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Posts posted by Aayame

  1. I Know DOuble Post! BUt it's an emergency!!!!!1



    I checked out Bad from the library yesterday and today I put it into my CD player and it wouldn't play!!!! So I pulled it out and It had cracked!!! Right down one side!!! *EEEKKKK* It's the library's and I don't know what to do! I hadn't it long enough to even copy it!

  2. Good stuff. Are you big into turntables/records? I've always wanted one but never seemed to get around to it. Any recommendations?


    You should! Totally!


    Umm.. I only got my turntable about a year ago and I"m usually short on cash so I only have like 7 records. But I absolutely love it. My turntabe is also a cd player and a casette player and a radio! I"m pretty sure you can also hook up a mp3 player but I never tried- anywhoo I picked it up last year when Linen and Things was going out of business and I got it really cheap- but anyways the company is Coswell - i think - so you could check them out.


    I wanted to go to the store today and talk to the lady in charge but my mom said it's too far away (15 mins) and a waste of gas- Whatever! Next time I go I'll take a picture of the little MJ tribute the have set up- they have time magazines of the Jackson five and Mike and a copy of Moonwalk also.



    anyone having trouble getting MJ cd's cheaply pm me what one/s you want & I can get them for you & mail you it, I can get most cd albums of MJ's for £5 & history is £14 (which I know in some places is extremelly expensive)

    Where do you live first of all? like general part of the world- lol- because shipping overseas costs a lot.


    I'm wondering if I'll ever have any extra cash. I'm a shopaholic(), not to mention my family's taking a trip to India during prime hiring time. That's not so fun.


    I'm a shopaholic too! I never have any money!


    Made me think of how MFC has never gone offline this badly before. But, if it did, what Mika song would we all be renamed too?

    I can totally see it being Grace - maybe because my mom was singing Grace Kelly today- which was weird but awesome- And I love Grace Kelly


    Anyway, I spent up today. $130 worth of MJ stuff. Got a tshirt (which I'm already wearing), MJ collection CD, Moonwalker DVD, and a poster.

    LOL - See I'm going to get this shirt http://www.threadless.com/product/855/Beat_It or http://www.threadless.com/product/1588/Eating_Brains_Throwing_Shapes

    Aww darn! the second one is all sold out!! - well, they'll reprint sometime in the future


    Yeah, it is for me too, but I wish I could still talk about him in present and not in past............

    I still talk about him in the present- it hasn't really set in that he's not here anymore


    i thought i was the only freak who doodles about my idols on a piece of paper,LOL.

    LOL I was doing that yesterday during bio- I wrote MJ lyrics all over my papers!


    I read that the one of the little boy (my favourite one...) he drew when he was NINE!!! shock shock me!

    Holy cow!!! I wish he had done more artwork! Who knows how his talent might have matured if he nurtured it.



    oh btw:






    HA HA HA I love the pic! THat totally made my day- and the fact that my local library got Bad back so I can borrow and burn it! YEAY! I think I'm going to go right before I have to go for my evening class.


    actually i;m pretty much short of money,i was hoping to do it with all of you once i get a decent job though.and after all the chaos has ended.


    Actually I"m very short of money too.... we can save money and eventually get something....

    I'm trying to get a job and I"m going ot go back to that store with the records and offer to work there- because it's one of my favourite places.




    i agree,thriller here is sold at an unreasonable price too!



    lucky lucky u.


    Seriously! You are so lucky!

    I'm going to see if maybe I could work at that place in exchange of THrillier-


    I have to run ttyl

  4. i think it's brill.maybe we should do it?but about the pass around stuff,that's pretty hard.it's better if we pool money of the same amount every month,and take turns for example,this month it's ick's turn.so all of us collect the money for the month and give it to ick.so next month,we'll do the same,but it'll be the next person's turn.it doesnt matter if the price of the item differs from one another,we can just let whoever gets it to keep it.it's fair enough right?



    I was thinking we should get the MIB suit and cut it up and we'd all have a piece! Agent M!


    I ended up getting West Side Story and an Oldies But Goodies one- which is just a whole bunch of good old rock and roll songs- they have rockin robin on there- the original - which is the main reason I got it - heck it was 1.99


    Just call me Anya online- it's easier to remember- lol


    How come the Thriller record is so expensive? At my local Best Buy it's only $19 or so. Was it an original from the 80's?

