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Posts posted by Kasia_xxx

  1. Anyway whether he considers himself handsome and/or sexy or not, he sees the reactions of the audience and reads what the press and the people think about him, so he's surely aware that to many people's eyes he IS handsom and sexy


    And this is exactly what I meant. He is really intelligent but he's also very sane and come on, what normal, sane, down-to-earth (I think Mika is all the above) person would admit openly 'Yes, I'm so cool, I read all these eyes/smile/bottom/feet/chest/5 o'clock shadow threads':wink2:

  2. Having watched and read tens of interviews with Mika, I have a few observations to the point:

    1. He has struggled hard to record and perform what he wanted to and not what others were making him do.

    2. Many times has he explained how he wrote Lollipop and how different this song is from what is being promoted by mainstream media.

    3. Mika is one of the most intelligent and conscious artists today; he knows where he's going and he knows how to achieve it.

    4. He does not want anything: sexuality, social life etc. to distract people from his performances and songs. He is not a tabloid fodder.

    Soooo... I think although he MUST realize how damn handsome he is and what impact his appearance has on us:wub2:, the message he seems to be sending us all the time is: Relax, take it easy. It's about music and fun in the first place.

  3. I L O V E how he looks into your eyes as he is talking to you, and never takes them away -- it almost burns a hole right through your heart, and you feel as though you cannot breath - but, once you catch your breath and the burning subsides ..... you can just surrender to his powerful eyes.


    Oh dear, oxygen please!:wub2:

  4. :groupwave:Bravo Marianne!!!!!!!! I've just gone through the whole thread - you're amazing! And please update us on mini Mika's sixth face and anything related. Real Mika will love your present for 1000000%!!!!!

  5. I was watching Vh1, the most wonderful or whatever hard rock songs of all time haha...and there was this song that I had definatley heard before: " I believe in a thing called love"




    So I was able to match the song to the band and it was The Darkness.


    Thank you for this!!! It was actually one of the great songs I was never able to match with the band and now I can:thumb_yello:

  6. I agree that it doesn't matter how tall/skinny etc. he is. After all when I fell in love with his songs I was thinking for a year that Mika was the name of a group:boxed:

    But your impressions seem to confirm one great truth quoted by a musical journalist here: the bigger artist, the more casual person.:wub2:

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