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Status Updates posted by Lui

  1. http://www.facebook.com/maryana88 hahaha olvide ponerte cual era mi face xD siempre me pasa eso ._.
  2. Lui

    :o lluviaaa!! yo quisiera tener lluvia :( aca solo hace calor xD
  3. Lui

    :ohh cool!

    yeah he looks like a model :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow


    woooow really expensive the hair! O_O

    but it looked like his real curls hhaha


    I thought the fabric of the Han-bok was more exppensive than the hair! :o



    awwww :wub2: of course... seeing his smile is enough paying :blush-anim-cl:


    he took away a little toy boy that I made for me, not for him :aah:, but I asked him to sign it but he liked it and he took away it u.u but his smile was enough for me :wub2:

  4. :S I'm scared about the puntuaction, I hope they don't loose the competition, if they do, I'm dead x_X

    but, yeah I hope they solve the problems soon u.u

  5. :S owww bad! :( yeah, when we were at the airport the people of security were rude with us u.u but mika is always so sweet :)


    well not too difficult :P is like work of an office XD I need to design some documents and print them, go for signatures of the boss and things like that... I'm like a secretary XD

    and the other part of the work is helping to the drawing teacher and he tell me to check the students and correct them if they are drawing wrong :P


    owww an internship is a full time job? so you want to be a teacher? :D

  6. :S q miedo un parcial! ya lo presentaste entonces? xD me confundi un poco jajaj

    y en histologia como te fue? horrible como decias? :o


    mmmm... no estan tan marcadas, pero si quieres puedo ver si se las quito, es que seria tipo como repintar esa parte de la cara xD un trabajo de restauracion de arte jajajajaja pero prometo intentarlo cuando tenga tiempo :3

  7. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/search.php?searchid=4026962

    mira, ahi puedes ver donde has posteado :)


    y creo que no pusiste tu fotito bien, mira desde aqui es donde la puedes cambiar :D



    y al chat tampoco me dejo entrar o_O


    aww sii eso es lo bonito de aqui que puedes conocer a muchas nuevas personas de todo el mundo *O*

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4vpm6RmaXM yes! you were right!!! :) thanks for the info


    PS:I asked you about the beatles because I don't know if I misunderstood one of your comments but... did you see the beatles at the airoport arriving?? :o

  9. :o aww bueno a veces las cosas pasan por algoooo ves? te pagaran en servicios medicoooos! :D que buenooo x) ahorra tu dinero para mika conciertos :P


    que cenaras de navidad?

  10. Lui

    :o but... I'm confused... you write english perfectly, but you can't speak it? why? but you can understand someone speaking english?(sorry if they are stupid questions but another friend from Asia told me that she can't speak english neither)


    ohhh really? what did they say in that interview? when is your gig? O_O next week or something, isn't it? XD are you very excited!!!???


    I'm happy that your mum is better :)


    they are demanding you to prepare all the desserts? O_O and in a little kitchen? it sounds like a challenge xD mmm... at least the pay is good? xD


    why Mika lives in korea D-12? xD

  11. :o entonces no te encuentro DX me pasas tu mail para agregarte? :D

    sii bueno jajaja asi no deberia ser pero para eso usan los foros algunos ¬¬ xD pero mejor q esten activos hahaha

  12. :o pediatria! dbes querer mucho a los niños ^^


    yo estudio diseño y comunicacion visual, ya acabo este diciembre! :D

  13. :o por turnos? :o como? xD y cuanto tiempo es? :|

    jaajajaja noo no eres mala solo eres realista :mf_rosetinted:

  14. :o que mal =/ espero no sea con palancas eso esta super injusto ¬¬ pero a veces asi pasa u.u estudiale demasiado para que hasta te rueguen por dejarte entrar!


    ufff!! tener horario mixto es la muerteeee D: porque si vas en la mañana ya en la tarde no tienes concentrancia xD pero que horario prefieres tu?

  15. :o really? different genres? I thought both were pop!

    so... before the shows mika wasn't tha famous in korea?? :o


    ahahaha yes, we need cooking lessons D:


    woow I'm glad to read that your students are better in the class! whichc surprise did you give them?:teehee:

  16. Lui

    :o what is a part time job? :P

    so you need to work first to save money and then you will get your trip? :D


    owww Europe!! yes!!!! MEXICO!!! of courseeeee!!!! XD pleaseee

  17. :o what!!?

    why your boss hates you? :S

    that is so unpolite! talking behind your back! >=O


    awwwI loved those paper planes! they looked amazing!:mf_lustslow:


    in Mika's concert who got the idea of doing that? you? :D

    and you didn't had problems with the venue for doing that? :o

  18. :o wow algo contrastantes tus carreras xD

    y sabes tocar algun instrumento?:D

    y porque quiere que renuncies? :S

    ya seee!! odio las inyecciones D: pero obvio duele mas sin el bloqueo epidural noo?? :S o valdra la pena no inyectarte? :|

  19. :(:( que horrible u.u odio que las cosas esten asi de feas en Mexico pero como cuanto tiempo tiene? medio año?


    exactoo!! y si son exagerados o las cosas empeoran hasta van a dejar de venir a la ciudad de mexico y otros estados tambien :( es horrible

  20. Lui

    :tears::tears: your description is lovely is amazing! is gorgeous!:tears:


    ohh my dear I wanna cry!

    it makes me remind how amazing is Mika... god! I wanna see him live!!! u.u


    OF COURSE!! I'm dying for going to see him live there with you!! :(


    as far as I remember my mika flu takes 10 days to get away xD


    eat chocolate!!! :P

  21. Lui

    5 hours is too much :S

    maybe you should quit u.u it's not healthy being in the bus or subway all those hours...

    And have you ever try to get a job near to your home, in your town?


    oww you have had too many prizes! obviusly you are talented (as you have showed me before) mmm... this is complicated =/


    I understand you! I want a job where I can be happy and do what I like :( but that is really difficult to get u.u


    you should find a job in your city, maybe you could find something simple but with the time it could get better :D

  22. Lui

    ah! I got wrong my question was "WHY" not what :lol: xD

  23. ahh casi no me paso por aqui porq esta cosa siempre me saca la sesion y odio que me haga eso ¬¬

    seeeee toca raaiiiiin!!!!! :D:D:D:D quiero escucharteeee


    mmmm yo quiero mmmm... no se 1 o 2 niños xD jajaja por ahora no quiero pero he soñado muuy seguido q estoy embarazada o q tengo niños a mi cuidado O_O sera una señal¿

  24. ahh don't worry! take your time :)

    I was just worried if you received it xD


    take care!! :3

  25. ahh perdon por no responder xD las fiestas tu sabes :P


    wow tu cena hizo que se me hiciera agua la boca! *O* y mas porque estoy a dieta -_- lo detesto

    me la pase bieeen!! comi mucho! amo la comida *¬* pero quiero entrar en mi vestido de graduacion xD


    y no te preocupes no creo que haya mika conciertos pronto ¬¬

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