]



    and this is Tokio Hotel's Fashion Against AIDS Shirts !





    I wanted to give you this t-shirt because i would like to suggest you join the 2010 or 2011 H & M Fashion Against AIDS campaign



    i bet your creation would be uber amazing because of your natural talent and i'm pretty sure your creation would be immediately sold out !



    well ,i hope my "huge letter" will not boring too much and you will find time to read what i wrote it!


    thank you for your amazing concert from Mamaia beach ,a show beyond any words,and my hope are that you will come again in my country with an included concert in your future tour!




    :mf_rosetinted:i hope Mika or someone else will read my message!*prays!




    :blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl:Thank YOu!


    EDIT: YOU ARE AMAZING!!! :huglove:

  4. :biggin2:OH,the famous banner!there are so many MFC members !:shocked:


    :thmb_yelo:great idea,B!anca,like that one for the present !

    :sneay2:do you remember what said Mika when we showed him the banner during WAG?!...

    The Albert donkey was a mistake ...:boxed:does remember anyone?!



    hmm,well,in the pics are (from the left to the right):


    -Petra(near the girl with sunglasses-i don't remember her name,sorry)

    -the two kissing girls i think are the beautiful cousins of B!anca(i think she will confirm if they are or not...)

    -the boy with the camera isn't from MFC,only just another annoying person who make our life more "better" during the show expectation*sarcastic

    -our beautiful bunny bride - Ioana!

    -the great B!anca's grandma !i'm in love of this awesome person!and i'm so jealous of B!anca having such a great family!you are a really lucky girl,i hope you knew it already!

    -behind Ioana is our Madalina!beautiful Madalina!thank you to you and your boyfriend for Mika's concert videos!


    -behind Madalina is our "master mind" ,B!anca!and our celebre Big Girls!:thumb_yello:


    -near B!anca,with sunglasses and blond hair is beautiful B!anca's mom!

    (i told you that she has an awesome family!)


    :shocke:i think i remember the name of the first girl!isn't our Dianna?!i'm almost certainly that she is because ,behind Petra,i recognized her awesome mom!


    - i don't know who is the lady with the white hat,but i don't think she is from MFC...but near her is a half part(unfortunately)by my beautiful curly hair girl,Vannesa!


    -and behind the lady with the white hat it's me,that one with sunglasses and the pink cap :mf_rosetinted:


    well,there were more awesome MFC people and i was so lucky to meet them all!too bad that i the picture i don't see Mrs.dr(please,if someone remember her name and her daughter name,tell me!i talk about that great person who helped me with gift packaging for Mika) - i call her Mrs.dr because he really is a doctor in the real life!


    i don't see our Adda ,my talented and beautiful girl who did a great postcard for Mika's present!but,i think i have her in some of my pics and i will post them later..


    if i skipped someone or i didn't recognize all of you that we have met yesterday,please forgive me and correct my list!


    Awww :blush-anim-cl:


    Adda is right here being nervous and preparing to write a report on the gig.


    For now I'll write a short one.


    It was SURREAL. For me, at least. Meeting OUR GREAT MFC-ers:wub2:, watching MIKA LIVE for the first time:wub2:, it was a lifetime experience and right now I just can't find my words.



    My Brother's short review (he's only 6 and he tried in English. He spoke, I write): "It was aaaaaah:biggrin2: and he shot them bambambam:teehee: and *singing* Sucking to hard on your lollipop oh loves gonna get'ya down. I luv it! *jumps* ". and then he felt asleep like in 5 minutes.


    End of short report.



  5. Anyone seen Eclipse yet? I saw it at the midnight showing on opening night. I thought it was pretty good. I loved New Moon a lot better though. :)


    I did! I did! I did!


    I liked it a lot. It has a lot of great scenes. But there is one thing. The color scheme and style continuity between the scenes that twilight and new moon had. Am I the only one noticing?


    Edit: Oh and I don't fancy the new Victoria. She's hmmm... FAKE. OKBYE

  6. :teehee:



    I'm still in love with this picture :aah:


    I can't stop looking :naughty: I wish I bought the magazine while it was in stores :wub2:


    Awwyea. I think I might do a drawing based on that pic. I really want to make a drawing of him but I never find the right pose. Maybe this time...:wub2:

  7. HELLO !


    I need a pic of Mika in one of his Freddie Mercury- like poses, on stage mabe. I don't know how to explain this but like before he sais "katchinga" on Grace Kelly or smth like that.


    I won't use the picture or download it. I just need inpiration to make him a card as soon as possible.



  8. :mf_rosetinted:ME?!


    hmm,lista cu participantii ziceti?


    pai,sa vedem,pana acum isi anuntara dorinta de participare urmatorii:


    1 - Nicoleta (adica eu deja le-am cumparat/le voi cumpara!)


    2 - B!anca


    3 - Petra


    4 - Vannesa


    5 - Dianna ?!


    6 - Madalina


    :mf_rosetinted:am omis pe cineva?! sau am pus in plus?!


    sa revin....deci,ia camasa e deja cumparata si ajunsa la mine ,a costa 160 RON(nu pun la socoteala Cargus sau sacose cadouri etc)

    despre Brau nu am inca nici un raspuns ,in sensul ca a ramas varianta muzeu Constanta pt ca Ploiesti nu puteau aduce decat sapt viitoare(prea tarziu!),asa ca daca mai este acel brau si B!anca va reusi sa il cumpere,din cate imi amintesc,ea zicea ca ar costa 135 RON


    in total,cadoul costa 295 RON ,daca ar fi sa impartim in mod egal,ar insemna aprox cate 50 RON de fiecare,dar tinand cont ca ,nah,sunt vremurile care sunt,m-am oferit sa suport eu diferenta fata de ceea ce ramane cand va hotara fiecare cate cat poate da.e OK asa?!


    :mf_rosetinted:as vrea daca se poate un raspuns cat mai promt ,pt ca suntem oarecum in intarziere,iar daca nu vreti sa postati aici la vedere,astept PM voastre!


    Eu as vrea sa ma implic, nu am reusit sa fiu categorica pana azi cu asta scuze.


    Nu stiu daca s-a discutat pana acum asta dar azi m-am gandit ca poate pot sa va ajut si cu o felicitare handmade sau ceva de genul acesta.

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