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Posts posted by Iridaceae

  1. I can't watch it! :(


    I can't watch it dammit *sobs*:aah:


    I can..


    Maybe you can if you try this:

    -go to http://www.zdf.de

    -then click on zdf mediathek; another screen opens

    -then type in that screen on the place that says Suchbegriff (by Inhalt): "Mika" or "Mika gewinnen ist nicht alles" and hit the enter button

    -then your search results appear and you only have to click on it and click on the orange play thing in the bottom of the screen.


    I hope I've made it a bit clearer, and I hope it'll work for you:wink2:

  2. well I know that it was his grandmother who was obsessed with Grace Kelly as I actually recall hearing him say that (it was in an interview which I came across on youtube a few weeks back) but about the crush on Renee Zellwegger I have absolutely no idea?!? where was that interview from anyone know??? I'm curious

    I accidentally came across that interview today:

    at around 2:49 he says that grace kelly is his grandmothers icon.

    I didn't know about the Renee Zellweger thing either! Thanks for the link Kelzy.:thumb_yello:

  3. Ik vind dat 'lets keep my private life exactly what it is..private' ook gruwelijk irritant. Het is een artiest, dan krijg je dat soort dingen. En net juist daardoor komt alle aandacht op het 'gay/nietgay' te liggen :teehee:

    Ja, en daardoor gaat de aandacht juist van de muziek af, terwijl hij juist wil dat het over de muziek gaat.

  4. :shocked: Ik ben een paar dagen weg en we hebben nu al een part 30!

    Heb ik nog iets gemist?


    Anyways: om me even in de discussie in te mengen, ik weet het niet hoor, iedereen zegt wel dat ie homo zou zijn, maar dat is waarschijnlijk omdat hij er niet over wil praten. Maar waarom zou je er niet over willen praten?

    Ik vind hem er tegenwoordig minder camp uitzien dan vroeger, misschien komt het door de andere kleding ofzo.


    Thanks for posting! I've downloaded it, it's a very good interview.:thumb_yello:


    The stupid thing is that I was watching "De rode loper" this week and Placebo was on because they were playing in Brussels that night. So I thought: "maybe they'll have Mika on friday". But I totally forgot it, and when I switched it on I was just in time to see the closing credits of the show.:aah:

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