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Posts posted by Iridaceae

  1. I loved the interview! (and the pics of course:naughty:) It was the most interesting one I've read so far I think.

    The relationship thing surprised me a bit, I wasn't expecting him to be this "open" about it (of course he isn't open, but relatively open).

    Also the interviewer states that Mika is "strange", but what would you want to call normal, the average person just doesn't really excist. It doesn't make sense to me to call someone strange, imo he's just eccentric or creative..

    Also: "He's this triangular-shaped, perfect older man with just the right ingredients of madness and humility ... he's got a big white beard and he's covered in feathers that he steals from his pet peacock." I thought Dr. John stole feathers from his magic chickens?:blink:

  2. I've got my tickets for my 2nd Muse gig (in Rotterdam, The Netherlands)!

    I went on the fan pre-sale about 5 minutes after it opened, but my dad couldn't find his creditcard:sneaky2:... so the standing tickets were already sold out when I finally got hold of one. I've got seated tickets now, but 2 of us have standing tickets.. and 4 of us don't (and my sister is now going to kill me because her best friend has standing tickets and I ordered seated tickets for her:aah:).


    Anyway, I'm happy that I've got my tickets. :roll1:

  3. :Update:


    is dancing like an empowered drunk suicidal elk to Y.A.S. "Get it right" in his hotel room

    5 minutes ago from web


    OMG it was all shot with the Canon camera that I just got to film all my stuff with, wow, the camera looks just like a reg SLR camera, wow

    16 minutes ago from web


    i LOVE this video, made by Sednaoui... have watched it 4 times already, there is nothing like it out there http://tinyurl.com/ncp9q3

    19 minutes ago from web

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