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Posts posted by LeiRe

  1. Yes, I agree with you. That sure will be sooner than normal for Mika, comparatively speaking. My concern is that such a long gap between albums means that each time he releases new material it's like starting all over again. It's one thing if you're on top and then take a long break -- Acts like Katy Perry, Rihanna, or even Coldplay can take a couple years off and still return at #1 when they release new stuff. Taking such a long time between albums for Mika, though -- I feel like he loses any momentum he may have had, you know? Like he had some momentum from Popular Song in the US, but there's nothing new now to follow it up, so his memory will fade from the fickle public consciousness quickly. It sort of reminds me of the story of Sisyphus -- do you know it, from Greek mythology? He was the guy condemned to push a boulder up a big hill, he'd get nearly to the top, but then it would roll down and he'd have to start all over again. And he was doomed to do that for eternity. :blink: I wish things to be easier for Mika, so that once he got some momentum behind him, he could capitalize on it, and finally reach the top of that hill. :thumb_yello: But it is what it is, and the album will come out when it's ready, just like when I write something it's done when I'm finished with it, and not a second sooner. :naughty:


    Yes, I know the Sisyphus' story and understand your point.


    And I would love for Mika to prove me wrong by releasing it on September 15th. :teehee:


    Well, possibilities are endless. You never know... :naughty:

  2. Then the Voice Spain wasn't such a bad idea after all.... :tears:


    I'd much rather him get famous in Spain now than repeat in Italy. But anyway, he would have to take spanish lessons to polish his spanish off and that would be time consuming as well, which would be bad for the album.



    Considering how he was able to learn Italian from scratch in only a few months while he used to speak Spanish pretty well already, I think a couple weeks lessons would be enough for him to get to master it... :naughty:

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