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Posts posted by Angelcakes

  1. *sigh*


    Yes, it's just a sad fact that last minute stuff like this is not an option for us parents is it. :sneaky2:. Even if this show was ten miles down the road from me it'd still be a problem. It's not a case of taking a day off work. You can't take a day off from your kids :naughty:. Unless you have an endless supply of free, last-minute babysitters!! Maybe some people do, but most of us don't, do we. :dunno:


    I don't let it get to me now because there is nothing I can do and at the end of the day..there'll be other times :thumb_yello:.


    Agree with you there, another one of those with a child so cannot drop everything. My poor hubby was fab for Sadler's Wells and Blackpool, I couldn't have done either without him. Just need to hang on for the tour and then hubby gets to see him too (he is also a fan, just not as fanatical as me !!)

    Can I join the party online ? :biggrin2:

  2. Thanks Sheena!! Can't wait to watch it.

    My footage from the gig is kinda crappy (very shaky and kinda grainy due to lighting) but hey, here it is anyway. I didn't do the full Grace Kelly as I couldn't see his head well, but the rest are all there:

    Grace Kelly:



    Blame It On The Girls:















    Tiny part of the meeting at the end, just before everyone started getting up and approaching him to ask for stuff:







    Sariflor, I love you. You nearly made me cry. I was so hoping that someone, somewhere got my gift giving on camera - and you did !! Can't see his face but can just hear him commenting on how much he likes it. Brilliant !!!!!! :wub2:

  3. Hey Folks!


    OMG what a night!


    Try to keep my report breif and not get too fan girly but can't make any promises.


    Didn't sleep the night before. Eventually went to bed at 4am, lay there for an hour annoying my partner with my tossing and turning, then got up and showered at 5am! Lol! was just a little excited!


    Marc (HJ) arrived at 7.40 from N.Wales and by 8am i was driving to Blackpool. We arrived at just before 9 and parked pretty far out. Wandered into Blackpool to locate the Winter Gardens. When we first arrived it was all closed up, we wandered around the little collectables fair and then went to grab a Starbucks. At 11ish went back and meet the lovely Angelcakes (Ange you are so lovely honey!) then decided it was quiet enough to move the car closer. Ended up parked on Church street just up the road from the venue.


    Got back at about 11.30 to find that venue was now opened up and we located Rose at the coffee shop style place and we had a chat. At this point the WY fans were already Qing! Said Hi to Julie and Co, who were really nice.


    After about 15 mins we decided it would be safer to establish our position in the Q. Turned out not to be all that important but rather safe than sorry!


    Qing was the best I've experienced and not just because it was inside. The MfCer really made it wonderful. Not going to try to name everybody because I know I'll leave someone out but guys thanks ao much, the atmosphere was fantastic and we did the MFC and Mika proud. Special thanks to Kath for organising the hats, really was a stroke of genius!


    Highlight of the Q? Viv (Sparkly) gettin taken away (jokingly) for imitating the security guard! LMAO!! Viv, you rock!


    The only downside of the day (and it wasn't major just annoyed me) was the way some people acted when the doors were opened. They ran full belt inside and I was almost knocked off my feet going down the stairs. Thankfully I was with Marc so he ran ahead and got a spot whist I slowly made my way down. Front row just off to the right near Sparkly, Liz and Jo.


    I loved that Kate picked up on the Gold hats, everytime Mika ot a mention the crowd went mad and the atmosphere was electric.


    Breifly on other acts: I liked Pixie Lott, wasn't sure who she was before the gig. She has great legs!! Lol! nDidn't really see Newton Faulker or Daniel Merriweather as they were on the opposite stage meaning I was back row and being 5t tall isn't good. Marc tried to hold the camera up so i could see it on film but didn't help all that much. Will young was great, he semed a bit uncomfortable at times tho...but having never seen him before it's hard to tell. I've got a couple of great pics of him tho which hopefully I'll be able to pass on to the WY fans.


    And onto the main act its self!!! Was really happy to see Kate have glitter on her face when she came out to introduce Mika, made me totally grin. She seemed as hyped up as we did! Lol!


    Words cannot describe how great Mika was, Grace Kelly was fab and quite different than any other time I've heard it. BIOTG was amazing, and I loved the whole audience sing off thing. Faith was a wonderful cover and totally suited his voice. WAG!!! First time I've heard this live and OMG It's fab. Think it will have done his sales the world of good, if everyone there doesn't rush out and by it now there is something wrong with them! Finished with the Epic Lollipop complete with drums, ballons and confetti as always. He looks so damn HOT with the shirt collar up like that, I swaer I started drooling!!!:wub2:

    I've forgot at which point but Mika spotted Marc in the front row in his HJ costume and acknolegdeded (sp?) him which was really fab, there was a total look of surprise on his face!! Hehehe


    The whole time he looked so happy and relaxed in himself, he really was having a ball. I hated that he couldn't just keep going, because I'm sure he would have!!


