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Posts posted by adda

  1. you're welcome :huglove:



    buna asta.:mf_rosetinted:





    *isi da jos ochelarii*


    *se uita la ei cu o sprinceana ridicata*


    *un "hm" apreciativ*


    Imi plac ochelarii astia.


    *puts 'em back*




    Adda... Keep the faith! Nu se stie niciodata, crede-ma ca mi s-au intamplat lucruri la care nici macar nu visam. :) Mai ales atunci cand iti doresti ceva cu adevarat si crezi ca este posibil!


    Eu o sa ies cu prietenele mele in club haha (doar una dintre ele este fan Mika). Intai o sa mergem la o prajiturica si apoi la dans. Ma gandeam sa fac si un video pentru el cu ce o sa facem maine. :wub2:


    Multumesc mult! :huglove:



    Have fun!:thumb_yello:

  2. ooh exciting!!:biggrin2: abia astept sa vad,toate desenele tale sunt incredibile :wub2:


    si deci,ce faceti maine? :naughty: eu anul trecut am facut prima mea prajitura chiar de ziua lui si am mancat-o s.i.n.g.u.r.a:mf_rosetinted: ah si i-am trimis o poza pe twitter.


    Wow! Thank you very much! :huglove:


    Eu nu stiu ce fac maine. A DA! O sa-i zic la multi ani daca nu uit :mf_rosetinted:

  3. MIKA despre Lady Gaga pe prima pagina MTV Romania

    "LADY GAGA, motivul unei crize de personalitate in muzica pop!"


    *poza lady gaga*


    "Mika este de parere ca Lady Gaga a starnit o "criza de personalitate" printre starurile pop.


    Artistul este de parere ca autoarea hit-ului "Alejandro" a innebunit marea majoritate a vedetelor cu stilul ei nonconformist si fresh.


    "Muzica pop este chiar ciudata in acest moment. Gaga a indus toate femeile din industria pop intr-o nebuneasca criza de personalitate" a explicat Mika.


    "Nu cred ca barbatii au simtit asta, este o chestie feminina".


    Se pare ca Mika a sesizat o noua miscare printre colegii sai de breasla, un nou trend in industria pop."



  4. omg, adda, that's such a wonderful pic. i remember that when he did that small feathers flew above us. it was amazing :bigg rin2:


    Yeaaaah:fangurl: :huglove: I remember that :teehee:


    I think no one has mentioned how worried some of us got halfway through the gig :teeh ee: It's quite a hilarious happening which is one of my favourite memories from this concert...


    You can see in the pics that there were some sorts of chests attached to the fence at the front row. We thought we could put our things there, so that's what we did. When the gig started, we put the banner on the fence so Mika would have time to see it during Relax, then after some songs we just crumpled and put it over our stuff on the chest that was right in front of me and Diana, thinking that we'd show the banner again during WAG.


    What we didn't see was that Mama P appeared out of nowhere halfway through the show with her camera, and sat herself in front of us! In other words: we found her comfortably sitting on our banner, calmly taking pictures of her son on stage :ha rp: :a ah:


    Fortunately she left when Happy Ending started, I think, so we were all like "phew! the banner is finally reachable" :teeh ee: but if I think back now, we should have started worrying sooner because if she hadn't left at that moment, we would have had to find a way to use our bubble-guns without filling Mama P's head with bubbles :aa h: :rof tl:


    Little forgotten details from this wonderful gig still keep coming back :wu b2:


    PS: I'd be super grateful if anyone had a pic with Mika with that huge smile on his face when we started singing the "little bit of love" part by ourselves :big grin2:


    I remember that! I looked at you and saw your faces... poor banner, I thought. She sat in fron of me and Ruxi too :wub2: and I got even more nervous:blush-anim-cl:


    Will come back with more photos!


  5. 2 stele din 5? :yikes:


    Nici nu ma mir, chiar azi umblam in revista Bravo, cea cu review-ul concertului, si ma miram cum de i-au acordat mai mare importanta lui Mika decat la Liberty Parade :blink: o pagina intreaga pt Mika si un articol mic, o stire de colt pt Liberty Parade... ca acolo "is 70 000 de oameni taica, si e muzica adevarata, spectacol adevarat..." citez o gramada de batuti in cap din orasul meu.


