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Posts posted by Iridaceae

  1. I've finished my translation (typo's included):

    Hasselt - Hold yourselves for a new offensive of Mika, the singer who became famous in 2007 and suddenly was a superstar.

    An EP, an album in september and a sitting concert in Brussels on june 4th are the main points of the campagne that the curly head proposed himself in Brussels yesterday.


    Even his own record company Universal was shocked by the plans of the Libenese-French-British vedette.

    The past weeks the 25-year old travelled througout Europe to personally make journalists hear his new album and inviting them for dinner.


    Credit Crunch


    Yesterday it was Brussels' turn. In the expensive ICP studio the star played his album- title unknown, release "somewhere in september"-.

    "My first album was the soundtrack of my childhood.

    From there I moved on to the sound of my teenage years, as if I'm filling in the movie within my head" says Mika about an album that, after listening of ten tracks, the predecessor at least equals qua versatility and hit potential.

    Clearly the credit crunch doesn't affect Mika that much.

    The numbers -5 million sold copies of Mika's debut album 'Life in Cartoon Motion', of which 160.000 in Belgium alone- provoke (?) the imagination.

    The acoustic concert that Mika gives on the 4th of july in the AB is clearly a teaser: he easily sells out stadiums.

    Though yesterday there was more than only announcing the new album. From tomorrow on there are new numbers up for downloading at Mika's website, that end up altoghether on an EP ('Songs for Sorrow' recorded with Owen Pallet from Arcade Fire Note from translator: that's rubbish, he's from final fantasy).

    The EP is a warming up for the cd that's due for release this september. You can buy the EP from Mika's site and from the 25th of may in the stores from fashion king Paul Smith, who is a regular supplier for Mika's wardrobe.

    "Songs for Sorrow" is going to be an art book, in which the four songs are given to several artist and designers as a source of inspiration.

    One of them is Walter Van Beirendonck.

  2. Ok work can wait:naughty:

    I love this article.


    From Los40.com

    Part 1

    Last week, we got a surprise invitation we could not reject: Mika was going to be in Madrid to present in exclusive his new cd to a select group of journalists. The date was Friday, the 8th at a hidden recording studio, and Los40.com was there to tell you everything.


    After leaving at the door mobiles and recording devices, we were led to a room where Mika greeted us in person. Tall, very thin, with a hat and a perennial smile on his lips, the artist talked to us briefly about the details of his next two installments (?). To listen to his awaited second album it will be necessary to wait until September, but can open our appetite (*) with Songs of Sorrow, an acoustic EP with four songs in which the artist has wanted to change his register: as he told us, his desire was to write a collection of songs that were "dark fairy tales". Two of them are already on his web page, but we could listen a third, titled Toy boy, which twisted theme Mika explained to us, between laughs:" It's about a doll that is left by its owner, a child. His mother grabs it and decides to use it to do a voodoo to his husband, who has left her". Musically, the song is inspired by old Disney movies of the forties. Songs of sorrow will go on sale on May 29, in a limited edition that will include a book of illustrations inspired by the songs of the album, featuring diverse top artists.


    *The spanish girls can correct me. Some are spanish expressions that I don't know how to translate

    That's very interesting! Thanks for the translation :)

  3. Ik kan er pas om half 7 zijn, dat wordt dus achteraan zitten:shocked:

    Tenzij ik mn ouders over kan halen om de hele dag niet naar school te gaan en vooruit te reizen (we gaan namelijk met zn 3'en, maar de rest heeft examen tot half 5 :emot-sad:) maar dat zal wel niet lukken..

    **Idee uit eigenbelang, gaat toch niet werken, maar ik kan altijd nog hopen: kan het concertgebouw geen stoelen voor MFC members vooraan reserveren ofzo:naughty: Dat zou wel leuk zijn, als we weten met hoeveel mfc-ers we zijn dat ze dan dat aantal reserveren... **

  4. That sucks, can't you go yourself with the train maybe?:wink2:

    Or maybe you know someone who lives [close to]/in Amsterdam?

    Unfortunately I don't know anyone who lives in or close to Amsterdam :(

    But I go with 2 others and if I go early on my own we won't be sitting next to eachother... (and I've never travelled on my own by train either)

    *edit* the t-shirt idea sounds good to me, if the design is picked, can I also use it (because I'm a reasonably new member of mfc and so on)? I've got some special paper which you can print on and then iron on your shirt. *edit*

  5. So, I can stay @nadina's place the night before..so I can go an sit before the 'concertgebouw' veeeerrrrrryyyy early. But I hope more people can come early, I think it's gonna be a loooong day :naughty:

    You're so lucky that you're able to come early. I'm going with my sis and her friend and they have their final examinations maths until 16.30 and I live in the north and we'll have to drive through the extremely busy traffic around 17.00.. So I guess I'll end up sitting in the back of the venue.

  6. Maybe .. But I think it's for something else .. Because it's an extra message and it says "Mika gives" .. so it doesn't have to do anything with the concertseats or so .. I think :wink2:

    I don't think it's something to do with the seats either. I'm curious to know if everyone gets a code or only the people who bought their tickets in the pre-sale..


    There only two problems: I don't know how I'll get to Amsterdam from here (Drenthe), and I've got to skip school the day after the gig because I won't be able to catch a train home (well, actually that's not really a problem:biggrin2:) Maybe I can sleep somewhere under a bridge or something:naughty:

  7. I recall Mika doesn't actually eat fish...maybe his little legend is what he tells people as the reason:wink2:

    He does eat fish I think (herring is fish, isn't it:blush-anim-cl:)

    Found on twitter:

    vacation over work has started, got half an hour to kill, gonna get myself some herring and an espresso

    6:29 AM May 5th from web

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