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Emily B

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Posts posted by Emily B

  1. I was just browsing and saw something about Mika performing in Australia which made me wonder maybe he would swing by NZ lol would be rather nice if he could should start leaving comments about it in places he might see them lol

  2. I cant give links but can name some bands and their songs


    Flight Of The Conchords - bret you got it going on , robots


    Lady Gaga - Again Again


    Muse - Time is running out , Supermassive black hole , Unintended , Eternally missed ,

    Recess , Muscel Museum , New born , Feeling good , Sunburn


    My Chemicle Romance


    Nickleback - If Everyone Cared , Rock Star , She Hates Me , Story Of A Girl


    The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes , Hands , Together


    The Veils - The Wild Son , The Tide That Left And Never Came Back


    The White Stripes - seven nation army , blue orchid , my doorbell , the denial twist ,

    icky thump , you dont know what love is , a martyre for my love for you



    Some of the music can be a tad odd but still pretty good

  3. And now we are all Mika-obseessed OC(M)D. Did anyone watch the programmes that Stephen Fry did about his experience with the disorder? He said that people with this, like him can suffer huge swings into depression, and worse.


    I can't cast Mika as a depressive though - well not at the moment. He's far too 'happy clappy' currently to imagine that - though when he was at school and retreated into himself because of the bullying - that could've been a depression.


    Let's hope all that is well behind him. He seems pretty happy with his life as it is going now.



    I have an

    ocd when making any food or drink but still manage it fast and also lining up a trailer or horse float on a vehicle. I do also fall into depression. Quite often I will act out a whole week of school, home, pony club, youth group and anything else so I dont have people asking me whats wrong all the time. I'm not sure if the OCD comes with the depression or vice versa but the depression can be set off even by something a person says that has nothing to do with me so I generally try to avoid being around people too. At least that gives me more time for my perfectionism lol Doing OCD things seems to help the depression.

  4. Yes yes, I know .. I'm weird ...






    Wow, nice job :wub2:




    I'm not almost dead orso .. :roftl: But it felt strange .. my nails could really hurt people or so .. :naughty:


    (I already knew that .. but still .. :roftl:)


    I Went to the Parachute music festival in NZ and was in the Family Force Five mosh pit with nails about 1.5cm and one of them stuck into this guys neck LMFAO

  5. As we all know, He is near perfect and the imperfections that he does have make him down to earth and that does make him perfect.:wub2:

    Soooooo What is your favourite thing(s) about him and one thing you would change if you could? :flowers2:


    Personaly I like the way that he is quiet and cant keep still on camera and almost seems shy. Who woulda thought the writer of Love Today might be shy. and the cheesy un-forced smile that goes with it . :mf_lustslow:


    then there is his randomness, his hair, his style. I'll stop now before I take all the options. :naughty::snog::huglove::bow:


    Is that enough smilies?

  6. I have seen comments on mikas blogs being random or boring. if you aren't into random then he would be boring. Unrandom people are boring.When there is an awkward silence you need a random person to break the ice.Partys need random people. The entire way of enjoying life evolves around a random person saying or doing something funny.

    I think Mika is completely my kind of person. I like random eg: avocados. in fact I have about 10 avocado trees. but also his music is by far the best I have ever come across.

    I think some of his songs are based on the feelings from past events in his life. some of the events are fairly similar to mine except while he was bullied for what he wore for 2 years, I was bullied for no reaon at all for 7 years and have never fitted in anywhere in New Zealand since. People seem to be able to tell as soon as I walk inot a room that I dont think the same as most people because I changed my way of thinking so I didn't have a break down like Mika did. The point is that to truly understand the music, you have to truly understand the idea behind the music. That is probably why people either like Mika or see him as a joke. There are the ones who see themselves as normal or cool and then the ones like us who have odd conversations about avocados. Unfortunately I live in a country full of people who see him as a joke.

    I found I have no trouble writing in forums or texting but cant talk in person confidently. I also noticed that Mika Is very loud in his writing but rather quiet and almost shy when he is speaking in his video blogs.

    Maybe he is unable to actualy find a reason to post some things in a blog, or is put off posting a lot of interesting things because of peoples reactions to past random things he has said and been bullied for.

    Anyway this is all kinda random and the result mostly of writing what i think. lol

  7. HAHA!! but I dont need to go under some poor sods bed to get a whip!!!

    I got 15 horses so I also got a few whips lol

    stock whip, dressage whip, jumping whip, lunging whip.

    stock whips are the ones u crack.

    lunging whips are similar but have a really long handle.

    jumping whips are normal whips about 50cm long

    dressage whips are like a normal whip but skinier and about 1.1m long

    dressage whips hurt the most. lmfao I am cruel (not to the horses)


    funny that in the naught corner we talk about whips

  8. Maybe you could borrow the one he found under Jo Whileys bed?:roftl:




    Spill the beans!

    OK...... Im not completely sure what ur talking bout now but Im not from anywhere in or near Europe so Im completely lost.( Im assuming the person u mentioned is European?)

  9. Oh dear, you really do belong here then :naughty:

    I certainly do belong here. I think mine is worse than saying I want to whip Mika LOL

    ( strawberry and whiped cream and hundreds and thousands ) lol gotta have 100s & 1000s to make it a bit gritty and colourful.


    How many years am I sentenced for now????

  10. I kinda asked in a very loud and blatant way in a forum I will not name about certain music and put a list of names of songs that I wil not name. ( yes a whole list of songs) LMFAO

    It was explained to me very politely that I should delete them and never name them again or I could be sued

    suprise suprise. My hair is blonde lol

    I think I more than qualify for this thread roflmfao soo embarrassing

  11. I'm a kiwi sighn me up as a mikafern

    should do a mikafern meeting lol for us fans to meet


    BTW When MIKA answered the question saying he would like to come to NZ

    That was my question. I was thrilled to see he answered it.

    Next time he leaves a blog we should all tell him about how he has to come and visit us seeing as it's summer and has plenty of day light at the moment which we know he likes .

  12. i wouldn't have known either. i suppose he means his lazy eye makes him open one eye a little less then the other, perhaps when he's tired.


    i think some people confuse it with a lazy eye, meaning a bit crooked, which it isn't.

    Hey something to discuss.


    I have a bunch of his songs that I have no details about and they sound like demos.

    I cant find lyrics or anything. can anyone tell me where they are from?


    Everybody's Talkin'


    Hips Don't Lie (Yes it is Shakiras song and he does it better lol except cracking up half way through)


    I'm Falling








    Same Jeans


    You Made Me


    lol Some are really good songs

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