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Everything posted by adda

  1. I think I have the pre-gig hyper-sad-but-happy-dunno-what-to-do-time-is-running-out-and-I'm-in-my-pjs-listening-to-MIKA disease kinda thingy. What should I do / bring for the gig? edit: ok, and cat ears too
  2. Canti la tobe?

  3. Oh ce bine! ce bine sa aud pe cineva optimist :)

  4. I am PM-ing you.

  5. OMG you're here! *sorry just say your name on the front page and went nuts!*

    good old days ..


    Edit: and guess what! Mika is coming in my country!

  6. Hello:fangurl:


    I just saw your image with the big girl on stage and it's wonderful.


    How are you?

  7. Buna!


    O scurta intrebare :) Tu ti-ai primit brelocul pentru Orange PrePay Party?


    Edit: scuze abia acuma am vazut DM-ul de pe twitter. era vorba de cel pt care dai comanda ca sa intri vezi doamne in zona a, scuze din nou.

  8. Eu as vrea sa ma implic, nu am reusit sa fiu categorica pana azi cu asta scuze. Nu stiu daca s-a discutat pana acum asta dar azi m-am gandit ca poate pot sa va ajut si cu o felicitare handmade sau ceva de genul acesta.
  9. Azi m-am reintors acasa si pe mfc si mi-am dat seama cate am pierdut despre gig-ul Orange. Am citit cat am putut din acest thread si vad ca sunt total pe dinafara. Cu abureala asta vreau sa spun ca si eu abia astept gig-ul foarte foarte tare chiar daca am fost absenta din activiteata mfc-ista related to it. Ash fi vrut sa pot fi la fel de implicata ca voi. EDIT: sorry for this disturbing post. Initial am vrut sa cer ajutor dar nu am avut la ce pana la urma si a ajuns sa fie ceva fara sens. Imi pare rau daca a derutat sau deranjat pe cineva.
  10. hello again guys! I was mad busy in the last time and I have a lotta questions for this gig 1. Will it be a fan-meet-thingy / Will I be able to get a autograph maybe:teehee: or a pic like most of you lucky ones already did? 2. From what time do you think we should 'make shade' there .. to get in the front row more exactly? 3. This one is for those out there that already had experienced a mika:wub2: gig - What shouldn't I forget home? THANK YOU! HUGS&KISSES! :wub2:
  11. Hello guys! I was just writing down a maths speech and something reminded me that mika is coming here in july [no sense, I know]. Because it's very late here I will write short sentences in order not to fall asleep. I am really happy because Mika is coming so close. I love you guys. Did I hear smth about a Romanian thread? Good night.
  12. I really wish I could get to meet him like you guys did... Is that too much of a wish for a first gig? LOVE YOU MFC !!
  13. Prost am facut la concurs.. ft prost ... chiar neasteptat de prost ash putea spune *sad* ... better luck next year... ahh si erau si destul de usoare problemele :-

  14. Aww.. PUFF!! and you're gone :(

  15. :X - as in love (Y!Messenger-dicted)


    Sooo.. How are ya?


    I can't believe we're on in the same time :X

  17. Happy Birthday!


    Sorry I'm so so sooooo late but I am so busy with the school I can't even see my head!


    I wish you all the love in the world!


    hugs& kisses,



  18. Thank you!! :huglove:

  19. Oh thank you, me!

  20. Happy Birthday me!

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