    The meet and greet afterwards was really great. When he came out there was a moment when i held my breath, expecting everyone to rush him but the atmosphere was so calm and it was clear that the vast majority of people just wanted a chilled chat. I was in the group photos near Mika, but I'm behind several people and don't know if I'm visable! Lol!


    Got to talk to Mika and a litle hug. When people started asking for individual photo's I dropped back a but. As much as I would love a bit with him I didn't want to ruin the relaxed atmosphere, so no pics or autographs for me (apart from the group pic) but without doubt the best M&G I've ever been to.


    Okay thats it. Once again a huge thanks to the MFC, old and new faces for making being a fan so special.


    P.S a few pics and lollipop on vid to follow when I find my memory card dongle!


    Thanks for your kind words Vicky :wub2:


    I too noticed that Kate had glitter on and seemed excited about Mika, but I'd forgotten until you mentioned it.


    Excellent report :thumb_yello:

  4. Nice to meet so many of you Yesterday.. it was a great gig with a brilliant atmosphere. Enjoyed all of the acts and I was in the bar afterwards with my family when Mika came in you lucky lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin2: His set was AMAZING BTW..I was stood at the side at this point.


    If anyone has any photos of Will I would be so grateful!! I hardly ever take any as I cant concentrate on Will:mf_lustslow: and he looked so pretty:wub2:


    Hope to see you all at a gig in the future.


    Julie x


    Lovely to meet you too Julie (we chatted quite a bit didn't we ?)


    I had some photo's which are OK of Will. PM me your email address and I'll send them. I'm already sending to a lady who was stood next to me at the barrier who was also a fan and said she had a rubbish camera !

  5. Ok finally my report (and then off for a sleep I'm shattered !!)


    I went to check out the venue, queuing etc around 11ish and bumped into Mikafish there. I also met Julie, the Will Young fan who posted on the forum here, a few days ago. She was one determined lady and was first in the queue from 11AM and stayed there !


    I went home for some lunch and got back around 2ish and there were around 20 people there. I met the lovely Mikalove=), a lovely chatty girl and also Sariflor and friends came and sat behind me. Great to chat to you Sariflor :biggrin2:


    There were only 20 or 30 of us in the queue for some time and we decided perhaps we didn't need to queue so early, but we were there by then !!

    I also met Rose-RAK1 (and the trusty MFC flag, which I duely signed), Vixenbbw, Blue Eyes, Jester Kevin, Sarah_lollipop, Abby, Kath, Sparkly1, Babspanky, kt4mika, hotdlp, bexxy & dominic, violetsky and apologies if I've forgotten any others.

    You were all really lovely and welcoming and made queuing such a great experience. It seemed to go quite fast really.


    As other said we got inside around 7.15 and all ran for the stage that looked the biggest (mikalove spotted the glitter and mika's balls - lol, so we knew we were in the right place !).

    I asked a security guard for the running order - Pixie Lott, Newton Faulkner, Will Young, Daniel Merriweather and Mika and the message was passed along via mikalove to everyone else. I was to the right of the stage directly infront of the speaker and could feel the base in my chest when they ramped it up. I wasn't moving though. First and only time at the barrier for a gig and I was going to make the most of it !

    I had a really good view and Mika's piano was quite near. I got photo's but most of them are a bit blurred as I switched off the flash, they were too grainy with it. I will post what/when I can.


    He was in such party mood and came out with the attitude of lets get everyone joining in, singing, dancing and having fun.

    Other's have commented on the songs (Faith was excellent). Odd snatches I remember are him saying are "I know this wooden floor is sprung - lets bounce !!", motioning for a gold bowler hat to wear for WAG and waffling about feeling pregnant !


    I came out exhausted and on a high.

    I gave him this necklace


    with Mika personalised (other MFCers saw me wearing it in the day) and explained about the WAG reference with the cassette and he said something like "Cool, I like that Thankyou". I then asked for a photo with it and him (to prove that just happened mostly) and followed him asking 3 times until finally he gave in, checked I wasn't endorsing a website and then posed with it (Thanks kt4mika and also mikafish who tried earlier with my camera !).

    I felt soooo guilty for keep asking but knew this moment was unlikely to ever happen again so I should go for it.

    Does anyone else remember the necklace thing ? What he said to me ? Did you catch a photo/video at the time ? Its all a bit blurry now....

    I SOOOOOO hope I didn't upset him.


    At the M&G I was struck at how relaxed it was and even for the group photo with people packed around him, he didn't seem particularly worried about dodgy fans or anything.