    I'm pretty positive it was on original - most of the records there are Originals

    They jokingly offered me a job there- I should totally take them up on that for the employee discount


    All I can say is that Im really angry with my city's mall, the cd should cost 7€ but its 17!!! And thats not fair, they said its 7, but I asked and all I got was: "the cover got into there by an error"


    That's ridiclous!!! It would be cheaper if one of us bought it here and mailed it over- I think at costco it's 9.99

  5. My friend was in the Kapiti coast production of Rent. She did really well too.


    I did drama classes at a local theater and did a few shows with them but I left because one of my friends backstabbed me and I started to feel paranoid and unwelcome.

    It was the same reason I stopped going to chior (I was a soprano like Mika! :wink2:)

    But one of the teachers' was in the Wellington production of Jesus Christ superstar and her mother was in the wardrobe department and she was also the wardrobe lady at our theater (and what a dragon!)


    She said that on the last night, they replaced the bread and grape juice in the last supper scene with fried chicken and ACTUAL wine as a joke but you always had to make sure it wasn't noticed by anyone in the audiance.


    Also they did Chicago and at some point when they needed notepads to record things on them, the props people wrote rude things on them and the actors had to keep straight faces :roftl:


    and for "Birthday Suite" a member of my class (the backstabber in fact) did props and they wrote silly things on the meet patties in sauce!


    LOL that's hilarious- the only story I have is of my theatre teacher and when he was younger at one of his school plays there was a nerdy kid who had to do like a cuckoo-in a cuckoo-clock or something. So he was wedged in this little box and the teacher couldn't get down there so my teacher and his friends taped porn all on the inside of the clock :roftl: Poor guy

  6. I wish we could pool money and buy one of the things- and pass it around or something-

    Wouldn't that be amazing?? but it's just not feasible


    I went and got a record today- but that place also had a Thriller Record- only it was 125 dollars!!!

  7. It's so funny- last night, as I was going to sleep after seeing the vid- I thought that the MFC should do our own video.

    And today's there's pages on that!

    Maybe not to BIOTG but we should have our own videos!

    Like maybe if we're really ambitious we could do video's to all the songs on the album- that'll keep us occupied till the next album comes out.

    ...or something...



    Like, the place would be filled with just random people, but Mika would be in the background but he would be noticeable. There would be a storyline going on with particular characters and if the camera pans and Mika goes out of shot, when the camera moves ANOTHER Mika would be there in different clothes/as a different character. So it's like he's the narrator and/or an outsider looking in on the action.



    That's awesome! We should have all the same people in every scene and then they just change - Except for the main character

  8. Forget the lyrics, look at that art! I never knew Michael was so good at drawing!


    I mean, holy crap:




    Okay, I don't know if he drew the last two. But it looks like it!


    I know! aren't they amazing!!! I love that first one and the one of the little boy and the one under the little boy.

  9. I understand. That's cool, we'll definitely meet up next time you're around!!

    I spend a LOT of time around UT :naughty:



    PS there are a few more MFCers around here: superstar and 77red, and Calicoskies :)



    Yeah, i've heard about superstar and 77red- I didn't know about calicoskies. We should totally all do something together!!!


    I found that muslims have some kind of marriage I havent ever heard about........... I dont know the name on english, but it says that its a men that can marry a women and all her sisters or one of her sisters if she dies or cant have babies Does that really exist??


    :boxed: I have never heard of that.

    I do know that in Islam men are allowed to marry up to four women, if and only if he treats them all the same. Well, that's how it is my sect- you might want to check up on that too- all 70 something sects of Islam have different rules.


    mine was cool too! how do you celebrate Eid in america? in malaysia,we prepare some special kind of dish on Eid's eve and on the next day,first thing in the morning,we'll go for Eid prayers before going off visiting relatives and close ones.it's pretty cool and i always have lots of fun doing it.also,we adapt to the chinese tradition of giving ang paus (money as gifts to those unmarried especially children) after each visit.


    my real names azliyana,but people call me yana for short.

    My parent's are from Pakistan so we just continue those traditions- we have a dish called Savanya...I have no idea how to transliterate it to English- lol. and then we do Henna and get everything ready the night before and in the morning we go to the Mosque for prayers and the sermon and when we're in Arizona with our relatives we go visit all of them but in Austin we just go to friends houses or have people over at our place. Yeah, we do the money tradition as well, but we just call it Eidee


    go ahead and watch the movie.it's hilarious!


    I second that. Watch both! They're awesome! I love Will Smith


    Lol ok, I'll try to hunt down both at the library or something


    Biographers like to make BLEEP up, especially about Michael.


    I KNOW!!! I read Ian Halperins- or whatever his last name was- there was a lot of stuff in there that I was opposed to. But it really cleared up the cases for me.

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