    @Diana, edit: undeva ESTE 18 august! :wub2:


    Care revista BRAVO? ce numar? :boing: - tin minte unul cu o pagina de MIKA, dar nu cred ca il am aici...

  6. hands off,he's totally mine!! :mf_rosetinted:



    i used to buy them when i was 11 for the make-up thingies and horoscope :mf_rosetinted:

    now i only buy them when a *certain* man sneaks in there.:naughty:


    Si eu! Inainte luam numai pt postere... now it's all about the M and the I, never forgetting the K or the A. :wub2:

  7. i'm gonna put my hands on that man very soon :mf_rosetinted: thanks for the tips,Cool Girl.very useful :mf_rosetinted:


    Yeah we're gonna FIGHT! like in cheesy chick flicks:roftl:


    Teen magazines ... :teehee: I buy them only to cut up the pictures like in kidergarden ! :lmfao:

  8. AHHH :wub2:

    Sper sa puna si un poster nou cat de curand :naughty:


    Mersi pentru poza! :biggrin2:

    @adda multumiiiiiiiiiiim :wub2: *goes to buy it*

    @madeline da,asa m-am gandit si eu ca e povestea. am intrat exact in ziua cand a postat blogul ala (pt ca votez in fiecare zi bla bla) si cand am vazut poza,n-am avut nicio reactie. stiam ca probabil o confunda cu vreo poza din Estonia. si cel mai probabil a luat-o prin intermediul tweet-ului tau,desi nu imi pot da seama cum o poate confunda din moment ce tu ai mentionat ca e facuta in Romania :boxed:


    Cu placere :huglove:


    O sa fie daca ramane in top 8 aici : Posterele Bravo


    AICI ORDONATE DE MINE (ca ei nu's in stare:sneaky2:)

    34.37% - Justin Bieber

    14.19% - Tokio Hotel

    10.2% - Miley Cyrus

    6.43% - Narcotic Sound feat Christian D.

    5.54% - Mika

    5.54% - Ruby

    4.66% - Eclipsa

    4.21% - Britney Spears

    3.99% - Inna

    2.44% - Muse

    2.22% - Kesha

    2% - Rihanna

    1.33% - David Guetta

    1.11% - Beyonce

    0.89% - Stromae

    0.44% - Christina Aguilera

    0.44% - Altii

    % -



    In caz ca ati "ratat" COOL Girl Stars din iulie...


    [click on it to make it bigger]





    EDIT 2:


    Daca tot suntem la capitolul "Revista Presei"

    Mika in Cool Girl de nu stiu cand la capitoul "de cucerit"..... da:mf_rosetinted:


  9. Aici :shocked:

    Nici tu nu tii minte, asa-i? :roftl::blink:




    Nu stiu ce sa spun dar cred ca in cazul asta ar trebui luati in considerare si cei 8 ani pe care i-a petrecut in Franta... practic e a doua casa pentru el :dunno:


    Si faptul ca ambele dvd-uri au fost filmate in Paris :) Da, sunt de acord cu tine :thumb_yello:


    EDIT: eram sigura ca sunt 7 ani :blink:

  10. Nu va spun ca la Brixton Academy in Londra la private party unde am fost si eu era mai groaznic de la Colmar .A fost inghesuiala cred ca eram vreo 150 de oamenii daca nu mai multi :aah:


    Madalina si restu fetelor sper sa aveti si voi noroc in viitor cand o sa mai vina (sper) si sa aveti parte de un private party .