    I love how he keeps saying he has to go and then gets drawn back into coversation, autographs, photo's etc I think its coz he is so nice and he likes it really !


    Then it was all over


    Phew, sorry about such a long post !!!!:teehee:


    A day to remember ! :biggrin2:

  6. Just managed to get up and have breakfast and now I'm back on here!! :roftl:


    Ruth's report is really full so I won't repeat it but I wanted to say that yesterday was, by a mile, my best experience of meeting MFCr's...as I've had some hideous experiences in the past!

    Jo and I are shy and like to do our little Mika thing together so it's not really great for mixing with strangers but we both said that we'd really enjoyed chatting to the people we were with and it had actually been fun!! That's a BIG thing for us!! :naughty:


    We'd arrived at 12.30pm and met up with Mikafish, Holy Johnny and Ruth and did the same as Ruth and turned right round and got our things from the car sorted and came back! So we were behind the next two WY fans with Blue Eyes and her husband & Jemmalee (who keep our place for us whilst we did the carpark dash!!! :roftl:


    The people I gave tickets to came to thank me and I felt all embarassed :blush-anim-cl: but was really glad to have been able to give other MFCr's the chance to be there. FD asked me three times during the day how I'd managed to get all the tickets!! Freddie, if you've forgotten again....just PM me and I'll tell you!!!!


    The M&G was the best I've been to so far too and it was lovely just being able to chat to him calmly. I asked whether he had been told about us wearing the gold hats and he said that he'd been watching the gig and when Kate Thornton (or as Meeks said..."that female presenter...what's her name??" me " Kate"...him "Oh, yes, Kate") said about us wearing the gold hats for WAG at which point I nudged his arm and said.."come on...you knew they were for you!" at which he giggled and said..."well, I kinda realised at that point!" :wub2:

    Anyways, I managed to post a few pics lastnight but will post some more of the MFCr's and the M&G and then my couple of vids.


    Am of to do some uploading now!!


    What a fab night!


    Great report. Good to meet you :wub2:


    I heard the start of that conversation, but not the end, I was straining to hear. How sweet though. :biggrin2:

  7. The whole event sounded wonderful. Reading about it and listening to the radio are 2 very different things. It sounded well organised and went perfectly to time, but seeing the pictures that people have taken, it must have made being there really special.


    Ruth, I loved your review, and everyone else who has posted their exeriences. Great reading. I so wish I'd have gone but I'm sure Mikafish and Holy Johnny (who I gave my tickets to) had a ball. Can't wait for your review MF..........


    I was right next to Mikafish and Mika when she said she must pass on a message that you had given your tickets up and couldn't be there and he was very gracious and listened to her. I think he said something about that being very nice of you (foggy brain from over excitement !) :thumb_yello:

  8. so glad you had a wonderful time, but I don't understand the bit on bold :naughty:


    I bought the cassette necklace from a website and got it personalised with Mika on it. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't from said website getting someone famous to endorse the products ! I didn't get what he was saying at first either.

    He wanted to make sure his pic wasn't gonna appear on a website saying - I think this necklace is great - buy them !


    Hope that explains.....:blush-anim-cl:

  9. I just got back from the gig!


    What an amazing night, it's the first time I've got to see Mika live and he was as brilliant as I'd imagined. Had such a brilliant view, I was stood behind a load of MFCers all in their gold hats haha, didnt have one of my own thought. I'd like to say thanks to a lady as well for letting me and my friend know we were at the right stage, (I dont know her name, just that she had on a gold hat and had long dark hair). What a nightmare that could have been to go to the other stage haha!

    Mika himself was sooooo good, and looking great as always. He got the crowd really worked up with 'Blame it on the girls' which has got to be a triumph for a new song. His cover of 'Faith' was excellent and his set had to be the best of the evening! It was all covered in sliver glittery stuff and there were umbrella's and trash cans (one of which Mika played) dotted around. Then he played lollipop to finish.


    Thats about it for my report, I'm still buzzing! I came home all covered in glitter and wouldnt have it any other way! An amazing night, it went way to fast.


    Good report ! I'm too tired to do my report. Only to say I was at the barrier at the front, Mika was FULL of energy. Came out afterwards and told the MFC we were awesome (or similar) and that we are always great for him.

    I gave him the necklace (the cassette one) which he really liked, then followed him around until I got a photo (and then he was really worried I was from the website and he was endorsing it - which I felt SOOOO bad about as it was not the case). Thanks kt4mika for getting the photo for me ! I Love You xx

    He touched my shoulder as he left - awww (I'm only 5ft 3). He posed for photo's with the MFC (about 5 or 6 photo's in fact). He was adorable !


    Had an amazing day and really happy to have met you all (so many names to remember !). MFC ROCKS !!!!!!!! :wub2::biggrin2::mf_lustslow:

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