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Status Updates posted by Lui

  1. Lui

    ohh I see!


    in korea's gig was when he had a tipical costume on stage? :D I wanna see those pics! if you have the link could you pass it to me? :)



    wooow wonderful! but you need just buying the cd to win it? :o


    hahaha so you are shopaholic! but hey! you work for buying your stuff! don't feel bad about it!! :D

  2. Lui

    wow amazing!!! you a re a really good daugther :)

    what did they say about their gift? :D


    wow what's that 40 page note? it is like a booklet of a cd? :o

    could you show it to me!? XD well just if there is something new :D


    but, if you win, are you going to win a meet and greet or something like that¿ XDD

  3. what a veautiful pic... :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:

    but he looks really skinny :S



    thanks my friend! :D

  4. Lui

    by the way...


    the gig is in two weeks! I'm really excited

  5. Lui

    wow a parents day! haha here each parent have their own day :P

    in may for mothers and in june for fathers xD


    I made a pop-up card to my mom

    but I don't know what to do for my dad :P

  6. hey! I'm fine thanks!

    don't worry ;) take your time haha

    are you ready for today?? XD


    because you are going to see mika live right?

  7. Lui

    yep the chili world hahahha :drool::drool:


    in which place are you in mika's magic numbers? XD


    woow the sea! it looks gorgeous!!!! :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:


    yeah I like going to the sea, it's very relaxing :)


    but I haven't been there since the past year :P


    this weekend we celebrate the mother's day!! do you celebrate it too? :)

  8. hii!

    I really love your avatar, the pic of the teen vogue magazine! do you have it in good quality?

    thanks in advance :)

  9. hi Asia!

    can you get in to mikasounds? =/

    I can't again u.u

  10. Lui

    yep! there are too many things that you can eat with chili!

    you will see when I'll send it haha x) and also when you'll come!


    kimchi! wow I searched about it and it looks good! really tasty! :D

    YEAH! haha when I'll be there you'll feed me with kimchi!! nice! xD thanks my friend :P


    awww I know! he looks really cute and sweet in that tv program!

    do you think the private concerts that he will give for the magic numbers will be like that? :o

  11. Lui

    haha don't worry! sometimes I don't have time neither :S

    ahh the pics when he's in his house?



    I always but them via internet, I hope this friday I could buy my tickets for Paul McCartney XD



    yeaaah!¨its amazing! *O*

  13. Lui

    wow!! really there are koreans studying in UNAM? :shocked:

    I didn't know it! Amazing! :biggrin2:


    I love chili too :mf_lustslow: I can't eat anything without adding some chili XD


    for example right now I'm eating a lemon ice cream with chili! :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:


    I know what I wanna send you! you love mangoes right? I will send you some chili mangoes! :aah::aah:

    and other things that I'm still thinking haha


    did you see the concert in the house? live@house I think

    wasn't it amazing=? :teehee::teehee:

  14. hi! how are you? :)

    I would like to know which is the video of your signature gift, I guess it's from touches you but, do you have the link? pleasee! :D

  15. Lui

    yey!! amazing! XD HERDEZ it's a company mainly of vegetables :P

    you need to taste the mexican food! :D:D it's really flavorish hahaha ( i don't think that word exist)


    great!!! XD so I'm gonna prepare my package of chili candies, I hope in two weeks I could send it to you!!! :D

  16. Lui

    well... here in mexico there is an interesting situation about the college, there is a univerity (the biggest and the best in latin america, it's called UNAM and they are really cool because the cost of the minimum cost of annual inscription it's 10 cents of dollar! O_O imagine!! well, you can pay more but if you don't have enough money you can pay the minimum... the problem with this unversity is the demand, many many people want to get in, even from other countries :o so the test of selection is the hardest thing that I ever done! x_X I got a trauma... but besides of the minimal cost of inscription they also have scholarship! like 1300 dollars per year! I think I really love my university :)


    yeah! work sucks! but hey! your last works are amazing! preparing chocolate and building monumental people! xD by the way... what do you need to do in your wine job? :o


    aww what a pity! =/ I wish you could get your dream job in pierre u.u

  17. Lui

    great! :D I'm dying for working and earning my own money! XD

    my parents rarely give me money to spend in my own stuff

    but I've always have had scholarship so, I got my money for my things from it, but when I finish school I won't have more scholarship xD


    yeah :( school time is the best of the life u.u I'm gonna miss it!!! :'(


    thanks for your words my talented friend too! :D

    but I don't know what I wanna work! :o


    I searched Pierre Herme in internet and OMG! you should work there! will you do a Request of employment :D?


    yey!!! cool! an interchange of food! NICE! XD

    when you know something just tell me :)


    PS: Paul Mccartney is going to do another concert here!! XDDDD

    I will have another chance to get tickets! I'm really excited!

  18. Lui

    PS: about the chili candies. I asked in the postal service and they told me that you should ask to your local postal service uf the allow enter to korea candies because, if not you won't receive it and they will stop them in the customs u.u and you'll have to wait when you'll come to visit me :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: hahahaha kidding!!!

  19. Lui

    woooow you have been worked so much in your life! O-o I'm your fan :bow:

    but...you have worked because you wanted money to buy things for you? or you need to help the economy of your family?

    I haven't worked properly yet :S I'm a little worried about it! :boxed:

    some times I sell my paints and drawings or chocolates but not a part time job :S and this december I'm gonna finish university and next I'm going to need to search a job :S I'm a little scared!


    hahahaha I imagined to you rolling on the floor with your lovehandle out of control xD :roftl::roftl:


    well I'm in the same situation, don't worry :mf_rosetinted:

    I ate too much liquid chocolate with my hot cakes :teehee:


    ohh!! Pierre Herme... macaroon? like pasta? or is it a kind of chocolate?

  20. Lui

    hi Ana! how are youu?

    hahaha your avatar is really funny

    that was the first mika pic that I saw in my life xD

  21. Lui

    hahaha I know! but you know what is funnier? when I receive a mail from the organizers they said the same in the promotion!! they said something like "It's your last chance to see paul live! :o they are mean!


    now you're working in a whine shop? :o how many works do you have?

    wooow your lovehandle will grow up! hahahaha

    I want to eat chocolate but my mother haven't buy more ¬¬

    what's pierre Herme? :o

  22. Lui

    yeah maybe it was my fault, I got into the page where they sold the tickets half of an hour late to buy them u.u


    anyway... I hope too that I could be there! he's not as young as mika so I guess this is the last chance to see him live! xD


    but tell me! how have been your week? :)

  23. Lui

    u.u both, there prices were too high and also the show got sold out very quickly... but the venue is for 50 000 people!! O_O

    I'm going to see if the day of the concert there are tickets available :)


    thanks for your words Rim you're very kind x)

  24. ohh really cool! XD

    I guess you have been in the carnival many times! how is the bive there? xD


    I added you in msn too! but we haven't had the oportunity to talk there! :P

  25. Lui

    I'm sad u.u I didn't get tickets to see paul mccartney live :(

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