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Posts posted by NuttyGummy

  1. 1z52qe8.jpg


    Hi, this is Mika!

    I gave up on the music industry!

    You're all lousy fans! No one said my butt is firm!

    Gave it all away and moved to India, where i own a fruit stall, called the boy who sold too much...

    How cute do i look with the beard?

    And besides, clothings here cover up my not-so-firm butt!


    @mikadounds from Tweetie 1 min ago


    Haha, too funny! :roftl:




    And 'Soilent Green,' I don't know who wrote the book and I haven't had the chance to read it because I can't find it anywhere but it's about...well I cant really tell you what it's about without ruining it. I do advise you look it up though. It's a very good idea and my dad said the movie was great.



    So I did a little searching. There's a movie called Soylent Green based off the book 'Make Room Make Room' by Harry Harrison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_Room!_Make_Room!

    Is this it?

  3. Cool, my aunt has it, I'm going to have to borrow it :biggrin2:


    I loved the movie. I saw it before I even knew it was a book and loved it mmediately. it's one of the few movies I can watch over and over :biggrin2:



    I just remembered a few more:


    'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury, I still haven't seen the movie of this but I heard it was very different from the book in a bad way. They kinda ruined the meaning of the book. It was one of the best books I've ever read though. It was written beautifully, great diction and sentence structure. It was written in a way the made you feel whatever he wanted you to feel just by the way the sentences are formed. I think the movie was remade not too long ago and I herd the remake was better.


    And 'Soilent Green,' I don't know who wrote the book and I haven't had the chance to read it because I can't find it anywhere but it's about...well I cant really tell you what it's about without ruining it. I do advise you look it up though. It's a very good idea and my dad said the movie was great.


    And one more: 'Watership Down' I can't remember the author to this either but it's a book about rabbits. It sounds stupid, I thought the same, but it's not a children's book (as I also thought) in fact the ideas and way it's written is very adult. It's somewhat complex...but not at the same time. It's complex because the way of thinking is so simple...I know that's not a very good explination. And beautifully written. I can't explein this one very well, it's another book you'd be better looking up yourself. I've only seen half of the movie, which was a cartoon btw, and what I saw was ok but it lost a lot of the eloquence the book had.




    Yay! A few more to look for. I did a search for Soilent Green. I can't find it in my library. I even ran a search for it on Barnes and nobel. Nothing.


    You know how after reading so many books that kinda take a toll on your brain you want to read something stupid and fun?


    Anyone read the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich?

    REALLY stupid comedy but sooooo funny! Simple writing so it's a nice break e books are actually quite s trt.hink abhayey the books are actually quite short. They're addictive too. I usually read one in about a day cause it's so funny you can't put it down :lmfao:


    I know what you mean. Sometimes you just need a fun read. Something you can get lost it.

  4. Interview With A Vampire - Anne Rice

    Girl, Interrupted (:wub2:) - Susanna Kaysen

    Lord Of The Flies (can't remember the author)

    Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck


    I REALLY recommend 'Girl, Interrupted' I haven't seen the movie yet, tho I know it is a movie, but the book was AMAZING! It's a memior of a woman who was a mental patient and the way she describes insanity really makes you question yourself.


    Oh, and 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess was a FABULOUS book and movie! But be sure to get the UK version of the book because the American's took out the last chapter :rolls_eyes:


    AND 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' I haven't seen that movie either but the book, which I read half of, was great. I loved the writing style :wub2:


    'Interview With A Vampire' is one of my favourite books and movies ever. Tho I advise you watch the movie before reading the book because there area lot of differences but the movie itself IS a very good movie. The entire series, 'The Vampire Chronicles,' is very good so far. Somewhat erotic, especially in the later books, but still sophisticated and a good read. One of the few books I constantly have an urge to read aloud for some reason :wub2:




    Hey thanks! :biggrin2: I will add them to my list of books to read. I actually started to watch Interview with a Vampire one night but didn't get to finish it because I had to go to bed. Work, bah!

  5. As much as I love my iPod touch, I hate browsing the web on it's tiny screen. I hit the wrong links all the time. Also, I don't like the fact that it doesn't support flash, java or any other video sharing site besides YouTube. C'mon Apple, update the OS to include flash and java. Would make life so much easier.


    Oh! I dislike that as well. I always end up deleting something I didn't want to.

    I like that it has you tube but wish it supported other stuff as well.

    I also wish I could take videos and pictures with it so I could use more of the aps.

    My bigest problem with the ipod is (well I have two actually) I can only use iTunes with it. It gives me more problems every time I update it.

    And I always run out of space, I wish I could buy a chip to expand the memory or something like you can with cell phones. I don't want to have to buy a brand new ipod every time I need more space.

    Sorry to rant. lol

  6. I reccommend anything by Dean Koontz! He writes crime fiction. Scared the crap outta me but I loved it!


    I'm currently reading 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer, after one of my friends bugged me to read it for the last 3 months. It isn't actually that bad.


    I also made an attempt at Masfield Park but kinda got distracted... XD



    I could never get into Dean Koontz's books. He's a very good writer, I've read a few of his books. And I really want to like them I just don't. I found myself wanting to read the book one of his characters was writing more than the book I was reading. lol:blush-anim-cl:


    Does anyone read "The Dresden Files"

    I have the first one, borrowed if from a friend but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.


    I have not heard of that one. You'll have to let me know if it's any good.

  7. Does anyone like Fantasy books - I really recommend the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan .... I just love them so so so much ... I started reading them in 1992 - and the story still hasn't finished - Robert Jordan actually died in 2007 - but the story is being finished by another author with help from the notes and audio files he dictated and with help from his wife - who knew the way he wanted the story to end .... Book 12 came out this year ... I'm waiting for a Library copy of it ... but have awhile to wait as there is a huge wait list on it :aah: They'll be two more books before it finishes :wub2:




    If you love Lord of the Rings ... read it ... in my view it's better .... :wub2:


    Hmmmmm. I'll have to give those a try sometime.

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