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Posts posted by krjsantos

  1. When I translated the interview I was sure there would be some reactions about this bit about the French audience (totally understandable)


    I think when he says 'they were the only ones to...', he can't really be talking about the audience but more about reviews and articles.. How can he know what the audience understood? Of course he can talk to a few people after the show but how many would have told him 'I loved this reference to Arte Povera' :blink:


    So yes maybe from the media it looks like France understood something more. But probably just because it wasn't covered as much in other countries...


    Yes, you're right! How knowing what the audience immediately understands, this is not possible :dunno: because even your entire audience go crazy anywhere :fangurl:



    But do you understand how absurd it is for him to expect that even the press in NYC would get this reference under the circumstances? It's not the same show! People are not psychic. They don't know what is in his head nor can they be expected to know what his show in Paris looked like.


    If Mika wants to pander to one audience to the point where he completely drives the rest of the world away that is his choice. But if he wants to blame that on the rest of the world not "getting" him I am going to call BS.


    It's like he's wooing two dates. One gets champagne and roses and chocolate. And the next day date #2 gets a half a glass of flat champagne at the bottom of the bottle, dead petals and the half eaten chocolates no one wants. Then he decides that date #1 is the love of his life because they appreciate his gestures more! :doh:






    Yes,but he loved the first one only because he was drunk :mf_rosetinted:





    Well I think I need a little drink right now :teehee:

  2. No just France.



    But he is not giving people outside a comparable experience in order to judge. The audience in NYC was not at Cirque D'Hiver. They weren't thousands of people sitting around a huge circus floor. It was a few hundred people crammed into a tiny club whose normal purpose is to showcase solo pianists and the like.


    It's a different show. It's a different setting. How can he expect the same appreciation around the world when he constructs everything for France only?


    It was the same with the massive PDP show. The last time I saw that clown themed set was in Osaka, Japan. When something is designed specifically for a massive audience in France and you take it completely out of that context how can you expect it will work the same way?


    The same goes for the Louis XVI set. Of course that works for a palace in Compiègne. But it is absurd to expect people to appreciate it in the same way at a private party for a human rights campaign organization in Washington.


    It is not only the audience's job to interpret art. It is up to the artist to communicate it. If it fails I don't think the audience is to blame.


    What you say makes sense, I agree.

  3. What he says about the French only understanding what he does with his stage show. That is not true at all, I get where he is coming from. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    This makes me feel like he is cutting himself off from the UK audience, and this makes me very sad indeed.:sad:


    I don't come to the defense of what Mika tells about French audience, but I was not resentful of it, I think he meant that France, the broad understanding, has a huge opening to all expressions of art and specifically in the music scene I think that's all for understanding "world music" and all scene around.


    In other countries an here in my country, at least the largest base of Brazilian fans, understand this scenery.


    I don't know if I expressed my thoughts clearly :blush-anim-cl: I hope so.

  4. I'm glad I couldn't understand his chatting, I would have looked like this :shocked: Poor boy, he must have been well medicated by that doctor :aah: Any way, he looked very tired in the end but I think his voice was actually good, thinking he had a bad cold or something. And you know, he did a huge jump (and not a small tired jump). He did a quick signing before leaving so Axie had a possibility to have a short Mika moment :wub2: I was just watching behind the people and he couldn't talk, he just signed some albums etc.


    Awn happy for Axie :wub2:


    Thanks a lot, Nina :huglove: you rocks :mikalove:

  5. This gig was amazing! The setlist was basically the one we know. Queueing was cold and very rainy but luckily we had more or less dry places to sit. The choir was full of surprises. Actually, I'm sharing my room with about half of it :naughty: But I'll let them tell you details!

    Mika was full of energy, quite chatty and singing so well! He changed the ending of Happy Ending and wowed the whole audience with it. Our special guest from far away got a well-deserved special moment and the audience was on fire.

    After the gig he came out and signed stuff and stayed a little longer afterwards to ask us if we could organise the little things we did during the gig for Brussels as well :wub2:


    To sum it up: It was a brilliant but very cold day with perfect company, an amazing gig and now I have confetti everywhere :naughty:


    I planned to upload pictures but wi-fi doesn't work :sneaky2:. I'll see when I get to do this.


    Awnn I think Francine soon :wub2:


    Thanks Saskia :huglove:

  6. Hey everyone! I've never posted anything on here before so I'm not entirely sure how this all works, but I really wanted to share my review of the new album with you. I worked hard on it and I'm pretty satisfied with the final product considering how much of a perfectionist I am. I've been getting a ton of positive feedback and really sweet comments on it so far (if you are one of those kind people, thank you VERY much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it); it's a wonderful feeling knowing people enjoy my writing and liked what I had to say! So if you enjoy reading about good music and are interested in hearing my thoughts on The Origin Of Love, give it a read!


    Side note: As nervous as the thought of it makes me, I'd love for Mika to read it (if that's even possible) so if you like it, spread the word! If you're on Twitter go ahead and tweet it to him! While you're at it, tell your friends, family, coworkers...I think everyone and their cat needs to know about this album. Anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


    Link to the review on my blog:




    Hi Mary, again :biggrin2:


    I write will be redundant here, you said it all, I wrote on your blog :teehee: I'll retweet again.


    Pleasure to read :flowers2:

  7. I just wanted to record our song here for posterity... maybe MFCers at future rainy gigs will want to use it or adapt it to their situation :fisch:


    Sung to the tune of Stardust...


    We have been standing

    In this bloody queue

    It's only because

    We're addicted to you


    You are the thunder

    We're in the rain

    Will it be worth it

    To see you again


    We really love you

    When we're nice and dry

    But everything changes

    In the blink of an eye


    It's been a while now

    And we're pretty cold

    Waiting in line

    Is getting so old


    Getting so old

    Getting so old


    We want you to know

    What we really mean

    We wouldn't do this

    For Gaga or Biebs


    We don't really need the stardust in our eyes

    What we need is sunshine in our lives

    Or maybe a rain poncho or two

    Or even a big umbrella will do


    When will we be dry again

    When will we be dry again...


    And that's as far as we got before we got sidetracked with other

    things... :teehee:



  8. i can think of a lot of reasons why he might think we're dangerous. :naughty: first and foremost, because he really has to be careful what he says or tweets cause he knows that a) he couldn't write a tweet without some mfcer noticing,no matter how fast he'd delete it (i remember those drunk tweets from dubai or where that was? :teehee:) and b) we know too much about him already and put his new interviews in this context. he can't really fool us. ( tho he keeps trying :teehee:)




    I have to agree with you :naughty:

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