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Posts posted by nana06

  1. Sorry! Its just that I didnt really know who anyone was! and i havent ever seen pics of you, so i have no idea!


    It was the same with me at other shows. I was just too shy to go up to MFCers, I know you don't bite but I didn't want you to think "who the heck is she?" :naughty:

    Next time I'll introduce myself :blush-anim-cl:


    I do love that hat Eloise!


    And as always thanks for the reports from everyone! :biggrin2:

  2. Report part 3:


    After the gig we go to the artists entry but the problem was that to many people was there:aah: We speak between fans. I decide to make a little tour of the barriers because I was thinking that Mika going out by the parking which was made especially for the festival, just near the artists entry. We saw John put things in a car, and Yasmine in the parking, sure it was here that Mika going out. I found a place to wait Mika but like I said too many people, more than 200 :boxed: People was pushing others on the barriers, lots of people was screaming Mika. We were trying to calm some people in telling them that Mika don't love people who scream but no effect :sneaky2:

    Mika was really adorable because he made a tour of the parking barriers to sign things. Mika signed me a picture which was for AxieDentelle and I had time to give him the brooch medal that I found for him (it was a private joke to Mika) :naughty: It was the most horrible M&G I ever seen, people are really stupide:furious:


    I know, it was really bad :sneaky2: People started leaving and some went round the other side because they thought Mika was coming out over there. There were still so many people though. I think it's because he came out so soon, usually if it's more than an hour wait most people give up and go.


    Then they heard screaming his name so they all rushed back and tried to push in. These very young girls were trying to push in front of me and everyone was shouting. I still managed to talk to Mika though, that's the awesome power of MFCers :mf_rosetinted:



  3. Some of mine are from gigs aswell! There's some of the early ones from '07 there :teehee: Then I have two of all the new designs as Sandbag Mucked my order up :naughty: I'm not complaining though!


    some more :fisch: ....








    I love your collection :thumb_yello: I also love how you translated the lyrics for blue eyes in french! Just pretend it's educational :biggrin2:

  4. It was an amazing gig. Only my second one but I thought it was better than Nice because the audience was so much more alive.


    After many long waits for set changes Mika finally came on. He did Grace Kelly in French which was great and he asked us to sing. I don't remember the exact order of the songs (my memory is bad and I'm only a youngling :aah:) but it was really great to watch. He had so much energy and he was smiling and talking to us a lot. For Blame it he divided us into bulls and matadors, I was a bull, and well we lost :teehee: La Solitude was heavenly. He did an encore which was Relax (I think) and he pulled a few girls and guys on stage to dance with him too. When it was over he came out not long after and signed. He signed a drawing I did of him and told me it was beautiful and he loved it. Then I died :naughty:


    Report over!

  5. Nobody home??

    Ok well I'll do a quick report then. Arrived around 2 which was too late to get a number in the MFC line but we were second in one of the normal queues (yeah they have multiple queues). We waited and it started raining twice which wasn't too nice. The finally let us in at around 7. My friend and I got the the 5th row but there was a lot of pushing so we decided to move back. A good decision because we could see a lot more and we had lots of space. The suport band was Canadian I think they're call La Panthere Rose (the pink panther). They did a few songs and then the show started!!


    It was amazing. AMAZING. at one point he started talking about his life and how he used to go to Villeneuve Loubet every summer and steal coke bottles from the hotel. Then he had forgotten what he was meant to be doing. It was very funny. At one point Mika got hit with the bass and he started laughing and couldn't sing anymore.


    We left the venue and waited where he was going to come out. I knew it was the right place because I saw lots of MFC people. He eventually came out at 1 o'clock. He came down the line and signed my tour book after having turned it round and fiddled with it. I gave him a bracelet I had made him and he said thank you :blush-anim-cl:


    Must go to another gig now!!!

    Over and out.

  6. Excitée ??? Moi non, du tout !!!


    Hier soir, j'ai eu le malheur d'ecouter Mika, et du coup j'ai du mettre au moins 2 heures à m'endormir, j'ai réussi a compter les minutes, heures ect... J'ai réussi à lançer mon coussin jusqu'au plafond dans le noir, à jumper mentalment à faire le pingouin mentalement.


    Resultat, je me suis interdit de l'écouter jusqu'a samedi, j'ai regardé le reportage de 7 à 8 j'aurais pas du (mais on m'a dit qu'il y avait ses chhaussures et les chaussures et moi, c'est plus qu'une histoire d'amour... :mf_rosetinted:) et maintenant j'ecoute des trucs que j'avaispas écouter depuis 20 ans (j'en ai 17 :aah:) genre Maroon 5. Je n'ecoute pas Muse non plus, ça me rapelle l'exitation du concert du 22/11 et celle du SDF qui commence à monter.


    Bref, je suis tellement calme que je parle sans arrêt (déjà que d'habitude...)








    En effet, exitee serait un "understatement" (je sais pas comment dire ca en francais :teehee:) Je suis trop contente pour vous!!! Maintenant moi aussi je suis exitee!! :roftl:

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