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Posts posted by LeiRe

  1. Maybe he got sick of dressing like that. To be honest, to me it would be one thing dressing in animal costumes at the end, but completely another to be dressed as a clown throughout the gig.

    I think it's kind of demeaning, considering his talent.


    You think this costume was imposed?

  2. Lollipop has a BIG influence on babies!!



    once I was in the birthday party of my cousin and his friends (he is 4 years) and I put the CD and when they were listening Lollipop, they danced wild and they took the control of the music!


    :naughty: So does my nephew, also age 4 :naughty:

    he jumps on my bed and goes crazy :punk:

  3. of course i'd like to know much more about the new album/film etc and get some new gig dates as well. it would also be great if he'd answered some of the questions that people sent!

    But the most important thing in my opinion is that he is actually posting all these blogs and vlogs. I mean imgaine if we didnt have any blogs at all...

    So i only want him to continue blogging, maybe a bit more often.


    Totally agree! :thumb_yello:


    Of course I’d like to know about tour dates, album, etc, but I’d rather prefer him to post whatever’s in his head, whatever he wants to… as it feels much more genuine that way, in my opinion... :wink2:

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