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Posts posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Wow, I just reached the 35k! :yay: That's 10k above my original goal for this week. (Hell, this means I wrote 23k in one week.) Now I'll be able to sleep well. :)


    How about you, guys?


    Wow! Good for you! I'm just over 19k. I'm hoping to hit middle mark before bed tonight.

  2. uhm, maybe I'm wrong but could it be possiblle he found out he wrote tons of bull****s most part of the times?:teehee:


    sorry, sorry:biggrin2: don't worry, he'll twitter soon!


    please, don't fall in desperation, don't ever do something like this:shocked::




    :shocked: I just went to that link you posted and couldn't believe what I was reading. I hope this person isn't really serious. It's adsurd.

  3. My mom asked me what I wanted from the grocery store, because my dad was taking her there. I was craving some junk food snacks so I said BBQ chips and Froot Loops.


    They came home with groceries. While helping put the food away I discovered my mom got my requests. She got the jumbo box of Froot Loops. :shocked: For the BBQ chips she got a tube of BBQ Pringles and a bag of BBQ chips. :shocked:


    Wow, I didn't expect that much. :naughty:


    Then again one time I told her I like Cheese Strings and...she got me the biggest pack available. :aah:


    Mmmm, fruit loops.

  4. I like a lot of the old horror movies :aah: The riduculous ones where you can see the space ships in strings :naughty:

    But I really hate modern day horror films. They don't have the entertainment value that the old ones used to. They're thoughtless and based all on sex and gore. No concerntration on story.


    Exactly! It's all about 'what special effect can I use next?' these days. No story.

  5. Never. It's been my favourite since I was a kid.

    And being older I'm able to appreciate all the little things you don't really get as a kid.

    And having read the book and Wicked makes it even more interesting :wub2:




    Really? :shocked:

    Well...Dorothy gets home.



    Yup, Dorthy clicks her heels three times and gets home. All is well.


    Lol, as much as I like The Wizard of Oz my all time favorite movie since I was a kid is Anne of Green Gables.

  6. Anytime. :)


    Me too. I don't want to try to measure it myself then end up with lemon glasses. :boxed:


    No, that would not be good at all!


    Kinda sleepy. It's only 9pm :blink: Definitely don't wanna go to bed.


    :blush-anim-cl: that's only a half hour earlier than I go to bed on week nights. I feel old!

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