    Aww multumim! Si sper sa ne revedem in curand. :huglove:


  11. scuze :blu sh-anim-cl:

    a fost doar o replica *inocenta* la ceea ce spusese Vanessa:b iggrin2:


    everything is fine now ! *throws confetti all over the place* :teehee :


    Wish it was just that simple. :huglove:


    sa pun oare mai multa sare pe rana?? :m f_rosetinted:...uitati-va pe thread-ul concert reviews la Foire aux Vins de Colmar, Franta si vedeti de ce tip de m&g au parte francezii...nici macar italienii nu au parte de asa ceva ...: mf_rosetinted:


    Champagne, accessories, Mika with the Kick-Ass glasses... the whole shebang! :shock ed: :box ed:


    Macar si aici a fost un pic de fail (ma mir, totusi), pentru ca la party-ul "privat" nu a ajuns doar cine trebuia, aka doar cei din fanclub. Au mai ramas si pe dinafara, ceea ce e foarte trist pentru ei, ca nici macar nu erau din Franta, erau nemtoaice fetele...


    Si le-a zis cum il cheama pe catzelashhhhh.... :cry baby: Wouldn't want to ruin that any more than it is already, so go read it yourselves... on.their.thread


    *jealous. and hurt. goes into hiding :sneaky 2: :tear s:*


    I really shouldn't :no: I don't know if I'm hurt cuz you're hurt or just because of what happened. I'm still not mad at anybody. :dunno:


    Unde te ascunzi Madeline? *wants to join and sob*


    EDIT: ma simt vinovata ca ma simt asa intr-un fel.

  12. Va tot urmaresc discutia de ceva timp dar nu stiam cand (si daca) sa ma bag in ea :blush-anim-cl:


    Si eu am crezut la inceput ca atitudinea lui si a celorlalti fata de romani si Romania a fost de vina pt ce s-a intamplat, dar am luat in calcul si posibilitatea ca pur si simplu nu a avut o zi buna... mai ales dupa ce nu s-a dat bine startul la Lollipop, s-a vazut ca asta a pus capac la tot.

    In plus, sa nu uitam ca M&G'ul dupa concerte nu e o regula si ar trebui sa fim foarte multumiti ca macar le face, daca ne gandim ca e unul din putinii artisti care mai tin legatura cu fanii atat de strans in ziua de azi... a fost si un paragraf in articolul ala nou din Sunday Telegraph (articol care chiar merita citit, btw!):

    'This one is more prestigious,’ he says in the plain-speaking, unthinkingly bumptious manner into which he can lapse.‘ Which is unfortunate, because the tickets are too expensive. And I know that all my fans aren’t the wealthy people in this country. But I did it because it’s an important event in a region that is still considered contentious. I was like, f---it, I wanna do something that I’ve heard about my whole life.’


    Si mai am o intrebare... voi tineti minte dupa BIOTG cand ne-a spus "you're amazing, thank you", respectiv "sunteti uimitori" ? :blink: ma uitam la o filmare acum 2 seri si am ramas interzisa cand l-am auzit pt prima oara zicand asta, desi am fost acolo :lmfao::wub2:


    :boing: dadada sunt total de acord cu tine! :thumb_yello::wub2::huglove: - as scrie mai mult dar din pacate acuma I gotta run :group_hug:

  13. *deschide video-ul de la concert cu Billy Brown si asculta*


    "Apart from probably Mexico, Romania is the second place that I've received the most mail from to my house."


    Personal, cand am aflat ca va concerta Mika in Romania, lucram pe post de chelnerita la un restaurant. Eram in tura, era ceva lume, dar eu stateam (si) pe net. Deschizand radio playerul de pe profm.ro.... la stiri era "Mika va concerta in Romania." Atunci am lasat totul si m-am dus in baie and I screamed at the top of my lungs.. Si am revenit ca si cum nu s-ar fi intamplat nimic, all warm and fuzzy inside.


    Degeaba ma supar eu pe el din cand in cand, e irezistibil... Acum ca iar am deschis videourile de la concert pe youtube... E fantastic, filmat din primul rand, cu each and every one of you singing along to Mika's songs... :blush-anim-cl::wub2:


    Imi aminteste de cat de fangirlish eram la inceput, cand impreuna cu alte doua fete de pe forumul Bravo eram into the song Grace Kelly. Nici macar nu incepuse mania la noi. Toata lumea s-a trezit ca wow, Mika, abia cu Relax promovat in special la radio... :teehee:


    Stiam eu:mf_rosetinted:


    Wow that is such a nice fan story :wub2:



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