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Emily B

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Posts posted by Emily B

  1. My "other" fave TV series is Chuck. Real funny. Quite cheesy at times.

    LOVE it. :mf_lustslow:


    For anyone who hasn't seen it:

    Its about a guy called Chuck who is a nerd that works at Buy More. He ends up with a whole lot of top secret government info in his head which forces him into being a spy and he is protected by another agent Sarah (who just has to be a pretty blond girl) and Casey.



  2. I got a new fave TV series. Thought I might start a thread where us Vamp fans can chat bout a new Vampire story with a bit more of a twist.


    I would post a pic but i'm on not only dial up but SLOOOW dial up :thumbdown:


    So it would be good if someone else could post one:thumb_yello:

  3. Lollipop Notice that EmilyB is a kiwi no?


    Yup I'm kiwi. course I should be californian :naughty:


    I replied to twitter @Mikasounds telling him he has to do a free show here in New Zealand with the icecream truck tickets like he just did overseas! PROBABLY NOT!




    I recon he will do something completely unexpected for every gig


    BTW... I heard that hes going to Australia soon. Might mean he's gonna visit us while hes nearby:wink2:

  4. I cant help but notice that people seem to like word games so I thought I would start one that I havn't seen on MFC yet :punk:


    We start with a word and the next person has to say a word starting with the last letter of the word before it

    eg I start with Elephant and the next person might say tap

    then the next might be peanut


    If you pick an obsure word or a word in a foreign language put a definition:naughty:


    so how about I start with....



  5. You are by far the most interesting and inspiring person I know of. I love to read your blogs & tweets and hear about chewing gum collections and hats but hearing about a free gig in LA that I can't go to is absolutely heart breaking not only because I would love to see you live but because it's in CA. I was born on the wrong side of the world. There isn't a lot I wouln't do to live in CA and be able to have actual friends. As a result I have switched off most emotions to survive school. The only time they ever switch back on is when I listen to your music or if i'm in CA. I almost went into shock when I first heard your music because I hadn't felt for at least 8 years (since I was 5) i'm now 15. I don't think I will ever think normally again but because of you I can feel happy even if only for a few minutes at a time. For that I am forever gratefull. I am greatfull that you have gathered such a fan club of wonderfull people that don't judge and that I can talk to. The New Zealanders on MFC are the only New Zealanders that I have fitted in with. I don't have to put on a happy act around them. You have an amazing effect on people. You can always spot the best celebs by the people who follow them. There may be celebs with bigger followings than you but I have never come across one of your fans that I don't want to know for the rest of my life. Have a good gig tonight

    Emily Batkin

  6. I like

    Wenus - Elbow skin : ) My brother & I Spread it throught the whole of NZ

    Discombobulate - Confuse. Say to a friend that you know how to Discombobulate a blond

    Antidisestablishmentarianism - being against diss-establishment

    absolute - absolutely - absolution





    These next ones are spanish so may not be absolutely correct

    Cabaron - *rse hole

    Pajero - W*nker

    Estrella - star

    Compinche - buddy

    pajero de la cabaron - I think it was "w*nker of the *rse hole"

    Batana - B*tch


    As you can see I have found quite a few ways to insult people (mainly teachers)

  7. *bursts into tears*


    please, please PLEASE, Perez, PLEASE ask mika to play in new zealand this year. you have no idea how FRUSTRATING it is to be stuck way down in new zealand with mika NEVER playing a show here EVER. we didnt get to see Life In Cartoon Motion live. Beg him for me. please.



    *tries to be happy for everyone seeing mika on tuesday*

    YES!!!! Exactly. I heard he was even going to Australia. What about us poor Kiwis? We miss out on so much if only because nobody knows it exists and those who do don't know where it is. Lots of people I met in CA in 07 thought it was near India

    WTF!! We need our turn with Mika.

    F*** I sound desperate

  8. I know what you dislike...


    ...you dislike hating things. :wink2:

    Actually no. It's kinda odd. I don't hate. But also find that I cant love.

    I don't feel sad but I don't feel happy (unless I'm in California). I get depressed but would never kill myself in a million years but im not afraid of death. I get nervouse but not scared. My body can panic but my mind doesn't. And on top of all this....I am the best actor/liar ever. I am so un-emotional that people always think im upset or something and constantly have people asking if I'm ok which is irritating (the nearest thing I have to dislike is being irritated by people constantly asking if i'm ok and talking at me) so I just put on the happy act and kaching!! I get left alone.


    I am probably among the more odd MFCers lol

  9. My first kiss was ... actually I'll fill u in first.

    Every monday night I go to youth group and afterwards ay friends Ange and Kyle stay the night and my room is about a km from the house :punk:

    Anyway we decided to play Are You Nervous and me and Ange went first.

    Kyle was getting quite excited. :naughty:

    I won when I spat in Anges mouth :roftl: Cos if niether chickens out then the kiss has to escallate. It was not a very pleasant kiss.:blush-anim-cl:


    So Mine was not under a tree. It was a girl on girl in and old cow shed vat room converted to bedroom & tack room, right after youth group which held by the local pastor who is unaware that more than half the youth group do weed. Not me though.

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