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Everything posted by adda

  1. Eu incerc ca toate astea sa nu ma faca sa fiu dezamagita de concert. Inainte de concert nu mi-am facut niciodata sperante sa-l vad live. Parea un lucru de neinchipuit. Pur si simplu nu ma gandeam la asta. Serios. Eu propun sa nu ne mai afecteze faptul ca unii oameni au idei preconcepute asa cum bine a spus Madeline si sa ramana totul ca o amintire frumoasa, sau un vis implinit pentru unii. Nu spun ca e bine sa te multumesti cu putin, deoarece nu-mi sta in fire. Nu incerc sa caut scuze nimanui, dar cateodata e mai bine sa privesti partea insorita a lucrurilor. Si eu ma aflu printre cei care vor sa scape de piedicile de la noi si simt ca visele sunt toate departe. Mai ales nu merita sa ne indeparteze de el si de muzica lui si de ideile lui minunate.
  2. Gandesti ca mine! (cand am vazut ca are popcorn poster m-am intors si am mai luat unul )
  3. In revista BRAVO nr 16 03.08.2010 - o pagina despre concertul lui MIKA in Romania - in case you forgot about it. si concurs pe bravonet.ro pentru a aparea un poster cu MIKA in nr din 29 august. In revista POPCORN - nr 8 ,august 2010 - poster cu MIKA.
  4. Thank you! Your posts make me or every time! Too bad I didn't see the pics earlier. This is the thing I like to call my last drawing of him: Tell me what you think, rpattz-knowing people:naughty:!
  5. Figuring out a way to post my pictures from the show. For now one of my faves made by me. Sorry it's so blurry though...
  6. "I guess that's why they call it the blues" si " Give it all away" :)


    OOoh dah ji eu.

  7. Si eu incerc... da si mie:))


    Ascult niste cover-uri de mika incontinuu :))

  8. Buna!

    Ce mai faci?:)

  9. Just a little bit of love (Little bit of love Little bit of love:blush-anim-cl:) and awwwww lovely report! It was wonderful sitting next to you at the gig. I will never forget it. :wub2: & same here when mika went on stage.
  10. Aww that made me soooo happy. It was lovely meeting you!
  11. Lovely report and you're very welcome Oh and btw just wondering how many of you guys got the light bracelets or however you call them that I tried to share with you I still have mine - on my desk now:wub2:
  12. Awww ( :nicoleta_undercover: ) EDIT: THIS IS MY 300th post yay.
  13. Sorry for interrupting, but I have a theory for this. I bet she has turned into a sparkly vampire since you two saw each other. *runs*
  14. WOaaaaaaaw!! :wub2: :blush-anim-cl:Thank YOu! EDIT: YOU ARE AMAZING!!!
  15. OMG YOU GOT A JOB OH MY MIKA I am SO ULTRAMEGAHYPERHAPPY FOR YOU! (somebody remove the caps loc or people will think I'm crazy)


    I will PM you about the gig :) but OMG you got a job. Tell the guy/woman that hired you that I hug him/her!!! Only if he/she is nice To you though.



  16. Holly:boing:!!!!!


    I actually SAW MIKA LIVE Saturday and I'm still in an "I can't believe it" mood.


    How are you?

  17. Awww Adda is right here being nervous and preparing to write a report on the gig. For now I'll write a short one. It was SURREAL. For me, at least. Meeting OUR GREAT MFC-ers:wub2:, watching MIKA LIVE for the first time:wub2:, it was a lifetime experience and right now I just can't find my words. My Brother's short review (he's only 6 and he tried in English. He spoke, I write): "It was aaaaaah:biggrin2: and he shot them bambambam:teehee: and *singing* Sucking to hard on your lollipop oh loves gonna get'ya down. I luv it! *jumps* ". and then he felt asleep like in 5 minutes. End of short report. LOVE.
  18. I'm bere with Ioana and she says: pa of mine I missjoo loads and am baking in the sun for u too xxx
  19. I did! I did! I did! I liked it a lot. It has a lot of great scenes. But there is one thing. The color scheme and style continuity between the scenes that twilight and new moon had. Am I the only one noticing? Edit: Oh and I don't fancy the new Victoria. She's hmmm... FAKE. OKBYE
  20. Awwyea. I think I might do a drawing based on that pic. I really want to make a drawing of him but I never find the right pose. Maybe this time...
  21. God I missed this thread. I am thinking of drawing RPatz again. I need some inspiration pics because I want to make a good drawing this time. Would you like to share some?
  22. Bitte.


    Sweet Dreams :)

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